

## 归档模式
db2 get db cfg for test | grep -i logarchmeth1
 First log archive method                 (LOGARCHMETH1) = OFF  # 设置归档的方式,可以指定DISK、TSM等参数。
-- 启用归档模式
db2 update db cfg for test using logarchmeth1 disk:/db2backup/archlog
-- 启用跟踪
db2 update db cfg for test using trackmod on 

-- 重启数据库
db2stop force

## 离线备份命令
db2 backup db test to /dev/null 
-- 将备份模式从“循环日志”修改为“归档日志”时,需要做离线完全备份,否则连接时会报 backup-pending错误。
db2 backup db test to /db2backup/backup

## 在线备份命令
db2 backup db test online [to <path>]
-- 在线全量备份
db2 backup db test online to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 迭代增量备份
db2 backup db test online incremental delta to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 累积增量备份
db2 backup db test online incremental to /db2backup/backup compress

-- 表空间备份
db2 backup db test tablespace(tbs_name) online to /data1/dbbak

-- 备份介质检查
db2ckbkp -h backup_file_name

-- 查看备份进度
db2 list utilities show detail

## 一周备份计划

-- 周日 离线完全备份
db2 backup db test online to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周一 迭代增量
db2 backup db test online incremental delta to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周二 迭代增量
db2 backup db test online incremental delta to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周三 增量
db2 backup db test online incremental to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周四 迭代增量
db2 backup db test online incremental delta to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周五 迭代增量
db2 backup db test online incremental delta to /db2backup/backup compress
-- 周六 增量
db2 backup db test online incremental to /db2backup/backup compress

## 版本恢复

-- 1.数据库恢复
db2 restore db test from /data1 taken at 20110118032318

-- 2.表空间恢复
db2 "restore db test tablespace(tbs_name) online from /data1 taken at 20110118032318"

-- 3.增量备份恢复
automatic 选项自动按顺序进行恢复
db2 restore db test incremental automatic taken at 20161204223439
db2ckrst 根据恢复历史文件产生恢复顺序
db2ckrst -d test -t 20110118032318 -r database 

-- 4.恢复日志
-- 备份带日志
db2 backup db test online include logs
-- 恢复
db2 restore db sample from /data1 taken at 20161204223439 logtarget /data1/logs
-- 前滚(如果使用include logs 进行备份,前滚时,需要指定日志)
db2 "rollforward db test to end of logs and stop overflow log path (/data1/logs)"
-- 如果不想恢复数据库,仅恢复备份介质中的日志,需要先指定Logs选项,然后指定logtarget
db2 restore db test logs from /data1 logtarget /data1/logs
db2 restore db test logs from . logtarget /db2backup/backup/test

-- 5.恢复到另外一个数据库目录或存储路径
TO target-directory / dbpath on target-direcotyr / on path-list
db2 restore db test dbpath on /data1/dbdir
db2 resotre db test on /data1

-- 6.重定向恢复
db2 restore db test1 into test2 redirect
db2 list tablespace show detail
db2 list tablespace containers for 2 show detail
db2 "set tablespace containers for 2 using (
file '/db2fs3/db2inst1/NODE0000/TEST/T0000002/C0000000.LRG' 1000,
file '/db2fs1/db2inst1/NODE0000/TEST/T0000002/C0000001.LRG' 1000,
file '/db2fs2/db2inst1/NODE0000/TEST/T0000002/C0000002.LRG' 1000)"

-- 生成自动脚本
db2 restore db test taken at 20161214203816 redirect generate script redirect.ddl
db2 restore db test taken at 20161214203816  into test2 redirect generate script redirect.ddl

-- 版本恢复后,需要进行前滚恢复,否则会出现如下错误:
db2 connect to test
SQL1117N  因为处于 ROLL-FORWARD PENDING 状态,所以不能连接或激活数据库

-- 前滚恢复 到备份时间点
db2 rollforward db test to end of backup and stop
-- 前滚恢复 到日志截止时间点
db2 rollforward db test to end of logs and stop

-- 前滚到某个时间点
db2 rollforward db test to 2016-12-07-
db2 rollforward db test to 2016-12-07- using local time

