Linux is a name which broadly denotes a family of free and open-source software operating system distributions built around the Linux kernel.
The Linux kernel, an operating system kernel which all Linux distributions use, was first released on September 17, 1991 by Linux Torvalds.
1991年9月17日,Linux Torvalds首次发布了Linux内核,这是所有Linux发行版都使用的操作系统内核。
Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name. The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to refer to the operating system family, as well as specific distributions, to emphasize that most Linux distributions are not just the Linux kernel, and that they have in common not only the kernel, but also numerous utilities and libraries, a large proportion of which are from the GNU project.
许多Linux发行版的名称中都使用“ Linux”一词。 自由软件基金会使用名称GNU / Linux来指代操作系统家族以及特定的发行版,以强调大多数Linux发行版不仅是Linux内核,而且不仅具有内核,而且还具有共同点。许多实用程序和库,其中很大一部分来自GNU项目。
The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. The underlying source code may be used, modified and distributed commercially or non-commercially by anyone under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License.
Linux的开发是自由和开源软件协作的最杰出的例子之一。 任何人都可以根据其各自的许可(例如GNU通用公共许可)的条款,以商业或非商业方式使用,修改和分发基础源代码。
Linux was first started as a clone of the MINIX operating system. Open source contributors added onto the kernel and expanded its hardware compatability. Linux’s hardware supoort and free licensing made Linux a popular choice for desktop and server computing in the mid 90s. Today, Linux is the most popular operating system in the world. It powers 90% of the world’s servers, and is the basis of Google’s popular Android operating system.
Linux最初是作为MINIX操作系统的克隆而启动的。 开源贡献者添加到内核中,并扩展了其硬件兼容性。 Linux的硬件支持和免费许可使Linux在90年代中期成为台式机和服务器计算的流行选择。 今天,Linux是世界上最受欢迎的操作系统。 它为全球90%的服务器提供动力,并且是Google流行的Android操作系统的基础。
There are also many versions of Linux designed to be run on personal computers, such as Debian or Ubuntu. More importantly, these different versions of Linux (called distributions) allow the user varying degrees of personalization and control of the operating system. This means that users can choose their Linux distributions based on their wants and needs.
还有许多设计用于在个人计算机上运行的Linux版本,例如Debian或Ubuntu。 更重要的是,这些不同版本的Linux(称为发行版)允许用户对操作系统进行不同程度的个性化和控制。 这意味着用户可以根据自己的需求选择他们的Linux发行版。
There is also Kali Linux which is used for advanced penetration testing and auditing. It has over 700 tools, and to be able to use it efficiently you will need to know how to use the command line. It is not advised for beginners.
还有用于高级渗透测试和审计的Kali Linux。 它有700多个工具,要想有效地使用它,您将需要知道如何使用命令行。 不建议初学者使用。
Popular distributions of Linux include:
Package types are split between higher-level distributions, with Debian (.deb) and Red Hat (.rpm) being two of the most commonly used. However, there are others including Pacman (used for Arch Linux) and PetGet (Puppy Linux).
软件包类型在更高级别的发行版之间划分,其中Debian(.deb)和Red Hat(.rpm)是最常用的两种。 但是,还有其他一些,包括Pacman(用于Arch Linux)和PetGet(Puppy Linux)。
Linux distributions also come in all shapes and sizes, and most if not all offer the ability to run directly via CD / DVD in what’s known as a ‘Live CD’ environment or even directly via USB if your motherboard supports booting from USB.
Linux发行版也有各种形状和大小,并且大多数(如果不是全部)都提供了在所谓的“ Live CD”环境中直接通过CD / DVD运行的功能,如果主板支持从USB引导,甚至可以直接通过USB运行。
For more facts about Linux, read freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson's article Linux is 25. Yay! Let’s celebrate with 25 stunning facts about Linux.
有关Linux的更多信息,请阅读freeCodeCamp创始人Quincy Larson的文章Linux is 25。 让我们用有关Linux的25个令人震惊的事实来庆祝 。
You can watch this command line crash course which covers many of the most common commands.
您可以观看此命令行崩溃课程 ,其中涵盖了许多最常见的命令。
Or Briana's Bash tutorial, which covers a wide variety of Command Line tools and commands.
或Briana的Bash教程 ,其中涵盖了各种命令行工具和命令。
Linux updates happen through the global collaboration of developers. Bugs are documented and resolved much quicker with this type of support. Also, since the developers are also the end-users they have the proper motivation to make sure it meets user’s needs and that it is designed to run well.
