下载 Bitcoin Core

最近公司要做一个钱包的项目,下载一个比特币钱包看看起, 地址 https://bitcoin.org/zh_CN/download  注意这个网址有时候会打不开,间歇性的。正常打开后

下载 Bitcoin Core_第1张图片


本机环境还是window7 64位 选择  

下载 Bitcoin Core_第2张图片  中的 64bit 下载,有点坑的是刚开始以为是 两个超链接,结果原来是4个超链接

下载成功后就是一个  点击安装 选择合适的路径。基本上是一路next下去,但是注意最后不要勾选 直接运行比特币钱包,因为首次会下载比较多的数据,会提示落后9年多的网络同步数据。可以使用测试的网络

增加一个bitcoin.conf 配置文件  其内容如下

## bitcoin.conf configuration file. Lines beginning with # are comments.
# Network-related settings:

# Run on the test network instead of the real bitcoin network.

# Run a regression test network

# Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy

# Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6

# Bind to given address and whitelist peers connecting to it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6

##            Quick Primer on addnode vs connect            ##
##  Let's say for instance you use addnode=          ##
##  addnode will connect you to and tell you about the      ##
##    nodes connected to  In addition it will tell ##
##    the other nodes connected to it that you exist so     ##
##    they can connect to you.                              ##
##  connect will not do the above when you 'connect' to it. ##
##    It will *only* connect you to and no one else.##
##                                                          ##
##  So if you're behind a firewall, or have other problems  ##
##  finding nodes, add some using 'addnode'.                ##
##                                                          ##
##  If you want to stay private, use 'connect' to only      ##
##  connect to "trusted" nodes.                             ##
##                                                          ##
##  If you run multiple nodes on a LAN, there's no need for ##
##  all of them to open lots of connections.  Instead       ##
##  'connect' them all to one node that is port forwarded   ##
##  and has lots of connections.                            ##
##       Thanks goes to [Noodle] on Freenode.               ##

# Use as many addnode= settings as you like to connect to specific peers

# Alternatively use as many connect= settings as you like to connect ONLY to specific peers

# Listening mode, enabled by default except when 'connect' is being used

# Maximum number of inbound+outbound connections.

# JSON-RPC options (for controlling a running Bitcoin/bitcoind process)

# server=1 tells Bitcoin-Qt and bitcoind to accept JSON-RPC commands

# Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6.
# This option can be specified multiple times (default: bind to all interfaces)

# If no rpcpassword is set, rpc cookie auth is sought. The default `-rpccookiefile` name
# is .cookie and found in the `-datadir` being used for bitcoind. This option is typically used
# when the server and client are run as the same user.
# If not, you must set rpcuser and rpcpassword to secure the JSON-RPC api. The first
# method(DEPRECATED) is to set this pair for the server and client:
# The second method `rpcauth` can be added to server startup argument. It is set at intialization time
# using the output from the script in share/rpcuser/rpcuser.py after providing a username:
# ./share/rpcuser/rpcuser.py alice
# String to be appended to bitcoin.conf:
# rpcauth=alice:f7efda5c189b999524f151318c0c86$d5b51b3beffbc02b724e5d095828e0bc8b2456e9ac8757ae3211a5d9b16a22ae
# Your password:
# On client-side, you add the normal user/password pair to send commands:
# You can even add multiple entries of these to the server conf file, and client can use any of them:
# rpcauth=bob:b2dd077cb54591a2f3139e69a897ac$4e71f08d48b4347cf8eff3815c0e25ae2e9a4340474079f55705f40574f4ec99

# How many seconds bitcoin will wait for a complete RPC HTTP request.
# after the HTTP connection is established. 

# By default, only RPC connections from localhost are allowed.
# Specify as many rpcallowip= settings as you like to allow connections from other hosts,
# either as a single IPv4/IPv6 or with a subnet specification.

# NOTE: opening up the RPC port to hosts outside your local trusted network is NOT RECOMMENDED,
# because the rpcpassword is transmitted over the network unencrypted.

# server=1 tells Bitcoin-Qt to accept JSON-RPC commands.
# it is also read by bitcoind to determine if RPC should be enabled 

# Listen for RPC connections on this TCP port:

# You can use Bitcoin or bitcoind to send commands to Bitcoin/bitcoind
# running on another host using this option:

# Create transactions that have enough fees so they are likely to begin confirmation within n blocks (default: 6).
# This setting is over-ridden by the -paytxfee option.

# Miscellaneous options

# Pre-generate this many public/private key pairs, so wallet backups will be valid for
# both prior transactions and several dozen future transactions.

# Pay an optional transaction fee every time you send bitcoins.  Transactions with fees
# are more likely than free transactions to be included in generated blocks, so may
# be validated sooner.

# Enable pruning to reduce storage requirements by deleting old blocks. 
# This mode is incompatible with -txindex and -rescan.
# 0 = default (no pruning).
# 1 = allows manual pruning via RPC.
# >=550 = target to stay under in MiB. 

# User interface options

# Start Bitcoin minimized

# Minimize to the system tray


上面的配置内容中 testnet=1 表示开启测试网络环境

cmd 到相关目录下 

下载 Bitcoin Core_第3张图片

执行 命令   bitcoin-qt.exe -testnet -datadir=E:\BTC\Bitcoin -conf=bitcoin.conf

其实就是在测试网络中同步钱包数据  大概落后7年的时间,实际下载下来的数据大致有21G的样子,比全量下载要小很多。

下载 Bitcoin Core_第4张图片
