vim 常用插件 WinManager 文件管理器


vim 常用插件 WinManager 文件管理器
2007-08-26 00:22
map :FirstExplorerWindow
map :BottomExplorerWindow
map :WMToggle
同时,可以看看buffer file list,也会出现,使用也是很方便的。

官方描述: winmanager is a plugin which implements a classical windows type IDE in Vim-6.0. Basically, you have the directory tree and the buffer list as 2 windows which stay on the left and the editing is done in a seperate area on the left. People have already made excellent File and Buffer explorers seperately and I thought that it might be a cool idea to combine them both. winmanager.vim combines the standard File Explorer which ships with Vim 6.0 and a Buffer Explorer written by Jeff Lanzarotta into one package.

非常好用的东西, 在屏幕上打开一个文件浏览器, 这样就可以方便地选择要编辑的文件了。

默认情况下, winmanager 依赖于 bufexplorer, 到这里下载。 如果你不喜欢 bufexplorer 插件的话 可以在你的 .vimrc 中添加这条命令禁用它:

let g:winManagerWindowLayout = "FileExplorer" 



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