看透 Spring MVC 源代码分析与实践 —— 俯视 Spring MVC

Spring MVC

Spring MVC 之初体验


在 IDEA 中新建一个 web 项目,用 Maven 管理项目的话,在 pom.xml 中加入 Spring MVC 和 Servlet 依赖即可。



Spring MVC 简单配置

  • 在 web.xml 中配置 Servlet

  • 创建 Spring MVC 的 xml 配置文件

  • 创建 Controller 和 View












package controller;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import entity.User;

@Controller  //类似Struts的Action
public class TestController {

    @RequestMapping("/test/login.do")  // 请求url地址映射,类似Struts的action-mapping
    public String testLogin(@RequestParam(value="username")String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request) {
        // @RequestParam是指请求url地址映射中必须含有的参数(除非属性 required=false, 默认为 true)
        // @RequestParam可简写为:@RequestParam("username")

        if (!"admin".equals(username) || !"admin".equals(password)) {
            return "loginError"; // 跳转页面路径(默认为转发),该路径不需要包含spring-servlet配置文件中配置的前缀和后缀
        return "loginSuccess";

    public ModelAndView testLogin2(String username, String password, int age){
        // request和response不必非要出现在方法中,如果用不上的话可以去掉
        // 参数的名称是与页面控件的name相匹配,参数类型会自动被转换

        if (!"admin".equals(username) || !"admin".equals(password) || age < 5) {
            return new ModelAndView("loginError"); // 手动实例化ModelAndView完成跳转页面(转发),效果等同于上面的方法返回字符串
        return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("../index.jsp"));  // 采用重定向方式跳转页面
        // 重定向还有一种简单写法
        // return new ModelAndView("redirect:../index.jsp");

    public ModelAndView testLogin3(User user) {
        // 同样支持参数为表单对象,类似于Struts的ActionForm,User不需要任何配置,直接写即可
        String username = user.getUsername();
        String password = user.getPassword();
        int age = user.getAge();

        if (!"admin".equals(username) || !"admin".equals(password) || age < 5) {
            return new ModelAndView("loginError");
        return new ModelAndView("loginSuccess");

    @Resource(name = "loginService")  // 获取applicationContext.xml中bean的id为loginService的,并注入
    private LoginService loginService;  //等价于spring传统注入方式写get和set方法,这样的好处是简洁工整,省去了不必要得代码

    public String testLogin4(User user) {
        if (loginService.login(user) == false) {
            return "loginError";
        return "loginSuccess";

@RequestMapping 可以写在方法上,也可以写在类上,上面代码方法上的 RequestMapping 都含有 /test , 那么我们就可以将其抽出直接写在类上,那么方法里面就不需要写 /test 了。


public class TestController {

    @RequestMapping("/login.do")  // 请求url地址映射,类似Struts的action-mapping
    public String testLogin(@RequestParam(value="username")String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request) {
        // @RequestParam是指请求url地址映射中必须含有的参数(除非属性 required=false, 默认为 true)
        // @RequestParam可简写为:@RequestParam("username")

        if (!"admin".equals(username) || !"admin".equals(password)) {
            return "loginError"; // 跳转页面路径(默认为转发),该路径不需要包含spring-servlet配置文件中配置的前缀和后缀
        return "loginSuccess";

上面的代码方法的参数中可以看到有一个 @RequestParam 注解,其实还有 @PathVariable 。这两个的区别是啥呢?

  • @PathVariable 标记在方法的参数上,利用它标记的参数可以利用请求路径传值。

  • @RequestParam是指请求url地址映射中必须含有的参数(除非属性 required=false, 默认为 true)


@RequestMapping("/user/{userId}")  // 请求url地址映射
public String userinfo(Model model, @PathVariable("userId") int userId,  HttpSession session) {
         System.out.println("进入  userinfo  页面");
        User user1 = (User) session.getAttribute("user");
        if (user1 == null) {
            return "login";
        User user = userService.selectUserById(userId);
        model.addAttribute("user", user);
        return "userinfo";

