Gmsh is a free 3D finite element mesh generator with a built-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user-friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities.
Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh’s own scripting language.
The .geo
file, in fact, is a Gmsh’s scripting file. It support both C and C++ style comments.
通过文本编辑器打开它的script t1.geo:
* Gmsh tutorial 1
* Variables, elementary entities (points, curves, surfaces), physical
* groups (points, curves, surfaces)
// The simplest construction in Gmsh's scripting language is the
// `affectation'. The following command defines a new variable `lc':
lc = 1e-2;
// This variable can then be used in the definition of Gmsh's simplest
// `elementary entity', a `Point'. A Point is defined by a list of four numbers:
// three coordinates (X, Y and Z), and a characteristic length (lc) that sets
// the target element size at the point:
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, lc};
// The distribution of the mesh element sizes is then obtained by interpolation
// of these characteristic lengths throughout the geometry. Another method to
// specify characteristic lengths is to use general mesh size Fields (see
// `t10.geo'). A particular case is the use of a background mesh (see `t7.geo').
// We can then define some additional points as well as our first curve. Curves
// are Gmsh's second type of elementery entities, and, amongst curves, straight
// lines are the simplest. A straight line is defined by a list of point
// numbers. In the commands below, for example, the line 1 starts at point 1 and
// ends at point 2:
Point(2) = {.1, 0, 0, lc} ;
Point(3) = {.1, .3, 0, lc} ;
Point(4) = {0, .3, 0, lc} ;
Line(1) = {1,2} ;
Line(2) = {3,2} ;
Line(3) = {3,4} ;
Line(4) = {4,1} ;
// The third elementary entity is the surface. In order to define a simple
// rectangular surface from the four curves defined above, a curve loop has first
// to be defined. A curve loop is a list of connected curves, a sign being
// associated with each curve (depending on the orientation of the curve):
Curve Loop(1) = {4,1,-2,3} ;
// We can then define the surface as a list of curve loops (only one here, since
// there are no holes--see `t4.geo'):
Plane Surface(1) = {1} ;
// At this level, Gmsh knows everything to display the rectangular surface 6 and
// to mesh it. An optional step is needed if we want to group elementary
// geometrical entities into more meaningful groups, e.g. to define some
// mathematical ("domain", "boundary"), functional ("left wing", "fuselage") or
// material ("steel", "carbon") properties.
// Such groups are called "Physical Groups" in Gmsh. By default, if physical
// groups are defined, Gmsh will export in output files only those elements that
// belong to at least one physical group. (To force Gmsh to save all elements,
// whether they belong to physical groups or not, set "Mesh.SaveAll=1;", or
// specify "-save_all" on the command line.)
// Here we define a physical curve that groups the left, bottom and right lines
// in a single group (with prescribed tag 5); and a physical surface with name
// "My surface" (with an automatic tag) containg the geometrical surface 1:
Physical Curve(5) = {1, 2, 4} ;
Physical Surface("My surface") = {1} ;
// Note that starting with Gmsh 3.0, models can be built using different
// geometry kernels than the default "built-in" kernel. By specifying
// SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");
// any subsequent command in the .geo file would be handled by the OpenCASCADE
// geometry kernel instead of the built-in kernel. A rectangular surface could
// then simply be created with
// Rectangle(2) = {.2, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.3};
// See tutorial/t16.geo for a complete example, and demos/boolean for more.
