当我们在一个session 上进行事务操作时,如果我们想查看这个事务的相关统计信息,那么可以通过v$mystat ,v$sysstat, v$sesstat, v$statname 字典来查看。 在Oracle 11g中,通过这2个视图,我么可以查看到588个相关的统计信息。
SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
2 FROM v$mystat vm, v$sysstat vs
3 WHERE vm.statistic# = vs.statistic#;
v$mystat 字典只能查看当前session 的信息,而v$sesstat 可以查看所有session 的信息,v$sysstat和v$statname 是对统计信息的一个说明。如果不是SYS 用户来执行,那么就需要单独的对这些用户进行赋权操作,具体命令如下:
grant select on v_$mystat to anqing;
grant select on v_$statname to anqing;
grant select on v_$sesstat to anqing;
grant select on v_$sysstat to anqing;
有关Oracle 视图的相关说明参考:
Oracle 性能相关的几个 视图 和 参数
Oracle 动态性能视图
二.查看当前session 的统计信息:v$mystat 和v$sysstat
我们可以通过如果SQL 来查看当前session 的具体统计信息,从而来帮助我们分析SQL 语句:
/* Formatted on 2012/6/25 10:57:20 (QP5 v5.185.11230.41888) */
SELECT vm.sid, vs.name, vm.VALUE
FROM v$mystat vm, v$sysstat vs
WHERE vm.statistic# = vs.statistic#
AND vs.name IN
('cleanouts only - consistent read gets',
'session logical reads',
'physical reads',
'physical reads direct',
'redo size');
三.查看所有session的统计信息:v$sessstat 和 v$statname
/* Formatted on 2012/6/25 12:39:51 (QP5 v5.185.11230.41888) */
SELECT a.sid, b.name, a.VALUE
FROM v$sesstat a, v$statname b
WHERE a.statistic# = b.statistic#
AND b.name IN
('cleanouts only - consistent read gets',
'session logical reads',
'physical reads',
'physical reads direct',
'redo size');
这里我们也可以加上SID 条件,只查看某个session的的统计信息,获取SID的方法参考:
Oracle 查看当前会话 SESSION ID 方法 说明
SELECT a.sid, b.name, a.VALUE
FROM v$sesstat a, v$statname b
WHERE a.statistic# = b.statistic#
AND sid = 139
AND b.name IN
('cleanouts only - consistent read gets',
'session logical reads',
'physical reads',
'physical reads direct',
'redo size');
在Oracle 11gR2中总共有588个相关的统计,我们可以根据自己的需要来查看相关的信息,这588个统计的所有列表如下:
SQL> SELECT vm.sid, vs.name, vm.VALUE
2 FROM v$mystat vm, v$sysstat vs
3 WHERE vm.statistic# = vs.statistic#;
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
139 OS CPU Qt wait time 0
139 logons cumulative 1
139 logons current 1
139 opened cursors cumulative 90
139 opened cursors current 2
139 user commits 0
139 user rollbacks 0
139 user calls 1180
139 recursive calls 957
139 recursive cpu usage 2
139 pinned cursors current 1
139 session logical reads 242
139 session stored procedure space 0
139 CPU used when call started 36
139 CPU used by this session 36
139 DB time 57
139 cluster wait time 0
139 concurrency wait time 0
139 application wait time 0
139 user I/O wait time 21
139 scheduler wait time 0
139 non-idle wait time 21
139 non-idle wait count 1184
139 session connect time 1340593250
139 process last non-idle time 1340593250
139 session uga memory 1524440
139 session uga memory max 1975392
139 messages sent 2
139 messages received 0
139 background timeouts 0
139 remote Oradebug requests 0
139 session pga memory 2387672
139 session pga memory max 2846424
139 recursive system API invocations 0
139 enqueue timeouts 0
139 enqueue waits 0
139 enqueue deadlocks 0
139 enqueue requests 16
139 enqueue conversions 0
139 enqueue releases 15
139 global enqueue gets sync 0
139 global enqueue gets async 0
139 global enqueue get time 0
139 global enqueue releases 0
139 physical read total IO requests 14
139 physical read total multi block requests 0
139 physical read requests optimized 0
139 physical read total bytes 114688
139 physical write total IO requests 0
139 physical write total multi block requests 0
139 physical write total bytes 0
139 cell physical IO interconnect bytes 114688
139 spare statistic 1 0
139 spare statistic 2 0
139 spare statistic 3 0
139 spare statistic 4 0
139 IPC CPU used by this session 0
139 gcs messages sent 0
139 ges messages sent 0
139 global enqueue CPU used by this session 0
139 max cf enq hold time 0
139 total cf enq hold time 0
139 total number of cf enq holders 0
139 db block gets 6
139 db block gets from cache 6
139 db block gets from cache (fastpath) 0
139 db block gets direct 0
