14.2.4 Notation(记法) StateMachine Diagrams(状态机图)
StateMachine diagrams specify StateMachines. This Clause outlines the graphic elements that may be shown in StateMachine diagrams, and provides cross references where detailed information about the semantics and concrete notation for each element can be found. It also furnishes examples that illustrate how the graphic elements can be assembled into diagrams.
A StateMachine diagram is a graph that represents a StateMachine. States and various other types of Vertices in the StateMachine graph are rendered by appropriate State and Pseudostate symbols, while Transitions are generally rendered by directed arcs that connect them, or by control symbols representing the actions of the Behavior on the Transition.
状态机图用来表现状态机。状态机图中的状态和各种类型的顶点通过适当的状态和伪状态记号来表示,而迁移通常表现为连接它们的有向弧线,还有通过控制记号表示迁移行为的动作。 StateMachine(状态机)
When depicting StateMachine redefinition in a class diagram, the default rectangle notation for Classifier can be used, with the keyword «statemachine» inside the name compartment above or before the name of the StateMachine.
The association between a StateMachine and its context Classifier or BehavioralFeatures does not have a special graphical representation.
不存在特别的图形表达方式用于表现状态机和它的上下文类目或行为特征之间的关联。 Region(区域)
A composite State or StateMachine with Regions is shown by tiling the graph Region of the State/StateMachine using dashed lines to divide it into Regions (Figure 14.3). Each Region may have an optional name and contains the nested disjoint States and the Transitions between these. The text compartments of the entire State are separated from the orthogonal Regions by a solid line.
带有区域的组合状态或状态机的表示是通过将状态/状态机的图形区域平行排列来实现的,中间通过虚线分割(图14.3)。每个区域可以有可选的名称,嵌套的分离状态和状态之间的迁移。状态全体的文字分区通过实线和正交区域分离。 A composite State or StateMachine with just one Region is shown by showing a nested state diagram within the graph Region.
Figure 14.3 Notation for a composite State with Regions State(状态)
State is shown as a rectangle with rounded corners, with the State name shown within (Figure 14.4).
Figure 14.4 State notation
Optionally, it may have an attached name tab (Figure 14.5). The name tab is a rectangle, usually resting on the outside of the top side of a State and it contains the name of that State. It is normally used to keep the name of a composite State that has orthogonal Regions, but may be used in other cases as well.
Figure 14.5 State with a name tab
A State may be subdivided into multiple compartments separated from each other by a horizontal line (Figure 14.6).
Figure 14.6 State with compartments
The compartments of a State are:
• name compartment
• internal Behaviors compartment
• internal Transitions compartment.
A composite State also has a:
• decomposition compartment.
Each of these compartments is described below.
• Name compartment(名称分区)
This compartment holds the (optional) name of the State, as a string. States without names are anonymous and are all distinct. It is undesirable to show the same named State twice in the same diagram, as confusion may ensue, unless control icons are used to show a Transition-oriented view of the StateMachine. Name compartments should not be used if a name tab is used and vice versa.
In case of a submachine State, the name of the referenced StateMachine is shown as a string following ‘:’ after the name of the State.
• Internal activities Behaviors compartment(内部活动行为分区)
This compartment holds a list of internal Behaviors associated with a State. Each entry has the following format:
<行为类型标签> ['/' <行为表达式>]
o entry — This label identifies a Behavior, specified by the corresponding expression, which is performed upon entry to the State (entry Behavior).
o exit — This label identifies a Behavior, specified by the corresponding expression, that is performed upon exit from the State (exit Behavior).
o do — This label identifies an ongoing Behavior (doActivity Behavior) that is performed as long as the modeled element is in the State or until the computation specified by the expression is completed.
The optional
• Internal Transition compartment(内部迁移分区)
This compartment contains a list of internal Transitions, where each item has the following syntax:
{<触发条件>}* ['[' <监护条件>']'] [/<行为表达式>]
<触发条件>是触发条件的记法(参见13.3.4小 节),<监护条件>是监护条件布尔型表达式,而可选的<行为表达式>定义了当符合内部迁移触发条件和监护条件的的事件发生时将会 被执行的效应行为。这个表达式以某种文本形式语言记述,可以是供应商定义的,也可以是某些标准语言(参见16.1小节)
Alternatively, in place of a textual behavior expression, the various Behaviors associated with a State or internal Transition can be expressed using the appropriate graphical representation in a separate diagram (e.g., an activity diagram).