上面例子中如果浏览器请求的是 /user/1 的时候,就表示此时的用户 id 为 1,此时就会先从 session 中查找是否有 “user” 属性,如果有的话,就代表用户此时处于登录的状态,如果没有的话,就会让用户返回到登录页面,这种机制在各种网站经常会使用的,然后根据这个 id = 1 ,去查找用户的信息,然后把查找的 “user” 放在 model 中,然后返回用户详情页面,最后在页面中用 $!{user.name} 获取用户的名字,同样的方式可以获取用户的其他信息,把所有的用户详情信息展示出来。

创建 Spring MVC 之器

Spring MVC 核心 Servlet 架构图如下:

Java 中常用的 Servlet 我在另外一篇文章写的很清楚了,有兴趣的请看:通过源码详解 Servlet ,这里我就不再解释了。

这里主要讲 Spring 中的 HttpServletBean、FrameworkServlet、DispatcherServlet 这三个类的创建过程。



public interface EnvironmentCapable {
    //返回组件的环境,可能返回 null 或者默认环境
    Environment getEnvironment();


public interface EnvironmentAware extends Aware {
    void setEnvironment(Environment environment);


public interface ApplicationContextAware extends Aware {
    void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException;




这里就直接看其中最重要的 init() 方法的代码了:

 * 将配置参数映射到此servlet的bean属性,并调用子类初始化。
 *  如果 bean 配置不合法(或者需要的参数丢失)或者子类初始化发生错误,那么就会抛出 ServletException 异常
public final void init() throws ServletException {

   // 从init参数设置bean属性。
   //获得web.xml中的contextConfigLocation配置属性,就是spring MVC的配置文件
   PropertyValues pvs = new ServletConfigPropertyValues(getServletConfig(), this.requiredProperties);
   if (!pvs.isEmpty()) {
      try {
         BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(this);
         ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new ServletContextResourceLoader(getServletContext());
         bw.registerCustomEditor(Resource.class, new ResourceEditor(resourceLoader, getEnvironment()));
         bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
      catch (BeansException ex) {
         throw ex;

   // Let subclasses do whatever initialization they like.




protected final void initServletBean() throws ServletException {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        //就是 try 语句里面有两句关键代码
        try {
            //初始化 webApplicationContext
            this.webApplicationContext = initWebApplicationContext();
        catch (ServletException ex) {
            this.logger.error("Context initialization failed", ex);
            throw ex;
        catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            this.logger.error("Context initialization failed", ex);
            throw ex;


再来看看上面代码中调用的 initWebApplicationContext() 方法

protected WebApplicationContext initWebApplicationContext() {
        //获取 rootContext
        WebApplicationContext rootContext =
        WebApplicationContext wac = null;

        if (this.webApplicationContext != null) {
            // 上下文实例在构造时注入 - >使用它
            wac = this.webApplicationContext;
            if (wac instanceof ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) {
                ConfigurableWebApplicationContext cwac = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) wac;
                if (!cwac.isActive()) {
                // 如果上下文尚未刷新 -> 提供诸如设置父上下文,设置应用程序上下文ID等服务
                    if (cwac.getParent() == null) {
            // 上下文实例被注入没有显式的父类 -> 将根应用程序上下文(如果有的话可能为null)设置为父级
        if (wac == null) {
    // 当 WebApplicationContext 已经存在 ServletContext 中时,通过配置在 servlet 中的 ContextAttribute 参数获取
            wac = findWebApplicationContext();
        if (wac == null) {
            // 如果 WebApplicationContext 还没有创建,则创建一个
            wac = createWebApplicationContext(rootContext);
        if (!this.refreshEventReceived) {
            // 当 ContextRefreshedEvent 事件没有触发时调用此方法,模板方法,可以在子类重写
        if (this.publishContext) {
            // 将 ApplicationContext 保存到 ServletContext 中去
            String attrName = getServletContextAttributeName();
            getServletContext().setAttribute(attrName, wac);
            if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.logger.debug("Published WebApplicationContext of servlet '" + getServletName() +
                        "' as ServletContext attribute with name [" + attrName + "]");
        return wac;

initWebApplicationContext 方法做了三件事:

  • 获取 Spring 的根容器 rootContext

  • 设置 webApplicationContext 并根据情况调用 onRefresh 方法

  • 将 webApplicationContext 设置到 ServletContext 中

这里在讲讲上面代码中的 wac == null 的几种情况:

1)、当 WebApplicationContext 已经存在 ServletContext 中时,通过配置在 servlet 中的 ContextAttribute 参数获取,调用的是 findWebApplicationContext() 方法

protected WebApplicationContext findWebApplicationContext() {
        String attrName = getContextAttribute();
        if (attrName == null) {
            return null;
        WebApplicationContext wac =
                WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext(), attrName);
        if (wac == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No WebApplicationContext found: initializer not registered?");
        return wac;

2)、如果 WebApplicationContext 还没有创建,调用的是 createWebApplicationContext 方法

protected WebApplicationContext createWebApplicationContext(@Nullable ApplicationContext parent) {
        Class contextClass = getContextClass();

        if (!ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.class.isAssignableFrom(contextClass)) {
            throw new ApplicationContextException(
                    "Fatal initialization error in servlet with name '" + getServletName() +
                    "': custom WebApplicationContext class [" + contextClass.getName() +
                    "] is not of type ConfigurableWebApplicationContext");
        ConfigurableWebApplicationContext wac =
                (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(contextClass);

  //并设置的 contextConfigLocation 参数传给 wac,默认是 WEB-INFO/[ServletName]-Servlet.xml


        return wac;

protected void configureAndRefreshWebApplicationContext(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext wac) {
        if (ObjectUtils.identityToString(wac).equals(wac.getId())) {
            // The application context id is still set to its original default value
            // -> assign a more useful id based on available information
            if (this.contextId != null) {
            else {
                // Generate default id...
                wac.setId(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID_PREFIX +
                        ObjectUtils.getDisplayString(getServletContext().getContextPath()) + '/' + getServletName());

        wac.addApplicationListener(new SourceFilteringListener(wac, new ContextRefreshListener()));

        // The wac environment's #initPropertySources will be called in any case when the context
        // is refreshed; do it eagerly here to ensure servlet property sources are in place for
        // use in any post-processing or initialization that occurs below prior to #refresh
        ConfigurableEnvironment env = wac.getEnvironment();
        if (env instanceof ConfigurableWebEnvironment) {
            ((ConfigurableWebEnvironment) env).initPropertySources(getServletContext(), getServletConfig());


里面还有 doXXX() 方法,大家感兴趣的可以去看看。


DispatcherServlet 继承自 FrameworkServlet,onRefresh 方法是 DispatcherServlet 的入口方法,在 initStrategies 方法中调用了 9 个初始化的方法。

这里分析其中一个初始化方法:initLocaleResolver() 方法

private void initLocaleResolver(ApplicationContext context) {
        try {
            //在 context 中获取
            this.localeResolver = context.getBean(LOCALE_RESOLVER_BEAN_NAME, LocaleResolver.class);
        catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
            this.localeResolver = getDefaultStrategy(context, LocaleResolver.class);


protected  T getDefaultStrategy(ApplicationContext context, Class strategyInterface) {
        //调用 getDefaultStrategies 方法
        List strategies = getDefaultStrategies(context, strategyInterface);
        if (strategies.size() != 1) {
            throw new BeanInitializationException(
                    "DispatcherServlet needs exactly 1 strategy for interface [" + strategyInterface.getName() + "]");
        return strategies.get(0);

     * Create a List of default strategy objects for the given strategy interface.

The default implementation uses the "DispatcherServlet.properties" file (in the same * package as the DispatcherServlet class) to determine the class names. It instantiates * the strategy objects through the context's BeanFactory. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List getDefaultStrategies(ApplicationContext context, Class strategyInterface) { String key = strategyInterface.getName(); //根据策略接口的名字从 defaultStrategies 获取所需策略的类型 String value = defaultStrategies.getProperty(key); if (value != null) { //如果有多个默认值的话,就以逗号分隔为数组 String[] classNames = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(value); List strategies = new ArrayList<>(classNames.length); //按获取到的类型初始化策略 for (String className : classNames) { try { Class clazz = ClassUtils.forName(className, DispatcherServlet.class.getClassLoader()); Object strategy = createDefaultStrategy(context, clazz); strategies.add((T) strategy); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new BeanInitializationException( "Could not find DispatcherServlet's default strategy class [" + className + "] for interface [" + key + "]", ex); } catch (LinkageError err) { throw new BeanInitializationException( "Error loading DispatcherServlet's default strategy class [" + className + "] for interface [" + key + "]: problem with class file or dependent class", err); } } return strategies; } else { return new LinkedList<>(); } }



