侦听端口 linux_如何找到哪个程序或进程正在Linux的某个端口上侦听?

侦听端口 linux

My program reports that the port is already used.


How to find which program or process is listening on a certain port in Linux?


You can use netstat to do this. netstat can print network connections.

您可以使用netstat来执行此操作。 netstat可以打印网络连接。

For example, to find which program is listing on port 9999


netstat -pln | grep 9999

You will need to use sudo to get more details, such as process names that are now owned by you.


sudo netstat -pln | grep 9999

Here, p makes netstat print process name, ‘l’ means “listening” and ‘n’ means numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port or user names.

在这里, p netstat打印进程名称,“ l”代表“监听”,“ n”代表数字地址,而不是试图确定符号主机名,端口名或用户名。

If you are sure that the programming is using TCP or UDP, you can also add option t or u to filter out only TCP and UDP connections like


sudo netstat -ptln | grep 9999
sudo netstat -puln | grep 9999

For more details, please check netstat manual.

有关更多详细信息,请查阅netstat手册 。

Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃里克·马(Eric Z Ma)回答。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-find-which-program-or-process-is-listening-on-a-certain-port-in-linux/

侦听端口 linux