也有可能,在记入文本形式行为表达式的位置,与状态或内部迁移关联的不同行为可以以适当的图形化方式表示为单独的图(比如活动图)。 Composite State(组合状态)
• decomposition compartment(分解分区)
This compartment shows its composition structure in terms of Regions, States, and Transition. In addition to the (optional) name and internal Transition compartments, the State may have an additional compartment that contains a nested diagram. For convenience and appearance, the text compartments may be shrunk horizontally within the graphic Region.
In some cases, it is convenient to hide the decomposition of a composite State. For example, there may be a large number of States nested inside a composite State and they may simply not fit in the graphical space available for the diagram. In that case, the composite State may be represented by a simple State graphic with a special “composite” icon, usually in the lower right-hand corner (see Figure 14.8). This icon, consisting of two horizontally placed and connected States, is an optional visual cue that the State has a decomposition that is not shown in this particular diagram. Instead, the contents of the composite State are shown in a separate diagram.
在某些情况下,隐藏组合状态的细节是便利的。例如组合状态 的内部可能嵌入了大量的状态,而且不能简单地使用图形内部的可用空间。这时,组合状态可以被表示为带有特殊的“组合”图标的简单状态,位置通常是在右下角 (参见图14.8).这个图标由两个水平放置,连接在一起的状态组成。是一种可选的可视化方式,暗示该状态有更多细节没有在该图中表示。相反,组合状态的 内容被表示在另外一个图中。
NOTE. The “hiding” here is purely a matter of graphical convenience and has no semantic significance in terms of access restrictions.
A composite State may have one or more entry and exit points on its outside border or in close proximity of that border (inside or outside).
Figure 14.7 Composite State with two States
Figure 14.8 Composite State with a hidden decomposition indicator icon
Figure 14.9 Composite State with Regions
Figure 14.10 Composite State with two Regions and entry, exit, and do Behaviors Submachine State(子状态机状态)
The submachine State is depicted as a normal State where the string in the name compartment has the following syntax:
<状态名> ‘:’ <引用的状态机名称>
The submachine State symbol may contain the references to one or more entry points and to one or more exit points. The notation for these connection point references comprises entry/exit Pseudostates on the border of the submachine State.The names are the names of the corresponding entry/exit points defined within the referenced StateMachine (see ConnectionPointReference).
If the submachine StateMachine is entered through its default initial Pseudostate or if it is exited as a result of the completion of the submachine, it is not necessary to use the entry/exit point notation. Similarly, an exit point is not
required if the exit occurs through an explicit group Transition that originates from the boundary of the submachine State (implying that it applies to all the substates of the submachine).
Submachine States invoking the same submachine may occur multiple times in the same state diagram with the entry and exit points being part of different Transitions.
The diagram in Figure 14.11 shows a fragment from a StateMachine diagram in which a submachine State (the FailureSubmachine) is referenced. The actual submachine StateMachine is defined in some enclosing or imported
Figure 14.11 Submachine State example
In the above example, the Transition triggered by Event “error1” will terminate on entry point “sub1” of the FailureSubmachine StateMachine. The “error3” Transition implies taking the default Transition of the FailureSubmachine.
The Transition originating from the “subEnd” exit point of the submachine will execute the “fixed1” Behavior in addition to what is executed within the HandleFailure StateMachine. This Transition must have been triggered within the HandleFailure StateMachine. Finally, the Transition originating from the edge of the submachine State is taken as a result of the completion event generated when the FailureSubmachine reaches its FinalState.
在上面的例子中,被事 件"error1"触发的迁移终止于FailureSubmachine状态机的入口点"sub1"。"error3"迁移暗示的是 FailureSubmachine的默认迁移。除了在HandleFailure状态机内部的执行以外,源自"subEnd"退出点的迁移将会执 行"fixed1"行为。这个迁移肯定是在HandleFailure状态机内部被触发的。最后,当FailureSubmachine到达完了状态时, 会发生源自子状态机边界的迁移。
NOTE. The same notation would apply to composite States with the exception that there would be no reference to a StateMachine in the State name.
