it is for WebSphere 4.0, while it’s almost same as websphere6
Using Optimizeit with WebSphere 4.0 Advanced Edition This tutorial explains how to integrate Optimizeit with IBM WebSphere 4.0 Advanced Edition. These instructions are for both Windows and Unix machines. Once you have integrated Optimizeit, you can attach to any Optimizeit tool without further integration. Note: In this document Note on using JDK 1.3 on Solaris machines with WebSphere 4.0: On Solaris machines, IBM WebSphere 4.0 is packaged with and uses by default JDK 1.3. But JDK 1.3 does not support the profiling interface (JVMPI) and so cannot be used with Optimizeit. In order to use Optimizeit with your WebSphere application server, you need JDK 1.3.1 or above. If you do not have JDK 1.3.1 installed, download the software from the Sun java website.
Configuring WebSphere with Optimizeit The following instructions explain how to configure WebSphere to work with Optimizeit.
Starting WebSphere with Optimizeit
Note: If you have previously installed Optimizeit products, you must quit the Audit System Selector supplied with those products, and start the Optimizeit Audit System Selector supplied with this tool.
Attaching from Optimizeit Once WebSphere is running with the Optimizeit Audit System, you can launch Optimizeit and attach to the virtual machine.
Select the tab for your chosen tool, and click Start.
The default values for host name (localhost) and port number (1470 for Profiler, 1471 for Thread Debugger, and 1472 for Code Coverage) will work in most instances.
The application server is not affected by attaching and detaching Optimizeit.
Connection String | |
Oracle thin | jdbc:oracle:thin:@orcl:1521:zlu |
Oracle oci |
Sybase | jdbc:sybase:tds:localhost:5000/testdb |
DB2 (Legacy jdbc type 2 for XA) | 1. Database configure Because you want to use JDB2 type2 driver, so you must have a DB2 client on the same machine with the websphere. If you want to connect to a remote DB2 database, you need configure a local database which reference to the remote database using DB2 client tool. 2. Start WebSphere Because you used the JDBC2 driver, you need to run a script named db2profile to configure some environment parameter before you start the WebSphere. Normally you can find that script at the {$db2-user-home}/sqllib folder. After you have run that script, you can start the WebSphere 3. Configure Database When you create JDBC providers, you should choose DB2 Legacy CLI-based Type 2JDBC Driver. Ok, that all. |
DB2 (Universal jdbc type 2 for XA) |
Configuration | |
Speak English | 1, “Servers” -> “Application Server” ->"server_name"->“Server Infrastructure”-> “Java and Process Management”->“Process Definition”-> “Java Virtual Machine”-> Add value “-Duser.language=en” to property “Generic JVM arguments”.->restart WebSphere. 2, Change IE to show English UI of WebSphere, open IE, and go to “Tools” -> “Internet Options” -> “General”-> “Language”.-> “Add”.a new item “en-us”, and move it on the top of the list. |
GC log | -Xloggc:$SomeFolder/logs/callee.gc.txt |
Default JMS Provider: WebSphere Application Server V6 supplies a preconfigured J2EE Connector Architecture resource adapter implementation that can be used to communicate with a service integration bus. This resource adapter is installed as a fully-integrated component of WebSphere Application Server V6, at all levels of the WebSphere cell, and needs no separate installation steps. The administered objects for this resource adapter also implement the corresponding interfaces of version 1.1 of the JMS specification. This enables them to the be used by JMS clients for both the point-to-point and Publish/Subscribe messaging models. Default JMS Provider Configuration UI: A user friendly configuration tool to help you avoid directly configuring the JMS JCA resource adapter for JMS; yeah, you can configure JMS JCA resource adapter directly for your application SIB: A service integration bus, or bus, within WebSphere Application Server V6 is simply an architectural concept. It gives an administrator the ability to group a collection of resources together that provide the messaging capabilities of the bus. At runtime, the bus presents these cooperating messaging resources to applications as a single entity, hiding from those applications the details of how the bus is configured and where on the bus the different resources are located. yeah, SIB holds physical resource located for JMS and some other Service. Provider is interface, SIB is implementaton
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There are two way at least to configure applications running in WebShere Application Server communicating with MQSeries:
Unlike the default messaging JMS provider, the WebSphere MQ JMS provider is not a J2EE Connector Architecture version 1.5 compliant resource adapter. It simply provides an implementation of version 1.1 of the JMS API, enabling JMS clients to communicate directly with WebSphere MQ. |
Using an IIOP URL
Using a CORBA object URL from a non-WebSphere JNDI, To access a WebSphere name server from a non-WebSphere environment, such that the WebSphere initial context factory is not used, a corbaloc URL must be used that has an object key of NameServiceServerRoot to identify the server root context.
Configuration | |
Run Script | for %%v in ("*.jacl") do wsadmin -host -port 8880 -f %%v |
Provider Endpoint in Non -Bootstrap Server | Use the provider endpoints property to configure the bootstrap servers to which a connection factory can connect. The provider endpoints property of the connection factory allows an administrator. to specify a comma-separated list of suitable bootstrap servers for the connection factory. Each bootstrap server in the list is specified as a triplet of the form: hostname : port : transport chain, e.g."boothost1:7278:BootstrapBasicMessaging" |
Console Session | Servers -> Application Server -> server name -> Web Container -> Session Management: By default the value is 30. You can change it to -1(never time out) or 10000. |
Remove Timer in WebSphere | If the timer in WAS has exception, it always appear even you reinstall your application or restart WAS. Steps to remove it:
Don't start application with WebSphere | By default, an application will start when the server starts. However, you may not want all the applications to start immediately, because the applications you no longer use consume resources, or you may not need to run them. The only way to prevent this is to disable the application from running on the server. a. Select Applications -> Enterprise Applications b. Click the application to open the configuration. c. Select Target Mappings in the Additional Properties table. d. Select the server for which you want to disable the application. e. Deselect the Enable option and click OK. f. Save the configuration. |
Environment Variable | If you are on windows platform, after you installed some software, such as Oracle or DB2, you should restart your machine to make the change of some environment variables such as ${PATH} visible to WAS, then WAS can use the native libraries you just installed. |