1: 定义参数 lc = 1e-2;
2: 定义点 Point(1) = {0,0,0,lc};
3: 定义线段 Line(1) = {1,2};
4: 定义闭合线段 Line Loop(5) = {4,1,-2,3};
5: 定义面 Plane Surface(6) = {5}
3)菜单tool中Options—General 脚本重载于编辑:
除此以外,用户也可以在前台通过鼠标建模(选点、连线、取面等),对应的命令语句会自动卸乳对应的脚本文件(在导航栏的Geometry—Edit file可以自动打开脚本文件,可以非常直观的学习脚本命令)。当然用户也可以进行混合操作。
* Gmsh tutorial 4
* Built-in functions, surface holes, annotations, mesh colors
// As usual, we start by defining some variables:
cm = 1e-02;
e1 = 4.5 * cm; e2 = 6 * cm / 2; e3 = 5 * cm / 2;
h1 = 5 * cm; h2 = 10 * cm; h3 = 5 * cm; h4 = 2 * cm; h5 = 4.5 * cm;
R1 = 1 * cm; R2 = 1.5 * cm; r = 1 * cm;
Lc1 = 0.01;
Lc2 = 0.003;
// We can use all the usual mathematical functions (note the capitalized first
// letters), plus some useful functions like Hypot(a, b) := Sqrt(a^2 + b^2):
ccos = (-h5*R1 + e2 * Hypot(h5, Hypot(e2, R1))) / (h5^2 + e2^2);
ssin = Sqrt(1 - ccos^2);
// Then we define some points and some lines using these variables:
Point(1) = {-e1-e2, 0 , 0, Lc1}; Point(2) = {-e1-e2, h1 , 0, Lc1};
Point(3) = {-e3-r , h1 , 0, Lc2}; Point(4) = {-e3-r , h1+r , 0, Lc2};
Point(5) = {-e3 , h1+r , 0, Lc2}; Point(6) = {-e3 , h1+h2, 0, Lc1};
Point(7) = { e3 , h1+h2, 0, Lc1}; Point(8) = { e3 , h1+r , 0, Lc2};
Point(9) = { e3+r , h1+r , 0, Lc2}; Point(10)= { e3+r , h1 , 0, Lc2};
Point(11)= { e1+e2, h1 , 0, Lc1}; Point(12)= { e1+e2, 0 , 0, Lc1};
Point(13)= { e2 , 0 , 0, Lc1};
Point(14)= { R1 / ssin, h5+R1*ccos, 0, Lc2};
Point(15)= { 0 , h5 , 0, Lc2};
Point(16)= {-R1 / ssin, h5+R1*ccos, 0, Lc2};
Point(17)= {-e2 , 0.0 , 0, Lc1};
Point(18)= {-R2 , h1+h3 , 0, Lc2}; Point(19)= {-R2 , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2};
Point(20)= { 0 , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2}; Point(21)= { R2 , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2};
Point(22)= { R2 , h1+h3 , 0, Lc2}; Point(23)= { 0 , h1+h3 , 0, Lc2};
Point(24)= { 0, h1+h3+h4+R2, 0, Lc2}; Point(25)= { 0, h1+h3-R2, 0, Lc2};
Line(1) = {1 , 17};
Line(2) = {17, 16};
// Gmsh provides other curve primitives than straight lines: splines, B-splines,
// circle arcs, ellipse arcs, etc. Here we define a new circle arc, starting at
// point 14 and ending at point 16, with the circle's center being the point 15:
Circle(3) = {14,15,16};
// Note that, in Gmsh, circle arcs should always be smaller than Pi. We can then
// define additional lines and circles, as well as a new surface:
Line(4) = {14,13}; Line(5) = {13,12}; Line(6) = {12,11};
Line(7) = {11,10}; Circle(8) = {8,9,10}; Line(9) = {8,7};
Line(10) = {7,6}; Line(11) = {6,5}; Circle(12) = {3,4,5};
Line(13) = {3,2}; Line(14) = {2,1}; Line(15) = {18,19};
Circle(16) = {21,20,24}; Circle(17) = {24,20,19};
Circle(18) = {18,23,25}; Circle(19) = {25,23,22};
Line(20) = {21,22};
Curve Loop(21) = {17,-15,18,19,-20,16};
Plane Surface(22) = {21};
// But we still need to define the exterior surface. Since this surface has a
// hole, its definition now requires two curves loops:
Curve Loop(23) = {11,-12,13,14,1,2,-3,4,5,6,7,-8,9,10};
Plane Surface(24) = {23,21};
// As a general rule, if a surface has N holes, it is defined by N+1 curve loops:
// the first loop defines the exterior boundary; the other loops define the
// boundaries of the holes.
