
 2017-06-15 18:58:52     342     0     0

Bowtie2用来快速比对短reads(50-100bp)与参考基因组,与常规的比对软件不同的是(如blast),Bowtie在比对比较短的reads(less than 1024 base) 与 较大的参考(基因组) 时效果更好,也更快。

许多其他的软件经常会调用Bowtie ,如常见的 TopHat , Cufflinks 等


  2.              |||||  |||||||||| |||


  1. For reads longer than about 50 bp Bowtie 2 is generally faster, more sensitive, and uses less memory than Bowtie 1. For relatively short reads (e.g. less than 50 bp) Bowtie 1 is sometimes faster and/or more sensitive. B

  2. Bowtie 2 supports gapped alignment with affine gap penalties. Number of gaps and gap lengths are not restricted, except by way of the configurable scoring scheme. Bowtie 1 finds just ungapped alignments.

  3. Bowtie 2 supports local alignment, which doesn't require reads to align end-to-end. Local alignments might be "trimmed" ("soft clipped") at one or both extremes in a way that optimizes alignment score. Bowtie 2 also supports end-to-end alignment which, like Bowtie 1, requires that the read align entirely.

  4. There is no upper limit on read length in Bowtie 2. Bowtie 1 had an upper limit of around 1000 bp.

  5. Bowtie 2 allows alignments to overlap ambiguous characters (e.g. Ns) in the reference. Bowtie 1 does not.

  6. Bowtie 2 does away with Bowtie 1's notion of alignment "stratum", and its distinction between "Maq-like" and "end-to-end" modes. In Bowtie 2 all alignments lie along a continuous spectrum of alignment scores where the scoring scheme, similar to Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman.

  7. Bowtie 2's paired-end alignment is more flexible. E.g. for pairs that do not align in a paired fashion, Bowtie 2 attempts to find unpaired alignments for each mate.

  8. Bowtie 2 reports a spectrum of mapping qualities, in contrast for Bowtie 1 which reports either 0 or high.

  9. Bowtie 2 does not align colorspace reads.


Bowtie2的参数与基因组索引(index of genome)的格式都与Bowtie1不同




End to end alignment versus local alignment

End to end (全局比对)举例:



local alignment example (局部比对)举例



默认情况下,Bowtie2进行全局比对,也称作 "untrimmed " or "unclopped" alignment 

也可以使用参数 --local 进行局部比对,此时Bowtie2 可能会 "trim" or "clip" 短序列的首部或者尾部来最大化比对分数,分数越高,相似度越高。


软件有默认的分数阈值,当一个比对的分数达到或超过这个阈值时,则认为是一个“有效” 的比对

全局比对默认值为:-0.6 + -0.6×read length

局部比对: 20 + 8.0 × ln(read length)

可以使用 --score-min 来设定阈值


Mapping quality : higher = more unique


所以Bowtie2用 mapping quality 来代表一个read来自于某个基因的确信度 :Q = -10 log 10p

在SAM文件中后缀为 MAPQ


align paired-end inputs

Bowtie2支持常见的由测序仪产生的paired-end or mate-pair reads,使用参数 -1   -2 来表示一对pair-end 也就是双端测序的reads,同时产生2个SAM文件。

参数 --ff --fr --rf用来指双端测序两个reads的方向

参数 -I /-X 来设定双端测序两个reads之间的距离(该设定会使Bowtie2的速度变慢),也叫作(outer distance

By default, Bowtie 2 searches for both concordant and discordant alignments, though searching for discordant alignments can be disabled with the --no-discordant option.

所以当pair-end 没有匹配时,会将reads当做非paired-end来再次进行比对 

使用参数 --no-mixed 来取消这一默认设定




参数:-D   设置动态规划问题的上限

参数:-R   设置Bowtie2 继续寻找的最大时间         (一般不要修改,可能会错失比对)


参数 -k  会报告每一个找到的有效比对,后加整数可以规定数目,找到的比对没有特定的顺序

参数 -a 报告每一个找到的有效比对,不加上限


Ambiguous characters

除了"ACGT"意外的任意非空白字符都被认为是 "ambiguous"。

"N"是参考基因组常见的一个 ambiguous字符,Bowtie2将参考基因组的所有ambiguous字符都当做"N"

参数 --np/ --n-ceil 设置允许ambiguous字符的上限


Bowtie2本身包含了许多预设,见documentation for the preset options










Pre: 使用Tophat+cufflinks分析差异表达

Next: 使用Trinity拼接以及分析差异表达一个小例子