139 consistent gets 236
139 consistent gets from cache 236
139 consistent gets from cache (fastpath) 119
139 consistent gets - examination 106
139 consistent gets direct 0
139 physical reads 14
139 physical reads cache 14
139 physical read flash cache hits 0
139 physical reads direct 0
139 physical read IO requests 14
139 physical read bytes 114688
139 db block changes 8
139 consistent changes 0
139 recovery blocks read 0
139 recovery blocks read for lost write detection 0
139 recovery blocks skipped lost write checks 0
139 physical writes 0
139 physical writes direct 0
139 physical writes from cache 0
139 physical write IO requests 0
139 flash cache inserts 0
139 physical reads direct temporary tablespace 0
139 physical writes direct temporary tablespace 0
139 physical write bytes 0
139 flash cache eviction: invalidated 0
139 flash cache eviction: buffer pinned 0
139 flash cache eviction: aged out 0
139 flash cache insert skip: not current 0
139 flash cache insert skip: DBWR overloaded 0
139 flash cache insert skip: exists 0
139 flash cache insert skip: not useful 0
139 flash cache insert skip: modification 0
139 flash cache insert skip: corrupt 0
139 db corrupt blocks detected 0
139 db corrupt blocks recovered 0
139 physical writes non checkpoint 0
139 summed dirty queue length 0
139 DBWR checkpoint buffers written 0
139 DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written 0
139 DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written 0
139 DBWR parallel query checkpoint buffers written 0
139 DBWR object drop buffers written 0
139 DBWR transaction table writes 0
139 DBWR undo block writes 0
139 DBWR revisited being-written buffer 0
139 DBWR lru scans 0
139 DBWR checkpoints 0
139 DBWR fusion writes 0
139 prefetch clients - keep 0
139 prefetch clients - recycle 0
139 prefetch clients - default 0
139 prefetch clients - 2k 0
139 prefetch clients - 4k 0
139 prefetch clients - 8k 0
139 prefetch clients - 16k 0
139 prefetch clients - 32k 0
139 change write time 0
139 redo synch writes 1
139 redo synch time 0
139 exchange deadlocks 0
139 free buffer requested 15
139 dirty buffers inspected 0
139 pinned buffers inspected 0
139 hot buffers moved to head of LRU 0
139 free buffer inspected 0
139 commit cleanout failures: write disabled 0
139 commit cleanout failures: block lost 0
139 commit cleanout failures: cannot pin 0
139 commit cleanout failures: hot backup in progress 0
139 commit cleanout failures: buffer being written 0
139 commit cleanout failures: callback failure 0
139 commit cleanouts 2
139 commit cleanouts successfully completed 2
139 recovery array reads 0
139 recovery array read time 0
139 CR blocks created 0
139 current blocks converted for CR 0
139 switch current to new buffer 1
139 write clones created in foreground 0
139 write clones created in background 0
139 write clones created for recovery 0
139 recovery block gets from cache 0
139 physical reads cache prefetch 0
139 physical reads prefetch warmup 0
139 prefetched blocks aged out before use 0
139 prefetch warmup blocks aged out before use 0
139 prefetch warmup blocks flushed out before use 0
139 physical reads retry corrupt 0
139 physical reads direct (lob) 0
139 physical writes direct (lob) 0
139 cold recycle reads 0
139 shared hash latch upgrades - no wait 3
139 shared hash latch upgrades - wait 0
139 physical reads for flashback new 0
139 calls to kcmgcs 11
139 calls to kcmgrs 0
139 calls to kcmgas 3
139 calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss 94
139 redo blocks read for recovery 0
139 redo k-bytes read for recovery 0
139 redo k-bytes read for terminal recovery 0
139 redo entries 4
139 redo size 1756
139 redo entries for lost write detection 0
139 redo size for lost write detection 0
139 redo size for direct writes 0
139 redo buffer allocation retries 0
139 redo wastage 0
139 redo writes 0