// Finally, we can add some comments by embedding a post-processing view
// containing some strings:
View "comments" {
// Add a text string in window coordinates, 10 pixels from the left and 10
// pixels from the bottom, using the StrCat function to concatenate strings:
T2(10, -10, 0){ StrCat("Created on ", Today, " with Gmsh") };
// Add a text string in model coordinates centered at (X,Y,Z) = (0, 0.11, 0):
T3(0, 0.11, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center", "Font", "Helvetica")){ "Hole" };
// If a string starts with `file://', the rest is interpreted as an image
// file. For 3D annotations, the size in model coordinates can be specified
// after a `@' symbol in the form `widthxheight' (if one of `width' or
// `height' is zero, natural scaling is used; if both are zero, original image
// dimensions in pixels are used):
T3(0, 0.09, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center")){ "file://t4_image.png@0.01x0" };
// The 3D orientation of the image can be specified by proving the direction
// of the bottom and left edge of the image in model space:
T3(-0.01, 0.09, 0, 0){ "file://t4_image.png@0.01x0,0,0,1,0,1,0" };
// The image can also be drawn in "billboard" mode, i.e. always parallel to
// the camera, by using the `#' symbol:
T3(0, 0.12, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center")){ "file://t4_image.png@0.01x0#" };
// The size of 2D annotations is given directly in pixels:
T2(350, -7, 0){ "file://t4_image.png@20x0" };
// Views and geometrical entities can be made to respond to double-click events:
View[0].DoubleClickedCommand = "Printf('View[0] has been double-clicked!');";
Geometry.DoubleClickedLineCommand = "Printf('Curve %g has been double-clicked!',
// We can also change the color of some mesh entities:
Color Grey50{ Surface{ 22 }; }
Color Purple{ Surface{ 24 }; }
Color Red{ Curve{ 1:14 }; }
Color Yellow{ Curve{ 15:20 }; }
cl_1 = 0.01;
Point(1) = {1, 0, 0, cl_1};
Point(2) = {0.2906701309999999, 0, 0.059599889, cl_1};
Point(3) = {0.290670131, 0, 0.059599889, cl_1};
Point(4) = {-3.33066907387547e-016, 0, -2.775557561562891e-017, cl_1};
Point(5) = {0.290670131, 0, -0.059599889, cl_1};
Point(6) = {-1.110223024625156e-016, 0, 0, cl_1};
Point(7) = {1, 0, 0, cl_1};
Point(8) = {0.2906701309999999, 0, -0.059599889, cl_1};
p1 = newp;
Point(p1 + 1) = {0.9578477628235885, 0, 0.005808055788066277};
Point(p1 + 2) = {0.9136001717514742, 0, 0.01159953317971515};
Point(p1 + 3) = {0.8678598741632115, 0, 0.01728526031819392};
Point(p1 + 4) = {0.8212779475631614, 0, 0.02277865740518693};
Point(p1 + 5) = {0.7745191250941298, 0, 0.02800031778249978};
Point(p1 + 6) = {0.7282262993505407, 0, 0.03288198060276357};
Point(p1 + 7) = {0.6829880771923493, 0, 0.0373694940386463};
Point(p1 + 8) = {0.6393125213400493, 0, 0.04142453011683183};
