
在用 modelsim仿真时Warning太多,自己打印出来的仿真结果都没办看了,而且这些warning是可以忽略,网上查了查,这么解决:

solution 1 - editing MODELSIM initialisation file
go to Modelsim installation, then you should find "modelsim.ini" under the
path . First, to edit this file, you need to make it write enable; turn remove the READ-only protection.

; Turn off warnings from the std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned
; and std_logic_signed packages.
StdArithNoWarnings = 1 [removing the semicolon]; Turn off warnings from the IEEE numeric_std and numeric_bit packages.
NumericStdNoWarnings = 1 [removing the semicolon]

Save the file and make it READ-only.

solution 2- using ModelSIM TCL variable
Assuming that you are working the batch/TCL command driven in the GUI mode, after you execute the "vsim" command

type: (this is TCL command)

set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1

then, type
run -all (or similar)

solution 3- using ModelSIM GUI menu
Assuming that you are working the GUI interactive, after you execute the "vsim" command

halt the simulation using break command

Go to ModelSIM menu, click on Simulate -> SIMULATION options ->

Check on
StdArithNoWarnings Disable
NumericStdNoWarnings Disable

Continue to run your simulation

then, type
run -all (or similar) 

; Change a message severity or suppress a message.
; The format is: = [,...]
; Examples:
;   note = 3009
;   warning = 3033
;   error = 3010,3016
;   fatal = 3016,3033
    suppress = 3009,3016,3043,8233,3017,3022
; The command verror can be used to get the complete
; description of a message.