139 redo blocks written 0
139 redo write time 0
139 redo blocks checksummed by FG (exclusive) 0
139 redo blocks checksummed by LGWR 0
139 redo log space requests 0
139 redo log space wait time 0
139 redo ordering marks 0
139 redo subscn max counts 0
139 redo write broadcast ack time 0
139 redo write broadcast ack count 0
139 redo k-bytes read total 0
139 redo k-bytes read (memory) 0
139 redo k-bytes read total by LNS 0
139 redo k-bytes read (memory) by LNS 0
139 file io service time 0
139 file io wait time 210653
139 gc cr blocks served 0
139 gc cr block read wait time 0
139 gc cr block build time 0
139 gc cr block flush time 0
139 gc cr block send time 0
139 gc current blocks served 0
139 gc current block pin time 0
139 gc current block flush time 0
139 gc current block send time 0
139 gc cr blocks received 0
139 gc cr block receive time 0
139 gc current blocks received 0
139 gc current block receive time 0
139 gc local grants 0
139 gc remote grants 0
139 gc kbytes sent 0
139 gc kbytes saved 0
139 gc blocks compressed 0
139 gc blocks lost 0
139 gc claim blocks lost 0
139 gc blocks corrupt 0
139 gc CPU used by this session 0
139 gc reader bypass grants 0
139 total number of slots 0
139 Effective IO time 0
139 Number of read IOs issued 0
139 background checkpoints started 0
139 background checkpoints completed 0
139 number of map operations 0
139 number of map misses 0
139 flashback log writes 0
139 flashback log write bytes 0
139 cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation 0
139 cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized RMAN file restore 0
139 cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload 0
139 cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index 0
139 cell smart IO session cache lookups 0
139 cell smart IO session cache hits 0
139 cell smart IO session cache soft misses 0
139 cell smart IO session cache hard misses 0
139 cell smart IO session cache hwm 0
139 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to user 0
139 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to big payload 0
139 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to user 0
139 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to cellsrv 0
139 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to timezone 0
139 cell num smart file creation sessions using rdbms block IO mode 0
139 cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan 0
139 cell session smart scan efficiency 0
139 Batched IO vector read count 0
139 Batched IO vector block count 0
139 Batched IO single block count 0
139 Batched IO zero block count 0
139 Batched IO block miss count 0
139 Batched IO double miss count 0
139 Batched IO (full) vector count 0
139 Batched IO (space) vector count 0
139 Batched IO (bound) vector count 0
139 Batched IO same unit count 0
139 Batched IO buffer defrag count 0
139 Batched IO slow jump count 0
139 shared io pool buffer get success 0
139 shared io pool buffer get failure 0
139 temp space allocated (bytes) 0
139 serializable aborts 0
139 transaction lock foreground requests 0
139 transaction lock foreground wait time 0
139 transaction lock background gets 0
139 transaction lock background get time 0
139 undo change vector size 492
139 transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied 0
139 transaction tables consistent read rollbacks 0
139 data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied 0
139 no work - consistent read gets 119
139 cleanouts only - consistent read gets 0
139 rollbacks only - consistent read gets 0
139 cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets 0
139 RowCR attempts 0
139 RowCR hits 0
139 RowCR - row contention 0
139 RowCR - resume 0
139 rollback changes - undo records applied 0
139 transaction rollbacks 0
139 immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 0