Point(p1 + 9) = {0.5976090881089672, 0, 0.04502500226786509};
Point(p1 + 10) = {0.5581794445899648, 0, 0.0481643117667218};
Point(p1 + 11) = {0.521216620190355, 0, 0.05084967643767647};
Point(p1 + 12) = {0.4868110356265319, 0, 0.05309985880292391};
Point(p1 + 13) = {0.4549614552219337, 0, 0.05494261362247144};
Point(p1 + 14) = {0.4255888082703554, 0, 0.05641213152223604};
Point(p1 + 15) = {0.3985510271977428, 0, 0.05754668640628761};
Point(p1 + 16) = {0.3736574289168878, 0, 0.05838661862754537};
Point(p1 + 17) = {0.3506816041400513, 0, 0.0589727173733007};
Point(p1 + 18) = {0.3293721908004415, 0, 0.05934501212155738};
Point(p1 + 19) = {0.309461241465114, 0, 0.0595419466863262};
Spline(1) = {1, p1 + 1, p1 + 2, p1 + 3, p1 + 4, p1 + 5, p1 + 6, p1 + 7, p1 + 8, p1 + 9, p1 + 10, p1 + 11, p1 + 12, p1 + 13, p1 + 14, p1 + 15, p1 + 16, p1 + 17, p1 + 18, p1 + 19, 2};
p2 = newp;
Point(p2 + 1) = {0.2842729112131264, 0, 0.05959035601288155};
Point(p2 + 2) = {0.2761001220809002, 0, 0.0595451957195354};
Point(p2 + 3) = {0.2666300877434753, 0, 0.05944430161792291};
Point(p2 + 4) = {0.2560533097681484, 0, 0.05926870849763945};
Point(p2 + 5) = {0.2444412386433862, 0, 0.05899746041353254};
Point(p2 + 6) = {0.2318090344278302, 0, 0.058605806668528};
Point(p2 + 7) = {0.2181439021461914, 0, 0.05806365702589601};
Point(p2 + 8) = {0.2034209651627122, 0, 0.05733392771630338};
Point(p2 + 9) = {0.1876150065513268, 0, 0.0563705983368452};
Point(p2 + 10) = {0.1707120994729877, 0, 0.0551163616335265};
Point(p2 + 11) = {0.1527237978253341, 0, 0.05349978292686403};
Point(p2 + 12) = {0.1337063457254963, 0, 0.05143193572045287};
Point(p2 + 13) = {0.1137876774535901, 0, 0.04880258242681034};
Point(p2 + 14) = {0.09320552798189294, 0, 0.04547617760131762};
Point(p2 + 15) = {0.07236044644973513, 0, 0.04128836888014319};
Point(p2 + 16) = {0.05188730831459138, 0, 0.03604437967545813};
Point(p2 + 17) = {0.03274685573930983, 0, 0.02952182506630169};
Point(p2 + 18) = {0.01633265015110124, 0, 0.0214822334050408};
Point(p2 + 19) = {0.004575175047531102, 0, 0.01169763023104438};
Spline(2) = {3, p2 + 1, p2 + 2, p2 + 3, p2 + 4, p2 + 5, p2 + 6, p2 + 7, p2 + 8, p2 + 9, p2 + 10, p2 + 11, p2 + 12, p2 + 13, p2 + 14, p2 + 15, p2 + 16, p2 + 17, p2 + 18, p2 + 19, 4};
p3 = newp;
Point(p3 + 1) = {0.2842687444062102, 0, -0.05959033995136771};
Point(p3 + 2) = {0.2760902965551228, 0, -0.05954510785780694};
Point(p3 + 3) = {0.2666128650422044, 0, -0.05944404536989124};
Point(p3 + 4) = {0.2560272811856329, 0, -0.05926814784851871};
Point(p3 + 5) = {0.2444053852046738, 0, -0.05899642178635941};
Point(p3 + 6) = {0.2317627182952431, 0, -0.05860407976787362};
Point(p3 + 7) = {0.2180868707188054, 0, -0.05806099563459484};
Point(p3 + 8) = {0.203353381935633, 0, -0.05733005183556716};
Point(p3 + 9) = {0.1875375094086677, 0, -0.05636519948112355};