Linux更新是通过开发人员的全球协作进行的。 使用这种类型的支持,可以更快地记录和解决错误。 另外,由于开发人员也是最终用户,因此他们有适当的动力来确保它可以满足用户的需求,并且设计良好。
Software is only as good as the support it's given. Imagine this: a piece of software is created by the company XYZ and later down the road, they go bankrupt or get bought by another company that decides to cut its support. The software would never see improvements or fixes and therefore its usefulness would inevitably erode and die.
软件仅与提供的支持一样好。 想象一下:一个软件是由XYZ公司创建的,后来又破产了,或者被决定削减支持的另一家公司收购。 该软件永远不会看到改进或修正,因此其实用性将不可避免地被侵蚀和消亡。
Linux is owned and operated by no single entity or company, so this situation cannot happen. More than that anyone is free to pick it up and contribute as well. The risk of losing support for Linux is very unlikely due to its overwhelming popularity and use.
Linux并非由单个实体或公司所有和运营,因此这种情况不会发生。 不仅如此,任何人都可以自由选择它并做出贡献。 由于其压倒性的普及和使用,失去对Linux支持的风险非常不可能。
Linux’s requirements for running on a system are much lower than that of Windows or Mac. With the right Linux distribution, a user can have a modest setup and Linux will give the system value. Disk space and memory footprint can also be lower too. Some distributions are suitable for CPUs dating back to the Pentium family, others have a requirement of as little as 128MB of RAM and around the same amount for disk space!
Linux在系统上运行的要求比Windows或Mac低得多。 使用正确的Linux发行版,用户可以进行适当的设置,而Linux将为您提供系统价值。 磁盘空间和内存占用空间也可以更低。 有些发行版适用于可追溯到Pentium系列的CPU,另一些发行版仅需要128MB的RAM,而磁盘空间却差不多!
Linux has an active community of those willing to share their knowledge and help (much like FreeCodeCamp!). There are command line utilities built into Linux that provide documentation on commands, libraries, standards, etc. (Man pages and Info pages), and there is documentation available on the Internet in a variety of formats including The Linux Documentation Project, LinuxQuestions, ServerFault, and The Arch Wiki.
Linux拥有一群愿意分享知识和帮助的活跃社区(非常类似于FreeCodeCamp!)。 Linux内置有命令行实用程序,可提供有关命令,库,标准等的文档(手册页和信息页 ),并且Internet上具有多种格式的文档 ,包括Linux文档计划 , LinuxQuestions , ServerFault和The Arch Wiki 。
In addition to documentation, there are plenty of helpful and welcoming communities for newcomers to ask questions such as Ask Ubuntu and Reddit’s r/linuxquestions.
除了文档之外,还有许多有用且欢迎的社区,供新手提出诸如Ask Ubuntu和Reddit的r / linuxquestions之类的问题 。
There are self-paced certifications that can be taken that are recognized in the IT industry (CompTIA’s Linux+ and LPI’s LPIC tests). Although not required, learning C gives the ability for a user to review the Linux code to see what they are running.
可以采取在IT行业中认可的自定进度的认证( CompTIA的Linux +和LPI的LPIC测试 )。 尽管不是必需的,但学习C可以使用户查看Linux代码以查看其运行情况。
The world depends on Linux supporting critical systems so the demand is not going away. This is important not only to those that help contribute to Linux, but also to those who support it (Jobs!). Linux support becomes more critical in IT, but also having that knowledge as a developer will make them more rounded and useful (i.e. Full stack developers).
世界依赖于Linux支持关键系统,因此需求不会消失。 这不仅对那些有助于Linux的人很重要,而且对支持Linux的人也很重要(工作!)。 Linux支持在IT中变得越来越重要,但是作为开发人员拥有该知识也将使它们更加全面和有用(即Full stack开发人员 )。
Linux has driver support for NTFS and HFS+ filesystems (used by Windows and Macs) and also Samba for file/print service support on Windows machines.
Linux对NTFS和HFS +文件系统(Windows和Macs使用)具有驱动程序支持,还对Windows计算机上的文件/打印服务支持提供Samba 。
For other OSs, usually a user would have to go to the manufacturer’s website to get driver support for different types of hardware. The Linux kernel supports a majority of hardware automatically via plug-and-play (largely in part because of the open source community). Some manufacturers also develop Linux versions of their proprietary drivers which could be easily installed via the software repository of a distribution or by manually installing the provided binaries.
