


  CRIU(Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace)运行在linux操作系统上的一个软件工具,其功能是在用户空间实现Checkpoint/Restore功能。使用这个工具,你可以冻结一个正在运行的程序,并且checkpoint它到一系列的文件,然后你就可以使用这些文件在任何主机重新恢复这个程序到被冻结的那个点(白话就是实现对已运行程序的备份和恢复)。所以criu通常被用在程序或者容器的热迁移、快照、远程调试等。CRIU 起初是Virtuozzo的一个项目,随着开源社区的帮助,现在也被整合到OpenVZ(它是 Virtuozzo 的开源版本), LXC/LXD, Docker, Podman等软件项目里。



  BLCR(全称Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart)提供了用户态的libcr库和kernel module来完成相关的Checkpoint/Restart工作。 如果需要对一个进程进行Checkpoint,那么有两种方式使用BLCR相关工具:

  • 进程通过cr_run启动,如cr_run ./test
  • 进程在编译时链接了libcr库,如gcc -o test test.c -lcr

  这两种方法功能一样,都是会让程序在运行前优先加载某个动态链接库( 或。这两个动态库主要功能就是提前向kernel注册一个信号。BLCR通过在kernel中的cr_module模块向要被Checkpoint的进程发送这个信号来通知进程对自己做Checkpoint。真正的Checkpoint工作由内核完成。C/R过程由如下两个命令完成:

$ ## Checkpoint过程
$ cr_checkpoint PID值

$ ## Restore过程
$ cr_restart context.PID值


疑问:不过从这个网站News感觉到,BLCR好像已经停止了维护和更新。不知道为什么网络上有好多人还用此工具做Android 应用的快速启动。


  DMTCP(全称 Distributed MultiThreaded CheckPointing) 以library库的形式实现对一个进程的checkpoint/restore。这就意味着当你要使用DMTCP对一个程序热迁移,就要求这个程序之前必须是用DMTCP启动的。这样才能保证DMTCP Library动态库被链接到了这个程序。 当这样启动时,DMTCP库会截获应用程序中的一定数量的库调用(相当于代理),构建一个有关进程内部信息的影子数据库,然后将请求转发给glibc/kernel。收集的信息将用于生成应用程序的镜像文件。使用这种方法,只能checkpoint与DMTCP库一起成功运行的应用程序,但DMTCP不为所有内核API提供代理(例如,已知inotify()不受支持)。这种方法的另一个含义是由于请求代理而产生的潜在性能问题。 下面是DMTCP的demo:

# vi test/demo.c
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
      int count = 1;
>   while (1)
>   {
         printf(" %2d ",count++);
>    fflush(stdout);
>    sleep(2); }
>   return 0; }
# test/demo
1   2   3 ^C
# bin/dmtcp_launch --interval 5 test/demo
1   2   3   4   5   6   7 ^C

# ls ckpt_demo*

# bin/dmtcp_restart ckpt_demo*
7   8   9  10 ^C






Arch x86_64, ARM, AArch64, PPC64le、mips64el x86, x86_64, ARM x86, x86_64, PPC/PPC64, ARM x86, x86_64
Block devices No Looks like yes No No
Can be used as non-root user? Yes, but user can only manipulate tasks belonging to him Yes Yes No
Can be used without preloading special libraries before app start? Yes No No Yes
Can run unmodified programs? Yes Yes No. Statically linked and/or threaded apps are unsupported. Yes
Can run unprepared tasks? Yes No. It preloads the DMTCP library. That library runs before the routine main(). It creates a second thread. The checkpoint thread then creates a socket to the DMTCP coordinator and registers itself. The checkpoint thread also creates a signal handler. No. CR shall notify processes when a checkpoint is to occur (before the kernel takes a checkpoint) to allow the processes to prepare itself accordingly. Yes
Capture the contents of open files Yes, if file is unlinked Looks like no Not yet Yes
Character devices Yes, only /dev/null, /dev/zero, etc. are supported Yes, looks like null and zero are supported Yes, /dev/null and /dev/zero Yes
Containers Yes, LXC and OpenVZ containers No. It doesn’t support namespaces, so it probably can’t dump containers Looks like no Yes
Established TCP connection Yes No, but you can write a simple DMTCP plugin that tells DMTCP how you want to reconnect on restart No Yes
Infiniband No Not yet, developing is on the half-way No No
Live migration Yes, even if kernel, libs, etc are newer. Can use memory changes tracking to decrease freeze time Yes, if both kernels are recent Yes, but if all components are the same. Even if prelinked addresses are different, it will not restore, but it can save the whole used libs and localization files to restore program on the different machine Yes
Memory mappings Yes, all kinds Yes Partial Yes
Multiprocess Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multithread support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Namespaces Yes No No Yes
Non-POSIX files (inotify, signalfd, eventfd, etc) Yes, inotify, fanotify, epoll, signalfd, eventfd Yes, epoll, eventfd, signalfd are already supported and inotify will be supported in future Looks like no Yes
Parallel/distributed computations libraries No (planned) Yes. OpenMPI, MPICH2, OpenMP, Cilk are alredy supported and Infiniband is in progress Yes. Cray MPI, Intel MPI, LAM/MPI, MPICH-V, MPICH2, MVAPICH, Open MPI, SGI MPT Yes
Pipes Yes Yes Not yet Yes
Possible to C/R of gdb with debugged app? No, because they are using the same interface Yes No Yes
Process groups and sessions Yes Yes Not yet Yes
Ptraced programs No Yes No Yes
Retains behavior of the c/r-ed programs? Yes (but see What can change after C/R) No, because of wrappers on system calls No, because of wrappers on system calls Yes
Shared resources (files, mm, etc.) Yes. SysVIPC, files, fd table and memory Yes. System V shared memory(shmget, etc.), mmap-based shared memory, shared sockets, pipes, file descriptors No, but it is planned to support shared mmap regions Yes
Solutions for invocation in the custom software Yes, RPC and C API Yes, plugins and API Not yet Yes, via ioctl calls
System V IPC Yes Yes No Yes
TCP sockets Yes Yes Not yet Yes
Terminals Yes, but only Unix98 PTYs Yes Yes Yes
Timers Yes No. Any counter or timer active since the beginning of a process will consider the restarted process to be a new process. Yes Yes
UDP sockets Yes, both ipv4 and ipv6 Not yet. Developers of dmtcp had no request for this Not yet Yes
Unix sockets Yes Yes No Yes
Uses standard kernel? Yes, provided it’s 3.11 or later Yes Yes, just needs to load module No. OpenVZ kernel is required
X Window apps (KDE, GNOME, etc) Yes, via VNC Yes, via VNC Looks like no Yes, via VNC
Zombies Yes No No Yes