139 immediate (CR) block cleanout applications 0
139 deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 1
139 commit txn count during cleanout 0
139 active txn count during cleanout 0
139 cleanout - number of ktugct calls 0
139 immediate CR cleanouts (index blocks) 0
139 deferred CUR cleanouts (index blocks) 0
139 Commit SCN cached 0
139 Cached Commit SCN referenced 0
139 Block Cleanout Optim referenced 0
139 min active SCN optimization applied on CR 0
139 auto extends on undo tablespace 0
139 drop segment calls in space pressure 0
139 total number of undo segments dropped 0
139 doubling up with imu segment 0
139 tune down retentions in space pressure 0
139 steps of tune down ret. in space pressure 0
139 space was found by tune down 0
139 space was not found by tune down 0
139 commit batch/immediate requested 0
139 commit batch requested 0
139 commit immediate requested 0
139 commit batch/immediate performed 0
139 commit batch performed 0
139 commit immediate performed 0
139 commit wait/nowait requested 0
139 commit nowait requested 0
139 commit wait requested 0
139 commit wait/nowait performed 0
139 commit nowait performed 0
139 commit wait performed 0
139 global undo segment hints helped 0
139 global undo segment hints were stale 0
139 local undo segment hints helped 0
139 local undo segment hints were stale 0
139 undo segment header was pinned 0
139 IMU commits 0
139 IMU Flushes 0
139 IMU contention 0
139 IMU recursive-transaction flush 0
139 IMU undo retention flush 0
139 IMU ktichg flush 0
139 IMU bind flushes 0
139 IMU mbu flush 0
139 IMU pool not allocated 0
139 IMU CR rollbacks 0
139 IMU undo allocation size 144
139 IMU Redo allocation size 0
139 IMU- failed to get a private strand 0
139 Misses for writing mapping 0
139 segment dispenser load tasks 0
139 segemnt dispenser load empty 0
139 segment dispenser allocations 0
139 segment cfs allocations 0
139 segment chunks allocation from disepnser 0
139 segment total chunk allocation 0
139 TBS Extension: tasks created 0
139 TBS Extension: tasks executed 0
139 TBS Extension: files extended 0
139 TBS Extension: bytes extended 0
139 total number of times SMON posted 0
139 SMON posted for undo segment recovery 0
139 SMON posted for txn recovery for other instances 0
139 SMON posted for instance recovery 0
139 SMON posted for undo segment shrink 0
139 SMON posted for dropping temp segment 0
139 segment prealloc tasks 0
139 segment prealloc ops 0
139 segment prealloc bytes 0
139 segment prealloc time (ms) 0
139 segment prealloc ufs2cfs bytes 0
139 table scans (short tables) 4
139 table scans (long tables) 0
139 table scans (rowid ranges) 0
139 table scans (cache partitions) 0
139 table scans (direct read) 0
139 table scan rows gotten 80
139 table scan blocks gotten 3
139 table fetch by rowid 58
139 table fetch continued row 0
139 cluster key scans 16
139 cluster key scan block gets 16
139 rows fetched via callback 4
139 cell scans 0
139 cell blocks processed by cache layer 0
139 cell blocks processed by txn layer 0
139 cell blocks processed by data layer 0
139 cell blocks processed by index layer 0
139 cell commit cache queries 0
139 cell transactions found in commit cache 0
139 cell blocks helped by commit cache 0
139 cell blocks helped by minscn optimization 0
139 cell blocks skipped due to chained rows 0
139 cell simulated physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload 0
139 cell simulated physical IO bytes returned by predicate offload 0
139 cell simulated session smart scan efficiency 0
139 cell CUs sent uncompressed 0
139 cell CUs sent compressed 0
139 cell CUs sent head piece 0
139 cell CUs processed for uncompressed 0
139 cell CUs processed for compressed 0
139 cell IO uncompressed bytes 0
139 queue update without cp update 0
139 index crx upgrade (prefetch) 0
139 index crx upgrade (found) 0
139 index crx upgrade (positioned) 0
139 leaf node splits 0
