但是里面有些不足之处, 如很多地方没有判断是否处理成功(代码中// TODO: 处), 这样会导致程序挂掉.
等我有时间调试好程序后再传上来. 之后我会把书上相关的代码尽量多敲一些下来方便大家.
/* Windows2000ActiveDirectory程序设计.pdf P36 */
/* LDAPEnumTop.c */
/* 作用: 连接到AD域, 并查找顶层对象, 可以通过递归此函数列出所有对象*/
#pragma comment(lib,"wldap32.lib") // 书上没有此项, 增加此项才能通过编译
int main(int argc, char **argv)
PLDAP pldapSession; // LDAP session data
PLDAPMessage plmsgSearchResponse; // server allocated response to search request
PLDAPMessage plmsgEntry; // server allocated response to entry request
PCHAR pszDN; // LDAP distinguished name stringn
PCHAR* ppszDomainDN = NULL; // Domain DN(string allocated by LDAP library)
// start an LDAP session to nearest LDAP server
// 不用host 的方法只有Win2000上才能用, 2003 上不能使用
pldapSession = ldap_init(NULL, LDAP_PORT); // ldap_init(hostname, port)
// TODO: 判断成功与否, 当初始化失败时不应继续
// authenticate using user's current credentials
ldap_bind_s(pldapSession, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE);
// serarch the root of the LDAP server
ldap_search_s(pldapSession, // session handle
NULL, // locaation to start search, NULL specifies top level
LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, // search only the root entry (rootDSE)
NULL, // search for all objects (only one for the rootDSE)
NULL, // no attributes specified, return all attributes
FALSE, // return attributes types and values
&plmsgSearchResponse); // server allocates and fills with search results
// TODO: 判断是否成功
// using the defaultNameingContext attribute, get the distinguished name of the domain
ppszDomainDN = ldap_get_values(pldapSession, plmsgSearchResponse,
// TODO: 判断是否成功
// display info
printf("Listing objects at %s.\nPress CTRL+C to interrupt.\n", *ppszDomainDN);
// search first level of root container
ldap_search_s(pldapSession, // session handle
*ppszDomainDN, // location in directory to start search
LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, // search first level below the base entry
NULL, // no attributes spectified, return all attributes
FALSE, // return attributes types and values
&plmsgSearchResponse); // server allocates and fills with search results
// TODO: 判断是否成功
// get the first entry form the search results
plmsgEntry = ldap_first_entry(pldapSession, plmsgSearchResponse);
// get the distinguished name of the entry
pszDN = ldap_get_dn(pldapSession, plmsgEntry);
// TODO: 判断是否成功
// print the DN of the entry
printf("%s\n", pszDN);
// get next entry
plmsgEntry = ldap_next_entry(pldapSession, plmsgEntry);
// instruct the library toi free the search results
// close the session
return 0;