
Setup Hbase


In order to use OpenTSDB, you need to have HBase up and running. This page will help you get started with a simple, single-node HBase setup, which is good enough to evaluate OpenTSDB or monitor small installations. If you need scalability and reliability, you will need to setup a full HBase cluster.


You can copy-paste all the following instructions directly into a terminal.


Setup a single-node HBase instance


If you already have an HBase cluster, skip this step. If you're gonna be using less than 5-10 nodes, stick to a single node. Deploying HBase on a single node is easy and can help get you started with OpenTSDB quickly. You can always scale to a real cluster and migrate your data later.



tar xfz hbase-0.92.1.tar.gz

cd hbase-0.92.1

At this point, you are ready to start HBase (without HDFS) on a single node. But before starting it, I recommend using the following configuration:

此时,你将准备在单个结点上开启HBase(没有HDFS) 。不过在开始之前,我推荐先用以下配置:


iface=lo`uname | sed -n s/Darwin/0/p`

cat >conf/hbase-site.xml <





















Make sure to adjust the value of hbase_rootdir if you want HBase to store its data in somewhere more durable than a temporary directory. The default is to use /tmp, which means you'll lose all your data whenever your server reboots. The remaining settings are less important and simply force HBase tostick to the loopback interface (lo0 on Mac OS X, or just lo on Linux), which simplifies things when you're just testing HBase on a single node.

如果你希望HBase将其数据存储在一个比临时目录更耐用的地方,那么认真设置hbase_rootdir的值。默认使用/tmp,意味着无论何时你重启你的系统,你将丢失你所有的数据。随后的设置不是很重要,只是简单的使HBase持续监控端口( Mac OS Xlo0Linuxlo),当你只是想在单个节点上测试HBase时简化了操作。

Now start HBase:



Using LZO


There is no reason to not use LZO with HBase. Except in rare cases, the CPU cycles spent on doing LZO compression / decompression pay for themselves by saving you time wasted doing more I/O. This is certainly true for OpenTSDB where LZO can easily compress OpenTSDB's binary data by 3 to 4x. Installing LZO is simple and is done as follows.

使用HBase,没有理由不使用LZO。除了极少数情况下,CPU周期为它们自己花时间做LZO压缩/解压缩,以节省您浪费在做更多的I / O的时间。对于OpenTSDB,可以肯定的是LZO可以很容易地压缩OpenTSDB的二进制数据34倍。安装LZO是简单的,如下:



In order to build hadoop-lzo, you need to have Ant installed as well as liblzo2 with development headers:


apt-get install ant liblzo2-dev # Debian/Ubuntu

yum install ant ant-nodeps lzo-devel.x86_64 # RedHat/CentOS/Fedora

brew install lzo # Mac OS X

Compile & Deploy


Thanks to our friends at Cloudera for maintaining the Hadoop-LZO package:

git clone git://

cd hadoop-lzo

CLASSPATH=path/to/hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 ant compile-native tar


mkdir -p $hbasedir/lib/native

cp build/hadoop-lzo-0.4.14/hadoop-lzo-0.4.14.jar $hbasedir/lib

cp -a build/hadoop-lzo-0.4.14/lib/native/* $hbasedir/lib/native

Restart HBase and make sure you create your tables with COMPRESSION => 'LZO'

重启HBase,确认你用COMPRESSION => 'LZO'创建了表。

Common gotchas:


  • Where to find hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar? On a normal, production HBase install, it will be under HBase's lib/ directory. In your development environment it may be stashed under HBase's target/ directory, use find to locate it.


  • On Mac OS X, you may get error: Native java headers not found. Is $JAVA_HOME set correctly? when configure is looking for jni.h, in which case you need to insert CPPFLAGS=-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Headers before CLASSPATH on the 3rd command above (the one that invokes ant).


    Mac OS X,你可能会得到error:Native java headers not found. Is $JAVA_HOME set correctly? configure正在查找 jni.h的情况下,你需要在CLASSPAT之前第三个命令(调用ant的命令)插入correctly? when configure is looking for jni.h, in which case you need to insert CPPFLAGS=-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Headers

  • On RedHat/CentOS/Fedora you may have to specify where Java is, by adding JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 (or similar) to the ant command-line, before the CLASSPATH.

RedHat/CentOS/Fedora你可能需要去确定java在哪,可以在ant命令行,CLASSPATH 前加入: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64(或相似 的)。

  • On RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, if you get the weird error message that "Cause: the class was not found." then you need to install the ant-nodeps package.

    RedHat/CentOS/Fedora,如果你得到了奇怪的错误信息:Cause: the class was not found,那你需要去安装 ant-nodeps包。

Migrating to a real HBase cluster


TBD. In short:


  • Shut down all your TSDs.

  • 关闭所有的TSD

  • Shut down your single-node HBase cluster.

  • 关闭你单结点的HBase

  • Copy the directories named tsdb and tsdb-uid from your local filesystem to the HDFS cluster backing up your real HBase cluster.

  • 从你的本地主机文件系统复制tsdbtsdbuid目录至HDFS群,以备份你的真实HBase群。

  • Run ./bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./bin/add_table.rb /hdfs/path/to/hbase/tsdb and again for the tsdb-uid directory.

  • 跑命令:./bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./bin/add_table.rb /hdfs/path/to/hbase/tsdb 然后相同的方式跑tsdb-uid

  • Restart your real HBase cluster (sorry).

  • 重启你的真实HBase群。

  • Restart your TSDs after making sure they now use your real HBase cluster.

  • 确认TSD正在使用你的真实HBase群后,重启TSD

Putting HBase in production


TBD. In short:


  • Stay on a single node unless you can deploy HBase on at least 5 machines, preferably at least 10.


  • Make sure you have LZO installed and make sure it's enabled for the tables used by OpenTSDB.


  • TBD...