139 leaf node 90-10 splits 0
139 branch node splits 0
139 root node splits 0
139 failed probes on index block reclamation 0
139 recursive aborts on index block reclamation 0
139 index reclamation/extension switch 0
139 native hash arithmetic execute 0
139 native hash arithmetic fail 0
139 lob reads 0
139 lob writes 0
139 lob writes unaligned 0
139 cell index scans 0
139 index fast full scans (full) 0
139 index fast full scans (rowid ranges) 0
139 index fast full scans (direct read) 0
139 index fetch by key 24
139 index scans kdiixs1 44
139 queue splits 0
139 queue flush 0
139 queue position update 0
139 queue single row 0
139 queue ocp pages 0
139 queue qno pages 0
139 heap block compress 0
139 HSC OLTP Space Saving 0
139 HSC OLTP Compressed Blocks 0
139 HSC IDL Compressed Blocks 0
139 HSC Compressed Segment Block Changes 0
139 HSC Heap Segment Block Changes 2
139 HSC OLTP Non Compressible Blocks 0
139 HSC OLTP positive compression 0
139 HSC OLTP negative compression 0
139 HSC OLTP recursive compression 0
139 HSC OLTP inline compression 0
139 HSC OLTP Drop Column 0
139 HSC OLTP Compression skipped rows 0
139 HSC OLTP compression block checked 0
139 Heap Segment Array Inserts 0
139 Heap Segment Array Updates 0
139 securefile allocation bytes 0
139 securefile allocation chunks 0
139 securefile direct read bytes 0
139 securefile direct write bytes 0
139 securefile direct read ops 0
139 securefile direct write ops 0
139 securefile inode read time 0
139 securefile inode write time 0
139 securefile inode ioreap time 0
139 securefile bytes non-transformed 0
139 securefile number of non-transformed flushes 0
139 securefile bytes encrypted 0
139 securefile bytes cleartext 0
139 securefile compressed bytes 0
139 securefile uncompressed bytes 0
139 securefile bytes deduplicated 0
139 securefile create dedup set 0
139 securefile destroy dedup set 0
139 securefile add dedupd lob to set 0
139 securefile rmv from dedup set 0
139 securefile reject deduplication 0
139 securefile dedup prefix hash match 0
139 securefile number of flushes 0
139 securefile dedup flush too low 0
139 securefile dedup callback oper final 0
139 securefile dedup hash collision 0
139 securefile dedup fits inline 0
139 CC CUs Compressed 0
139 CC Query Low CUs Compressed 0
139 CC Query High CUs Compressed 0
139 CC Archive CUs Compressed 0
139 CC Compressed Length Compressed 0
139 CC Decompressed Length Compressed 0
139 CC Rows Compressed 0
139 CC Rows Not Compressed 0
139 CC CU Row Pieces Compressed 0
139 CC CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Query Low CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Query High CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Archive CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Compressed Length Decompressed 0
139 CC Decompressed Length Decompressed 0
139 CC Columns Decompressed 0
139 CC Total Columns for Decompression 0
139 CC Total Rows for Decompression 0
139 CC Pieces Buffered for Decompression 0
139 CC Total Pieces for Decompression 0
139 CC DML CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Scan CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Turbo Scan CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Rowid CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Analyze CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Dump CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Check CUs Decompressed 0
139 CC Analyzer Calls 0
139 sql area purged 2
139 sql area evicted 0
139 CCursor + sql area evicted 0
139 No. of Encrypt ops 0
139 No. of Decrypt ops 0
139 No. of XS Sessions Created 0
139 No. of XS Sessions Attached 0
139 No. of Namespaces Created 0
139 No. of User Callbacks Executed 0
139 No. of Roles Enabled or Disabled 0
139 No. of Principal Cache Misses 0
139 No. of Principal Invalidations 0
139 DX/BB enqueue lock foreground requests 0