Figure 14.12 is an example of a StateMachine defined with two exit points. Entry and exit points may be shown on the frame or within the state graph. Figure 14.12 is an example of a StateMachine defined with an exit point shown within the state graph. Figure 14.13 shows the same StateMachine using a notation shown on the frame of the StateMachine.
Figure 14.12 StateMachine with an exit point as part of the StateMachine graph
Figure 14.13 StateMachine with an exit point on the border
In Figure 14.14 the StateMachine shown in Figure 14.13 is referenced in a submachine State, and the presentation option with the exit points on the State symbol is shown.
Figure 14.14 Submachine Sate that uses an exit point
An example of the notation for entry and exit points for composite States is shown in Figure 14.23.
组合状态中的进入和退出点记法的例子是图14.23. State list notation(状态列表记法)
State lists provide a graphical shortcut for certain situations that sometimes occur in practice.
NOTE. These are purely notational forms with no corresponding abstract syntax representation. They are interchanged with UML DI, see Annex B.4.4.
注意:这是纯粹的符号形式,不存在与之对应的抽象语法表现。它们通过UML ID实现互换,参见附录B.4.4。
Multiple effect-free Transitions with the same Trigger values originating on different States but all either (a) targeting a common junction Vertex with a single outgoing Transition or (b) terminating on the same target State, may be represented by a Single Transition-like arc originating from a State-like graphic element, labeled with a list of the names of the originating States. This arc terminates on the joint target State. Figure 14.15 shows both possibilities and Figure 14.16 shows the equivalent diagram without using statelists.
多个具有相同监护条件的不包含效应行为的迁移 来自不同的状态,都同样通过一个离开迁移指向共同的汇合顶点,或者终止与同一个状态,可以表现为一个起源于类状态图形元素的类迁移弧线,弧线以源状态名称 的列表标记。图14.15表示了两种可能的情况,而14.16表示了没有使用状态列表时的等价图。
Figure 14.16 Diagram equivalent to Figure 14.15 without using statelists FinalState(完了状态)
A FinalState is shown as a circle surrounding a small solid filled circle (see Figure 14.17). The corresponding completion Transition on the enclosing State has as notation an unlabeled Transition.
Figure 14.17 FinalState notation
Figure 14.7 has an example of a FinalState (the right-most of the States within the composite State).
图14.7中有一个完了状态的例子(组合状态中最右边的状态)。 Pseudostate(伪状态)
An initial Pseudostate is shown as a small solid filled circle (see Figure 14.18). In a Region of a ClassifierBehavior StateMachine, the Transition from an initial Pseudostate may be labeled with the Event type of the occurrence that creates the object; otherwise, it must be unlabeled. If it is unlabeled, it represents any Transition from the enclosing State.
Figure 14.18 initial Pseudostate
A shallowHistory Pseudostate is indicated by a small circle containing an ‘H’ (see Figure 14.19). It applies to the State Region that directly encloses it.
Figure 14.19 shallowHistory Pseudostate
A deepHistory Pseudostate is indicated by a small circle containing an ‘H*’ (see Figure 14.20). It applies to the State Region that directly encloses it.
Figure 14.20 deepHistory Pseudostate
An entry point is shown as a small circle on the border of the StateMachine diagram or composite State, with the name associated with it (see Figure 14.21).
Figure 14.21 entryPoint Pseudostate
Optionally it may be placed both within the StateMachine diagram and outside the border of the StateMachine diagram or composite State.
An exit point is shown as a small circle with a cross on the border of the StateMachine diagram or composite State, with the name associated with it (see Figure 14.22).
Figure 14.22 exitPoint Pseudostate
Optionally, an exit point symbol may be placed both within the StateMachine diagram or composite State and outside the border of the StateMachine diagram or composite State. Figure 14.23 illustrates the notation for depicting entry and exit points of composite States.
Figure 14.23 entryPoint and exitPoints on a composite State
Alternatively, the “bracket” notation shown in Figure 14.30 and Figure 14.31 can also be used for the transition-oriented notation.
A junction is represented by a small filled circle (see Figure 14.24).
Figure 14.24 junction Pseudostate with incoming and outgoing Transitions
A choice Pseudostate is shown as a diamond-shaped symbol as exemplified shown by the left-hand diagram in Figure 14.25.