Point(p3 + 10) = {0.1706258837914739, 0, -0.05510911382545057};
Point(p3 + 11) = {0.1526307187728704, 0, -0.05349036308954442};
Point(p3 + 12) = {0.1336090279833125, 0, -0.05142005881221923};
Point(p3 + 13) = {0.1136896084213433, 0, -0.0487880588136444};
Point(p3 + 14) = {0.09311108862650791, 0, -0.04545900258153844};
Point(p3 + 15) = {0.07227479757675123, 0, -0.04126885612468364};
Point(p3 + 16) = {0.05181599481494702, 0, -0.03602334947685121};
Point(p3 + 17) = {0.03269491843986368, 0, -0.02950085009913444};
Point(p3 + 18) = {0.01630296371554681, 0, -0.02146392080930703};
Point(p3 + 19) = {0.004565723668620725, 0, -0.01168586711270097};
Spline(3) = {5, p3 + 1, p3 + 2, p3 + 3, p3 + 4, p3 + 5, p3 + 6, p3 + 7, p3 + 8, p3 + 9, p3 + 10, p3 + 11, p3 + 12, p3 + 13, p3 + 14, p3 + 15, p3 + 16, p3 + 17, p3 + 18, p3 + 19, 6};
Reverse Line {3};
p4 = newp;
Point(p4 + 1) = {0.9578371307341608, 0, -0.005809451776204171};
Point(p4 + 2) = {0.9135836204677359, 0, -0.01160162204700566};
Point(p4 + 3) = {0.8678423367489414, 0, -0.01728739358632329};
Point(p4 + 4) = {0.8212641228333738, 0, -0.02278029282335023};
Point(p4 + 5) = {0.7745130557952343, 0, -0.02800105787177528};
Point(p4 + 6) = {0.7282310363923532, 0, -0.03288159346440879};
Point(p4 + 7) = {0.6830054673847058, 0, -0.03736791477271506};
Point(p4 + 8) = {0.6393431339409602, 0, -0.04142184433789697};
Point(p4 + 9) = {0.5976522728176452, 0, -0.04502141572787306};
Point(p4 + 10) = {0.5582334954732195, 0, -0.04816011152865139};
Point(p4 + 11) = {0.5212790094647602, 0, -0.05084518927366299};
Point(p4 + 12) = {0.4868786787883632, 0, -0.05309541172223745};
Point(p4 + 13) = {0.4550309732288671, 0, -0.05493850005863926};
Point(p4 + 14) = {0.4256567607517621, 0, -0.05640858514472293};
Point(p4 + 15) = {0.398614100322739, 0, -0.05754386310405684};
Point(p4 + 16) = {0.373712570479338, 0, -0.05838458613465396};
Point(p4 + 17) = {0.3507261053773512, 0, -0.05897145133181579};
Point(p4 + 18) = {0.3294037189943399, 0, -0.05934439706944743};
Point(p4 + 19) = {0.3094778295903463, 0, -0.05954178043174179};
Spline(4) = {7, p4 + 1, p4 + 2, p4 + 3, p4 + 4, p4 + 5, p4 + 6, p4 + 7, p4 + 8, p4 + 9, p4 + 10, p4 + 11, p4 + 12, p4 + 13, p4 + 14, p4 + 15, p4 + 16, p4 + 17, p4 + 18, p4 + 19, 8};
cl_2 = 2.0;
Point(89) = {-20, 0, 20, cl_2};
Point(90) = {-20, 0, -20, cl_2};
Point(91) = {20, 0, -20, cl_2};
Point(92) = {20, 0, 20, cl_2};
Line(7) = {89, 92};
Line(8) = {92, 91};
Line(9) = {91, 90};
Line(10) = {90, 89};
Line Loop(11) = {10, 7, 8, 9};
Line Loop(12) = {1, 2, -3, -4};
Plane Surface(13) = {11, 12};
Physical Line(14) = {9, 7, 10, 8};
Physical Line(15) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Physical Surface(1) = {13};
注意: 如果需要导出msh格式,必须给出完整的physical定义!在上述例子中,如果没有给出最后的physical surface定义,保存成msh的格式则只有边界上的数据。话句话说,如果定义了物理实体,msh格式只会输出和physical信息的几何实体相关的网格!