对于其他操作系统,通常,用户必须访问制造商的网站以获取针对不同类型硬件的驱动程序支持。 Linux内核通过即插即用功能自动支持大多数硬件(很大程度上是由于开源社区)。 一些制造商还开发了其专有驱动程序的Linux版本,可以通过发行版的软件存储库或手动安装提供的二进制文件轻松地安装它们。
Linux has a rich set of applications that are available. It has office applications, web browsers (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox), media players, image/video processing, etc. For video gaming, Steam runs on Linux which has many supported games. Windows applications can also run within Linux (see Wine for details).
Linux有大量可用的应用程序。 它具有办公应用程序 ,Web浏览器( Google Chrome和Mozilla Firefox ), 媒体播放器 , 图像 / 视频处理等。对于视频游戏, Steam在具有许多受支持游戏的Linux上运行。 Windows应用程序也可以在Linux中运行(有关详细信息,请参见Wine )。
As Linux was originally made for developers by developers, they have spent much time and effort perfecting the tools that they would come to use.
It has a powerful shell that can be used for a variety of both programming and administrative tasks (Bash is the most popular and default choice for Linux).
它具有功能强大的外壳 ,可用于各种编程和管理任务( Bash是Linux上最流行和默认的选择)。
While Linux has a “notepad” equivalent in gedit, it also provides more powerful and customizable text-based editors such as Vim and Emacs (It is that recommended Linux users know at least one of these editors).
尽管Linux在gedit中具有等效的“记事本”功能,但它还提供了功能更强大且可自定义的基于文本的编辑器,例如Vim和Emacs (建议Linux用户至少知道这些编辑器之一)。
There are also IDEs available for web-development such as Atom, Aptana/Eclipse, Sublime, KomodoIDE, to name a few. Linux also can utilize software such as Apache to setup a local web server for testing, Git for version control, and other tools/languages such as Node.js/Ruby/SaSS/Heroku all have support on Linux and have command line tools that can be used in lieu of a GUI.
还有一些可用于Web开发的IDE,例如Atom , Aptana / Eclipse , Sublime , KomodoIDE等。 Linux还可以利用Apache之类的软件来设置用于测试的本地Web服务器,用于版本控制的Git以及诸如Node.js / Ruby / SaSS / Heroku之类的其他工具/语言都对Linux有所支持,并且具有可以用于代替GUI。
Linux allows users to change desktop design and themes, add widgets and more. These changes can be done with desktop environments. Different environments have different set of options. Some popular ones are: KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Pantheon.
Linux允许用户更改桌面设计和主题,添加小部件等。 这些更改可以在桌面环境中完成。 不同的环境具有不同的选项集。 一些流行的是:KDE,GNOME,XFCE,万神殿。
Hard to beat that!
There are various types of Linux distributions to choose from nowadays, and choosing one is a major concern in the Linux world. Taking in consideration easy to use OSs, the top dogs in this category are:
如今,有多种类型的Linux发行版可供选择,而选择发行版是Linux世界中的主要关注点。 考虑到易于使用的操作系统,该类别中排名第一的是:
Most Linux distributions are extremely easy to install, as all information is shown between each step of the installation.
One important step to look out for is when deciding where to install your new Linux distro. For first users it’s better to choose the “Guided” option as it will do all the work for you.
要确定的重要一步是确定新Linux发行版的安装位置。 对于初次使用的用户,最好选择“引导”选项,因为它将为您完成所有工作。
Remember to read all the steps carefully and leave some space in your HDD for the new distro - I would say about 30Gb minimum is a nice to have.
Linux’s terminal is not to be feared, actually it is quite easy to use with some practice and it can make your daily tasks greatly automated.
In Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives, the shortcut to open the CLI (Comman Line Interface) is “Ctrl + Alt + T”. Let’s open the terminal and try some commands.
在Debian / Ubuntu及其衍生版本中,打开CLI(命令行界面)的快捷方式是“ Ctrl + Alt + T”。 让我们打开终端并尝试一些命令。
cd (Change Directory) - The cd command is one of the commands you will use the most at the command line in linux. It allows you to change your working directory. You use it to move around within the hierarchy of your file system.
cd(更改目录)-cd命令是您在Linux命令行上最常使用的命令之一。 它允许您更改工作目录。 您可以使用它在文件系统的层次结构中四处移动。
Using the cd command alone will change the current directory to your user home directory, located in “/home/username” as in “/home/mark”.
单独使用cd命令会将当前目录更改为用户主目录,该目录位于“ / home / username”(如“ / home / mark”中)。
ls (List) - This command lists the content in the current directory. It can be also used to list file information.
ls(列表)-此命令列出当前目录中的内容。 它也可以用来列出文件信息。
Now we can see our directories in our home.
The commands listed here are basic, and will help you get started quickly. But they’re also powerful, and they’ll continue to be useful as your Linux expertise expands.