主要讲了 Spring MVC 自身创建过程,分析了 Spring MVC 中 Servlet 的三个层次:HttpServletBean、FrameworkServlet 和 DispatcherServlet。HttpServletBean 继承自 Java 的 HttpServlet,其作用是将配置的参数设置到相应的属性上;FrameworkServlet 初始化了 WebApplicationContext;DispatcherServlet 初始化了自身的 9 个组件。

Spring MVC 之用

分析 Spring MVC 是怎么处理请求的。首先分析 HttpServletBean、FrameworkServlet 和 DispatcherServlet 这三个 Servlet 的处理过程,最后分析 doDispatcher 的结构。




在类中的 service() 、doGet()、doPost()、doPut()、doDelete()、doOptions()、doTrace() 这些方法中可以看到都调用了一个共同的方法 processRequest() ,它是类在处理请求中最核心的方法。

protected final void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Throwable failureCause = null;
        //获取 LocaleContextHolder 中原来保存的 LocaleContext
        LocaleContext previousLocaleContext = LocaleContextHolder.getLocaleContext();
        //获取当前请求的 LocaleContext
        LocaleContext localeContext = buildLocaleContext(request);
        //获取 RequestContextHolder 中原来保存的 RequestAttributes
        RequestAttributes previousAttributes = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
        //获取当前请求的 ServletRequestAttributes
        ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = buildRequestAttributes(request, response, previousAttributes);

        WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request);
        asyncManager.registerCallableInterceptor(FrameworkServlet.class.getName(), new RequestBindingInterceptor());
//将当前请求的 LocaleContext 和 ServletRequestAttributes 设置到 LocaleContextHolder 和 RequestContextHolder
        initContextHolders(request, localeContext, requestAttributes);

        try {
            //实际处理请求的入口,这是一个模板方法,在 Dispatcher 类中才有具体实现
            doService(request, response);
        }catch (ServletException ex) {
            failureCause = ex;
            throw ex;
        }catch (IOException ex) {
            failureCause = ex;
            throw ex;
        }catch (Throwable ex) {
            failureCause = ex;
            throw new NestedServletException("Request processing failed", ex);
        }finally {
            //将 previousLocaleContext,previousAttributes 恢复到 LocaleContextHolder 和 RequestContextHolder 中
            resetContextHolders(request, previousLocaleContext, previousAttributes);
            if (requestAttributes != null) {
            //发布了一个 ServletRequestHandledEvent 类型的消息
            publishRequestHandledEvent(request, response, startTime, failureCause);


上一章中其实还没把该类讲清楚,在这个类中,里面的智行处理的入口方法应该是 doService 方法,方法里面调用了 doDispatch 进行具体的处理,在调用 doDispatch 方法之前 doService 做了一些事情:首先判断是不是 include 请求,如果是则对 request 的 Attribute 做个快照备份,等 doDispatcher 处理完之后(如果不是异步调用且未完成)进行还原 ,在做完快照后又对 request 设置了一些属性。

protected void doService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        // Keep a snapshot of the request attributes in case of an include,
        // to be able to restore the original attributes after the include.
        Map attributesSnapshot = null;
        if (WebUtils.isIncludeRequest(request)) {
            attributesSnapshot = new HashMap<>();
            Enumeration attrNames = request.getAttributeNames();
            while (attrNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                String attrName = (String) attrNames.nextElement();
                if (this.cleanupAfterInclude || attrName.startsWith(DEFAULT_STRATEGIES_PREFIX)){
                    attributesSnapshot.put(attrName, request.getAttribute(attrName));
        // Make framework objects available to handlers and view objects.
        request.setAttribute(WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, getWebApplicationContext());
        request.setAttribute(LOCALE_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE, this.localeResolver);
        request.setAttribute(THEME_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE, this.themeResolver);
        request.setAttribute(THEME_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE, getThemeSource());

