go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台

当前设备:imx6 内存>=128m 容量>=128m
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第1张图片选择添加自定义产品
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第2张图片
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第3张图片
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第4张图片#4、注册设备
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第5张图片用官方工具计算出clientid等等连接参数
go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第6张图片#5、编写代码

// main
package main

import (


	mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"

type ConfigRead struct {
	sslUrl   string //
	clientId string
	userName string
	passWord string
	pemAdd   string //证书地址

	pubAdd string
	subAdd string

var readMsg ConfigRead
//var internalCommunication user_nanomsg.Nanomsg = new(user_nanomsg.NanomsgOptions)
var device1 user_mqtt.DeviceMsg = new(user_mqtt.DeviceMsgOptions)

//var handler *user_nanomsg.NanomsgOptions
func onReceived(client mqtt.Client, message mqtt.Message) {
	fmt.Printf("Receive topic: %s,  payload: %x \n", message.Topic(), string(message.Payload()))

// pub客户端与服务端断连后,触发重连机制
func onPubConnectionLost(client mqtt.Client, err error) {
	fmt.Println("on pub connect lost, try to reconnect")
	client.Subscribe(readMsg.subAdd, 0, onReceived)

func InitConfigRead(o *ConfigRead) bool {
	ini_parser := utils.IniParser{}
	conf_file_name := "/my-demo/mqtt/init.ini"
	if err := ini_parser.Load(conf_file_name); err != nil {
		conf_file_name = "./init.ini"
		if err := ini_parser.Load(conf_file_name); err != nil {
			//fmt.Printf("try load config file[%s] error[%s]\n", conf_file_name, err.Error())
			return false

	o.sslUrl = ini_parser.GetString("connect_sect", "SslUrl")
	o.clientId = ini_parser.GetString("connect_sect", "ClientId")
	o.userName = ini_parser.GetString("connect_sect", "UserName")
	o.passWord = ini_parser.GetString("connect_sect", "PassWord")
	o.pemAdd = ini_parser.GetString("pem_sect", "Pemaddr")

	o.pubAdd = "/huawei/v1/devices/" + readMsg.userName + "/data/binary"
	o.subAdd = "/huawei/v1/devices/" + readMsg.userName + "/command/binary"
	return true

func InitMQTTCommunication() bool {
	var ret bool

	if ret = device1.GetPemTlsConfig(readMsg.pemAdd); ret == false {
		fmt.Println("GetPemTlsConfig is error")
		return false

	device1.SettingConnectMsg(readMsg.sslUrl, readMsg.clientId, readMsg.userName, readMsg.passWord)



	if ret = device1.StartConnect(); ret == false {
		fmt.Println("StartConnect is error")
		return false

	return true

func main() {

	if InitConfigRead(&readMsg) == false {
		fmt.Println("InitConfigRead is error!")

	if InitMQTTCommunication() == false {
		fmt.Println("InitMQTTCommunication is error!!")

	wait := sync.WaitGroup{}

	pubmsg := []byte{0x00, 0x01}

	go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
			//fmt.Println("PublishMsg:%x!!", pubmsg)



package user_mqtt

import (


	mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"

type DeviceMsg interface {
	GetPemTlsConfig(string) bool                      //获取pem加密
	SettingConnectMsg(string, string, string, string) //设置连接的参数
	SettingLostCallback(func(mqtt.Client, error))
	SettingRecCallback(func(mqtt.Client, mqtt.Message))

	StartConnect() bool
	PublishMsg(interface{}) bool                      //上报数据到发布的地址

type DeviceMsgOptions struct {
	sslUrl   string //
	clientId string
	userName string
	passWord string

	pubAdd string
	subAdd string

	pemAdd string //证书地址

	Tlsconfig    *tls.Config
	Mqtthandler  mqtt.Client
	LostCallback func(mqtt.Client, error)
	RecCallback  func(mqtt.Client, mqtt.Message)

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) GetPemTlsConfig(filename string) bool {
	o.pemAdd = filename
	caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(o.pemAdd)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()

	// Create the TLS Config with the CA pool and enable Client certificate validation
	tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
		ClientCAs:  caCertPool,
		ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
		// 单向认证,client不校验服务端证书
		InsecureSkipVerify: true,
	o.Tlsconfig = tlsConfig
	return true

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) SettingConnectMsg(sslurl string, clientId string, userName string, passWord string) {
	o.sslUrl = sslurl
	o.clientId = clientId
	o.userName = userName
	o.passWord = passWord

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) PublishMsg(payload interface{}) bool {

	if len(o.pubAdd) == 0 {
		return false

	o.Mqtthandler.Publish(o.pubAdd, 0, false, payload)
	return true

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) SettingPubaddr(pubadd string) {
	o.pubAdd = pubadd

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) SettingSubaddr(subadd string) {
	o.subAdd = subadd

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) SettingLostCallback(callback func(mqtt.Client, error)) {
	o.LostCallback = callback

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) SettingRecCallback(callback func(mqtt.Client, mqtt.Message)) {
	o.RecCallback = callback

func (o *DeviceMsgOptions) StartConnect() bool {
	if len(o.sslUrl) == 0 || len(o.clientId) == 0 || len(o.userName) == 0 || len(o.passWord) == 0 {
		return false
	opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions().AddBroker(o.sslUrl)

	if len(o.pemAdd) == 0 {
		return false


	opts.OnConnect = onConnect
	opts.AutoReconnect = false
	// 回调函数,客户端与服务端断连后立刻被触发
	opts.OnConnectionLost = o.LostCallback
	o.Mqtthandler = mqtt.NewClient(opts)

	o.Mqtthandler.Subscribe(o.subAdd, 0, o.RecCallback)
	return true

func onConnect(client mqtt.Client) {
	fmt.Println("on connect")

func CheckClientToken(token mqtt.Token) (bool, error) {
	if token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
		return false, token.Error()
	return true, nil

func LoopConnect(client mqtt.Client) {
	for {
		token := client.Connect()
		if rs, err := CheckClientToken(token); !rs {
			fmt.Printf("connect error: %s\n", err.Error())
		} else {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)


package utils

import (

type IniParser struct {
    conf_reader *ini.File // config reader

type IniParserError struct {
    error_info string

func (e *IniParserError) Error() string { return e.error_info }

func (this *IniParser) Load(config_file_name string) error {
    conf, err := ini.Load(config_file_name)
    if err != nil {
        this.conf_reader = nil
        return err
    this.conf_reader = conf
    return nil

func (this *IniParser) GetString(section string, key string) string {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return ""

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return ""

    return s.Key(key).String()

func (this *IniParser) GetInt32(section string, key string) int32 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_int, _ := s.Key(key).Int()

    return int32(value_int)

func (this *IniParser) GetUint32(section string, key string) uint32 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_int, _ := s.Key(key).Uint()

    return uint32(value_int)

func (this *IniParser) GetInt64(section string, key string) int64 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_int, _ := s.Key(key).Int64()
    return value_int

func (this *IniParser) GetUint64(section string, key string) uint64 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_int, _ := s.Key(key).Uint64()
    return value_int

func (this *IniParser) GetFloat32(section string, key string) float32 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_float, _ := s.Key(key).Float64()
    return float32(value_float)

func (this *IniParser) GetFloat64(section string, key string) float64 {
    if this.conf_reader == nil {
        return 0

    s := this.conf_reader.Section(section)
    if s == nil {
        return 0

    value_float, _ := s.Key(key).Float64()
    return value_float

go mqtt(嵌入式arm设备)接入物联网平台_第7张图片
gox -os “linux” -arch arm
