用pip安装pyserial后:sudo -H pip install pyserial,运行新建的程序,名称为serial.py,程序中用到:import serial.toos.list_ports,但总是提示ImportError:No module named tools.list_ports,在度娘一顿乱搜后,在stack overflow
I got here because I had the same problem. The strange thing was that
import serial
worked, but
from serial.tools import list_ports
Turns out stupid me named the script "serial.py". After renaming it everything worked.
当时是五味杂陈,一时犯贱工程命名也是serial.py,当再重新命名为MySerial.py后,python MySerial.py编译时:File "MySerial.py", line 15, in
import serial
File "/User/zhang/Desktop/python/serial_uart/serial.py", line 18, in
ImportError: No module named tools.list_ports