Figure 14.25 choice Pseudostates
NOTE. In cases when all guards associated with triggers of Transitions leaving a choice Pseudostate are binary expressions that share a common left operand, then the notation for choice Pseudostate may be simplified. The left operand may be placed inside the diamond-shaped symbol and the rest of the Guard expressions placed on the outgoing Transitions. This is illustrated by the right-hand diagram in Figure 14.25.
A terminate Pseudostate is shown as a cross, see Figure 14.26.
Figure 14.26 terminate Pseudostate
The notation for a fork and join is a short heavy bar (Figure 14.27). The bar may have one or more arrows from source States to the bar (when representing a join). The bar may have one or more arrows from the bar to States (when representing a fork). A Transition string may be shown near the bar.
Figure 14.27 fork and join Pseudostates ConnectionPointReference(连接点引用)
A connection point reference to an entry point has the same notation as an entry Pseudostate. The circle is placed on the border of the State symbol of a submachine State.
Figure 14.28 Entry point ConnectionPointReference notation
A connection point reference to an exit point has the same notation as an exit Pseudostate. The encircled cross is placed on the border of the State symbol of a submachine State.
Figure 14.29 Exit point ConnectionPointReference notation
Alternatively, a connection point reference to an entry point can also be visualized using a “bracketed space” symbol as shown in Figure 14.30. The text inside the symbol shall contain ‘via’ followed by the name of the connection point. This notation may only be used if the Transition ending with the connection point is defined using the graphical Transition notation, such as the one shown in Figure 14.32.
Figure 14.30 Alternative entry point ConnectionPointReference notation
A connection point reference to an exit point can also be visualized using a “bracketed space” symbol as shown in Figure 14.31. The text inside the symbol shall contain ‘via’ followed by the name of the connection point. This notation may only be used if the Transition associated with the connection point is defined using the graphical Transition notation such as the one shown in Figure 14.32.
Figure 14.31 Alternative exit point ConnectionPointReference notation Transition(迁移)
The default textual notation for a Transition is defined by the following BNF expression:
[<触发条件> [‘,’ <触发条件>]* [‘[‘ <监护条件>’]’] [‘/’ <行为表达式>]]
这里<触发条件>适用触发条件的标准记法(参见13.3.4小 节),
As an alternative, in cases where the effect Behavior can be described as a control-flow based sequence of Actions, there is a graphical representation for Transitions and compound transitions which is similar to the notation used for
NOTE. Although this alternative notation contains graphical elements reminiscent of the notation used for Activities, it is a distinct form applicable only to StateMachines, and its elements map to appropriate StateMachine concepts.
This notation is in the form of a directed graph, which consists of one or more graphical symbols interconnected by directed arcs that represent control flow (see Figure 14.32). In all cases except for the Transition originating from the
initial Pseudostate, the starting symbol, which has the form of the standard simple State notation, represents the source State of the Transition. If this Transition has a Signal-based Trigger, then the source state symbol is connected by an arc pointing to a special Signal receipt symbol described below. If there are multiple Triggers for the Transition, they are all listed in the same symbol as explained below.
这是直接表示为图形形式的记法,包含一个或多个由表现控制流的有向弧线连接的图形符号(参见图 14.32)。对于除了源自初始伪状态的迁移以外的所有情况,标准的简单状态的开始符号表现的是迁移的源状态。如果迁移具有信号类的触发条件,那么源状态 符号被一个下面定义的,指向特殊信号接受符号连接。如果迁移有多个触发条件,它们在下面说明的同一个符号中一起列出。
If the Transition originates from the initial Pseudostate, the starting symbol is the initial symbol, which is the same as used for the initial Pseudostate: a filled black circle. In that case, there is no Signal receipt symbol immediately
following the starting symbol.
Except for end symbols that terminate the paths, any of the following symbols can appear in the chain as appropriate:
· an action symbol(动作符号)
· a choice point symbol(选择点符号)
· a Signal send symbol(信号发送符号)
· a merge symbol(合并符号)
The terminating symbol in these directed graphs is always either a State-like symbol representing the target State of the transition or a final state symbol (which is the same as the symbol for a FinalState).
在这个有向图形中,结束符号要么是表示迁移目标状态的类状态符号,要么是一个完了状态符号(它和完了状态的符号相同) Action symbols(动作符号)
Each action symbol is represented by a rectangle with an optional textual specification of the action. It maps either to an OpaqueAction or to a SequenceNode containing one or more Actions executed in sequence (see sub clause 16.11.3) and which are part of the Activity specifying the effect Behavior of the appropriate Transition in the compound transition.