此处列出的命令是基本命令,可帮助您快速入门。 但是它们也很强大,随着您的Linux专业知识的扩展,它们将继续发挥作用。
Shows you the manual for the command that follows it. This is very helpful when trying to figure out how an unfamiliar command works. For example, type man ls
for everything you need to know about the ls
command. Type q
to exit.
您显示其后命令的手册。 当试图弄清不熟悉的命令如何工作时,这非常有用。 例如,对于您需要了解的有关ls
命令的所有内容,键入man ls
。 输入q
This takes the text you give it and sends it somewhere—back to the screen, to a file, or to another command. Example: echo "hello!"
这会将您提供的文本发送到某个地方-返回屏幕,文件或其他命令。 示例: echo "hello!"
To display the contents of a text file, just type cat myfile
要显示文本文件的内容,只需键入cat myfile
It does what it says, and it’s good at it. Use it to locate files by path, size, date, owner and a bunch of other useful filters. Example: find . -type f -mtime -1h # List files in this directory modified in the past hour
它按照它说的做,而且很擅长。 使用它可以按路径,大小,日期,所有者和其他许多有用的过滤器查找文件。 示例: find . -type f -mtime -1h # List files in this directory modified in the past hour
find . -type f -mtime -1h # List files in this directory modified in the past hour
Just type date when you want to know what time it is. Example: date "+It's %l:%m%p on %A"
. Use it in a script to name files according to the current date.
当您想知道现在是几点时,只需键入date。 示例: date "+It's %l:%m%p on %A"
。 在脚本中使用它可以根据当前日期命名文件。
What’s in this directory? Combine ls
with some useful flags to display and sort directory contents by date and size. It also gives you lots of options for formatting the output.
该目录中有什么? 将ls
与一些有用的标志结合使用,以按日期和大小显示和排序目录内容。 它还为您提供了许多格式化输出的选项。
Where am I? Linux can be unforgiving, particularly when you delete something. Make sure you know where you are before you issue your commands.
我在哪里? Linux可能会令人宽容,尤其是在删除某些内容时。 在发出命令之前,请确保您知道自己的位置。
This command removes files, not directories. rm file.txt
will remove the file named "file.txt" as long as it exists and is in the current directory.
此命令删除文件,而不是目录。 rm file.txt
将删除名为“ file.txt”的文件,只要该文件存在且位于当前目录中即可。
Use this command to move files with the command line. You can also use the mv
command to rename a file. For example, if you want to rename the file “text” to “new”, just run mv text new
使用此命令可通过命令行移动文件。 您也可以使用mv
命令重命名文件。 例如,如果要将文件“ text”重命名为“ new”,只需运行mv text new
Linux’s mail program isn’t good looking, but it can be really helpful. You can create a message and add text, recipients, and attachments all in one command. Example: echo "We're having a great time." | mail -s "Wish you were here!" -A postcard.png -t [email protected]
Linux的邮件程序外观不好,但确实很有帮助。 您可以创建一条消息,并在一个命令中添加文本,收件人和附件。 示例: echo "We're having a great time." | mail -s "Wish you were here!" -A postcard.png -t [email protected]
echo "We're having a great time." | mail -s "Wish you were here!" -A postcard.png -t [email protected]
When you have a string with separators in it, use cut
to filter out certain fields. Example: echo "this, that, and the other" | cut -d, -f2 # "that"
过滤掉某些字段。 示例: echo "this, that, and the other" | cut -d, -f2 # "that"
echo "this, that, and the other" | cut -d, -f2 # "that"
To find lines of text that contain a certain string, use grep. Example: grep 'root' /etc/passwd # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
要查找包含特定字符串的文本行,请使用grep。 示例: grep 'root' /etc/passwd # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
Use sed
to find and change a substring in a piece of text. Example: echo "this, that, and the other" | sed 's/that/those/' # "this, those, and the other"
查找和更改一段文本中的子字符串。 示例: echo "this, that, and the other" | sed 's/that/those/' # "this, those, and the other"
echo "this, that, and the other" | sed 's/that/those/' # "this, those, and the other"
Use shut down the system and turn off the power. Example: shutdown -h now
shuts down the system immediately. shutdown -h +5
shuts down the system after five minutes.
使用关闭系统电源并关闭电源。 示例: shutdown -h now
立即关闭系统。 shutdown -h +5
Use less [filename]
to view contents of a file and navigate through them. By default, less
will go through the file page by page.
使用less [filename]
来查看文件的内容并浏览它们。 默认情况下, less
Use these commands in scripts and at the command line. They’re all very powerful commands, and Linux’s main page has a lot more information about each one.
