
import export

//假设我们有两个js文件: index.js和content.js,现在我们想要在index.js中使用content.js返回的结果,我们要怎么做呢?

export default 'A cat'    
export function say(){
    return 'Hello!'
export const type = 'dog' 

import animal, { say, type } from './content'  
let says = say()
console.log(`The ${type} says ${says} to ${animal}`)  //The dog says Hello to A cat

import animal, { say, type as animalType } from './content'  
let says = say()
console.log(`The ${animalType} says ${says} to ${animal}`)  
//The dog says Hello to A cat

import animal, * as content from './content'  
let says = content.say()
console.log(`The ${content.type} says ${says} to ${animal}`)  
//The dog says Hello to A cat

//上面的content.js一共输出了三个变量(default, say, type),假如我们的实际项目当中只需要用到type这一个变量,
import { type } from './content'

希望更全面了解es6伙伴们可以去看阮一峰所著的电子书ECMAScript 6入门