动作符号表示为矩形,该矩形带可选的定义动作内容的文本。动作可以映射到一个OpaqueAction或包含一个或多个按照次序执行的动作的SequenceNode(参见16.11.3),它是定义复合迁移中关联迁移的效应行为的活动的一部分。 Signal receipt symbol(信号接受符号)
The Signal receipt symbol is shown as a five-pointed polygon that looks like a rectangle with a triangular notch in one of its sides (either one). It maps to the trigger of the Transition and does not map to an Action of the Activity that
specifies the effect Behavior. The names of the Signals of the Trigger as well as any guard are contained within the symbol as follows:
<触发条件> [‘,’ <触发条件>]* [‘[‘ <监护条件> ‘]’]
像13.3.4小节中描述的那样,<触发条件>的类型只允许信号和变化事件。触发条件符号总是位于符号路径的开头并且复合迁移中最多只允许有一个这样的符号。 Signal send symbol(信号发送符号)
This represents the special action of sending a signal and maps directly to a SendSignalAction that is part of the Activity that describes the effect Behavior of the corresponding Transition. The notation corresponds to the notation for the SendSignalAction (see sub clause 16.3.4).
这个符号表现发送信号的动作,它直接对应SendSignalAction动作。这个动作是描述对应迁移的效应行为的活动的一部分。它的记法对应与SendSignalAction动作的记法(参见16.3.4小节)。 Choice point symbol(选择符号)
This symbol maps directly to a choice Pseudostate and uses the same notation.
NOTE. It is not part of any Activity.
注意:它不是活动的一部分。 Merge symbol(合并符号)
A merge symbol is used to join multiple control-flow arcs and maps directly to a junction Pseudostate and uses the same notation. It is not part of any Activity. Figure 14.32 shows a compound transition consisting of four connected Transitions: one from the Idle State to the choice symbol, one for each of the branches of the choice through the junction symbol, and one from the junction
Pseudostate to the Busy State.
Figure 14.32 Symbols for Signal reception, Sending, and Actions on a Transition Deferred triggers(延缓触发条件)
A deferrable trigger is shown by listing it within the State followed by a slash and the label “defer”. An example of this notation is shown in Figure 14.33. In this example, handling of the “request” event occurrence is deferred in States
“Initializing” and “Primed”. However, it will be handled once the “Operational” State is reached.
Figure 14.33 Deferred Trigger notation TransitionKind(迁移种类)
• Transitions of the kind internal are not shown explicitly in diagrams.
• Transitions of the kind local can originate from the border of the containing composite State, or one of its entry points, or from a Vertex within the composite State. (Alternatively, a Transition of kind local can be shown as a Transition leaving a State symbol containing the text “*.” The Transition is then considered to belong to the enclosing composite State.) Transitions of this kind can only terminate on the border of the composite State, or one of its exit points, or on a Vertex within the composite State. All of the Transitions in Figure 14.34 are local.
局部迁移可以源自包含它的组合状态的边界或某个进入点,或者组合状态内部的顶点。(或者,局部迁移可以表示为包含文字“*”的 离开状态的迁移。该迁移可以看作是属于外围组合状态的。)这种类型的迁移可以终止于组合状态的边界,或某个退出点,或组合状态内的某个顶点。图14.34 中的所有迁移都是局部迁移。
• Transitions of kind external can target any Vertex contained within or external to the source Vertex. The part of the external Transition closest to the source must be drawn outside of the source Vertex border. In the case of an external self Transition where the source is a State or exit point on the State, it may target the State itself or an entry point on the State and it will be drawn completely outside of the State border. All of the Transitions in Figure 14.35 are external.
外部迁移的目标顶点可以是任何源顶点内部或外部的顶点。靠近迁移源的外部迁移必须画在源顶点边界 的外面。在外部自迁移的情况下,如果迁移源是状态或者状态的退出点,迁移目标可以是那个状态本身或者该状态的进入点,而且迁移应该被完全地描画在状态边界 的外边。图14.35中所有的迁移都是外部的。
Figure 14.34 Local Transitions
Figure 14.35 External Transitions
《OMG Unified Modeling Language TM (OMG UML) Version 2.5》