139 DX/BB enqueue lock foreground wait time 0
139 DX/BB enqueue lock background gets 0
139 DX/BB enqueue lock background get time 0
139 Clusterwide global transactions 0
139 Clusterwide global transactions spanning RAC nodes 0
139 Forwarded 2PC commands across RAC nodes 0
139 GTX processes spawned by autotune 0
139 GTX processes stopped by autotune 0
139 session cursor cache hits 36
139 session cursor cache count 20
139 java call heap total size 0
139 java call heap total size max 0
139 java call heap used size 0
139 java call heap used size max 0
139 java call heap live size 0
139 java call heap live size max 0
139 java call heap object count 0
139 java call heap object count max 0
139 java call heap live object count 0
139 java call heap live object count max 0
139 java call heap gc count 0
139 java call heap collected count 0
139 java call heap collected bytes 0
139 java session heap used size 0
139 java session heap used size max 0
139 java session heap live size 0
139 java session heap live size max 0
139 java session heap object count 0
139 java session heap object count max 0
139 java session heap live object count 0
139 java session heap live object count max 0
139 java session heap gc count 0
139 java session heap collected count 0
139 java session heap collected bytes 0
139 cursor authentications 8
139 queries parallelized 0
139 DML statements parallelized 0
139 DDL statements parallelized 0
139 DFO trees parallelized 0
139 Parallel operations not downgraded 0
139 Parallel operations downgraded to serial 0
139 Parallel operations downgraded 75 to 99 pct 0
139 Parallel operations downgraded 50 to 75 pct 0
139 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 0
139 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 0
139 PX local messages sent 0
139 PX local messages recv'd 0
139 PX remote messages sent 0
139 PX remote messages recv'd 0
139 buffer is pinned count 9
139 buffer is not pinned count 194
139 no buffer to keep pinned count 0
139 workarea memory allocated 1245
139 workarea executions - optimal 17
139 workarea executions - onepass 0
139 workarea executions - multipass 0
139 LOB table id lookup cache misses 0
139 parse time cpu 3
139 parse time elapsed 26
139 parse count (total) 87
139 parse count (hard) 8
139 parse count (failures) 2
139 parse count (describe) 0
139 frame signature mismatch 0
139 execute count 97
139 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 384449
139 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 20349
139 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1164
139 bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink 0
139 bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink 0
139 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink 0
139 bytes via SQL*Net vector to client 0
139 bytes via SQL*Net vector from client 0
139 bytes via SQL*Net vector to dblink 0
139 bytes via SQL*Net vector from dblink 0
139 sorts (memory) 39
139 sorts (disk) 0
139 sorts (rows) 21
139 OTC commit optimization attempts 0
139 OTC commit optimization hits 0
139 OTC commit optimization failure - setup 0
139 cell flash cache read hits 0
139 Workload Capture: size (in bytes) of recording 0
139 Workload Capture: dbtime 0
139 Workload Capture: user calls 0
139 Workload Capture: user calls flushed 0
139 Workload Capture: unreplayable user calls 0
139 Workload Capture: user txns 0
139 Workload Capture: user logins 0
139 Workload Capture: unsupported user calls 0
139 Workload Capture: errors 0
139 Workload Replay: dbtime 0
139 Workload Replay: network time 0
139 Workload Replay: think time 0
139 Workload Replay: time gain 0
139 Workload Replay: time loss 0
139 Workload Replay: user calls 0
139 Workload Replay: deadlocks resolved 0
588 rows selected.
Skype: tianlesoftware
Email: [email protected]
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