## 示例:在同一服务器上,将数据库 test 恢复为数据库 test2

-- 备份数据库 test
db2 backup db test online compress


-- 恢复备份介质中的日志
db2 restore db test logs from . logtarget /db2backup/backup/test
du -h
16K     ./test/NODE0000/LOGSTREAM0000
20K     ./test/NODE0000
24K     ./test
123M    .

ls -l ./test/NODE0000/LOGSTREAM0000
total 12
-rw-------. 1 db2inst1 db2grp 12288 Dec 30 14:08 S0000032.LOG

-- 如果使用 restore ... into ... redirect 恢复数据库,必须使用 restore ... continue 正式恢复
-- 恢复数据库 test2
db2 restore db test taken at 20161230094642 into test2 redirect
--通过 restore ... continue 开始正式恢复
db2 restore db test continue
-- or 如果不使用 redirect ,则不需要使用 continue
db2 restore db test taken at 20161230094642 into test2 

-- 前滚数据库 test2
db2 "rollforward db test2 to end of logs and stop overflow log path (/db2backup/backup/test)"

db2 connect to test2
db2 list tablespaces

## 删除表恢复


-- 创建测试表
create table t(
id int
, name varchar(50)
, last_modify timestamp

-- 批量写入数据
begin atomic
	declare id int default 100;
	while (id>0) do
		insert into t(id,name,last_modify) values (id, '测试数据' || cast(id as varchar(10)), current timestamp);
		set id=id-1;
	end while;
drop table t;

$ db2 list history dropped table all for test

                    List History File for test

Number of matching file entries = 1

 Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log  Backup ID
 -- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------
  D  T  20161215130819                                        000000000000cf0a00020004 
  "DB2INST1"."T" resides in 1 tablespace(s):

    Comment: DROP TABLE
 Start Time: 20161215130819
   End Time: 20161215130819
     Status: A
  EID: 64

db2 "restore db test tablespace(userspace1) online taken at 20161215134534"

--3、前滚恢复时指定要恢复的表的backupid(对应list dropped table 中的backup id,每个backup id 对应一张删除表)
db2 force applications all 
db2 "rollforward db test to end of logs tablespace(userspace1) recover dropped table 000000000000320d00020004 to /db2backup/backup/test"


--5、通过表空间前滚,可以获取删除表的数据,通过load/import 加载即可:
db2 "load from data of del insert into t copy yes to /db2backup/backup"


## 查看备份记录
db2 list backup all for test

-- 查看归档日志历史
db2 list history archive log all for test

-- 查看活动日志
db2 get db cfg for test| grep -i "First active log file"
 First active log file                                   = S0000014.LOG

## 删除历史归档日志

-- 归档日志删除方式1:
2、可以通过数据库配置参数: rec_his_retentn 和 auto_del_rec_obj来制定保留周期。
3、使用 prune history *** and delete 删除归档日志与备份

-- 操作步骤
db2 get db cfg | grep -i REC_HIS_RETENTN
 Recovery history retention (days)     (REC_HIS_RETENTN) = 366
db2 get db cfg | grep -i AUTO_DEL_REC_OBJ
 Auto deletion of recovery objects    (AUTO_DEL_REC_OBJ) = OFF

db2 update db cfg using REC_HIS_RETENTN 7
db2 update db cfg using AUTO_DEL_REC_OBJ on

db2 prune history 20161212152034 and delete 

find $path -mtime +7 -name "S*.LOG" |xargs rm -f

find $path -mtime +7 -name "*.tgz" |xargs rm -f

--db2 日志监控
$ db2 get snapshot for db on test |grep -i log | more
Catalog database partition number          = 0
Catalog network node name                  = inspurk1a

-- 数据写入测试
drop table t
create table t(id int, name varchar(500), last_modify timestamp)

-- 批量写入数据
begin atomic \
	declare id int default 400000; \
	while (id>0) do \
		insert into t(id,name,last_modify) values (id, '测试数据123456789测试数据123456789测试数据123456789' || cast(id as varchar(10)), current timestamp); \
		set id=id-1; \
	end while; \

select count(1) from t