        FlashMap inputFlashMap = this.flashMapManager.retrieveAndUpdate(request, response);
        if (inputFlashMap != null) {
            request.setAttribute(INPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE, Collections.unmodifiableMap(inputFlashMap));
        request.setAttribute(OUTPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE, new FlashMap());
        request.setAttribute(FLASH_MAP_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE, this.flashMapManager);

        try {
            //调用 doDispatch 方法
            doDispatch(request, response);
        }finally {
            if (!WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request).isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
                // Restore the original attribute snapshot, in case of an include.
                if (attributesSnapshot != null) {
                    restoreAttributesAfterInclude(request, attributesSnapshot);

doDispatch() 方法:

protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        HttpServletRequest processedRequest = request;
        HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler = null;
        boolean multipartRequestParsed = false;

        WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request);
        try {
            ModelAndView mv = null;
            Exception dispatchException = null;
            try {
                processedRequest = checkMultipart(request);
                multipartRequestParsed = (processedRequest != request);

                // Determine handler for the current request.  根据 request 找到 Handler
                mappedHandler = getHandler(processedRequest);
                if (mappedHandler == null || mappedHandler.getHandler() == null) {
                    noHandlerFound(processedRequest, response);

    // Determine handler adapter for the current request.根据 Handler 找到对应的 HandlerAdapter
                HandlerAdapter ha = getHandlerAdapter(mappedHandler.getHandler());
                // Process last-modified header, if supported by the handler.
                //处理 GET 、 HEAD 请求的 LastModified
                String method = request.getMethod();
                boolean isGet = "GET".equals(method);
                if (isGet || "HEAD".equals(method)) {
                    long lastModified = ha.getLastModified(request, mappedHandler.getHandler());
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Last-Modified value for [" + getRequestUri(request) + "] is: " + lastModified);
                    if (new ServletWebRequest(request, response).checkNotModified(lastModified) && isGet) {
                //执行相应的 Interceptor 的 preHandle
                if (!mappedHandler.applyPreHandle(processedRequest, response)) {
                // Actually invoke the handler. HandlerAdapter 使用 Handler 处理请求
                mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());
                if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
                //当 view 为空时,根据 request 设置默认 view
                applyDefaultViewName(processedRequest, mv);
                //执行相应 Interceptor 的 postHandler
                mappedHandler.applyPostHandle(processedRequest, response, mv);
            }catch (Exception ex) {
                dispatchException = ex;
            }catch (Throwable err) {
                // As of 4.3, we're processing Errors thrown from handler methods as well,
                // making them available for @ExceptionHandler methods and other scenarios.
                dispatchException = new NestedServletException("Handler dispatch failed", err);
            //调用 processDispatchResult 方法处理上面处理之后的结果(包括处理异常,渲染页面,发出完成通知触发 Interceptor 的 afterCompletion)
            processDispatchResult(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, mv, dispatchException);
        }catch (Exception ex) {
            triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, ex);
        }catch (Throwable err) {
            triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler,
                    new NestedServletException("Handler processing failed", err));
        }finally {
            if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
                // Instead of postHandle and afterCompletion
                if (mappedHandler != null) {
                    mappedHandler.applyAfterConcurrentHandlingStarted(processedRequest, response);
            }else {
                // Clean up any resources used by a multipart request. 删除上传请求的资源
                if (multipartRequestParsed) {

Handler,HandlerMapping,HandlerAdapter 三个区别:

  • Handler:处理器,对应 MVC 的 C层,也就是 Controller 层,具体表现形式有很多种,可以是类,方法,它的类型是 Object,只要可以处理实际请求就可以是 Handler。

  • HandlerMapping:用来查找 Handler 的。

  • HandlerAdapter :Handler 适配器,

另外 View 和 ViewResolver 的原理与 Handler 和 HandlerMapping 的原理类似。


本章分析了 Spring MVC 的请求处理的过程。

注:本文首发于 zhisheng 的博客,可转载但务必请注明原创地址为:http://www.54tianzhisheng.cn/2017/07/14/Spring-MVC02/

你可能感兴趣的:(看透 Spring MVC 源代码分析与实践 —— 俯视 Spring MVC)