在脚本和命令行中使用这些命令。 它们都是非常强大的命令,Linux主页上有很多有关每个命令的信息。
Also, important commands used for System Administrators are following:
: shows how long your system has been running and the number of users that are currently logged in. It also displays load average for 1,5 and 15 minutes intervals.
: displays users currently logged in and their process along with load averages. Also shows the login name, tty name, remote host, login time, idle time, JCPU, PCPU, command and processes.
:显示当前登录的用户及其过程以及平均负载。 还显示登录名,tty名称,远程主机,登录时间,空闲时间,JCPU,PCPU,命令和进程。
: displays currently logged in users. This command doesn't have other parameters other than help and version.
:显示当前登录的用户。 该命令除了help和version之外没有其他参数。
: simply returns user name, date, time and host information. The who command is similar to the w command. Unlike w, who doesn’t print what users are doing.
:仅返回用户名,日期,时间和主机信息。 who命令类似于w命令。 与w不同,谁不打印用户在做什么。
: prints the name of the current user. You can also use “who am i” to display the current user. If you are logged in as a root, using sudo command “whoami” returns root as current user. Use “who am i” if you want to know the exact user logged in.
:显示当前用户的名称。 您也可以使用“我是谁”来显示当前用户。 如果您以root用户身份登录,则使用sudo命令“ whoami”以当前用户身份返回root。 如果您想知道确切的用户登录名,请使用“我是谁”。
: displays a list of files in human readable format.
: lists scheduled jobs for current user with crontab command and -l option.
: allows you to quickly view a file. You can page up and down. Press ‘q‘ to quit from the less window.
:使您可以快速查看文件。 您可以上下翻页。 按“ q”从较少窗口中退出。
: allows you to quickly view a file and shows details in percentage. You can page up and down. Press ‘q‘ to quit out from the more window.
:允许您快速查看文件并以百分比显示详细信息。 您可以上下翻页。 按“ q”退出更多窗口。
: Copy file from source to destination preserving same mode.
These are the list of commands frequently used by adiminstrator. This is not a complete list, but it’s a compact list of commands to refer to when needed.
这些是adiminstrator经常使用的命令列表。 这不是完整的列表,但是是需要时要引用的紧凑命令列表。
Distro: it is a shortened word for ‘distribution’; and a distribution is a particular brand of GNU/Linux operating system – like Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian.
发行版:是“发行版”的缩写。 发行版是GNU / Linux操作系统的一个特殊品牌–如Redhat,Fedora,Ubuntu和Debian。
Shell: this is the program that reads your command input and runs the specified commands. The dollar sign (`$’) preceding the cursor is called the shell prompt; it tells you that the system is ready and waiting for inputs in the form of commands.
Shell:这是一个读取命令输入并运行指定命令的程序。 光标前面的美元符号($)被称为shell提示符; 它告诉您系统已准备就绪,正在等待命令形式的输入。
CLI: stands for Command Line Interface. It's the simple user interface that provides the services needed by the user to interact with Linux OS using text commands. It protects the user from having to know intricate hardware details.
CLI:代表命令行界面 。 它是简单的用户界面,可提供用户使用文本命令与Linux OS交互所需的服务。 它使用户不必知道复杂的硬件细节。
GUI: stands for graphic user interface. It is the part of the Linux system that comprises windows, icons, pictures (graphics in general), that make point and click possible.
GUI:代表图形用户界面。 它是Linux系统的一部分,包括使点和单击成为可能的窗口,图标,图片(通常是图形)。
Terminal: is an application that is used to access the Linux shell.
终端:是用于访问Linux Shell的应用程序。
Kernel: this the core of the Linux system – what you could call a “brain”. The kernel controls the resources of a computer and determines how they are used by interacting directly with the computer's hardware.
内核:这是Linux系统的核心-您可以称之为“大脑”。 内核控制计算机的资源,并通过直接与计算机硬件进行交互来确定如何使用它们。
Tux: the official mascot of Linux. That is the penguin that is usually associated with Linux – if you’ve seen the yellow and black penguin online, then you have seen tux.
Tux: Linux的官方吉祥物。 那是通常与Linux相关的企鹅–如果您在线上看到黄色和黑色的企鹅,那么您就看到了晚礼服。
Root: also known as the super-user, is the “default” username for the administrator of a linux machine. It is usually represented on the linux terminal with the ”#” symbol.
根:也称为超级用户,是Linux计算机管理员的“默认”用户名。 通常在Linux终端上用“#”符号表示。
Commands: are text inputs or instructions given to the linux machine (by typing them in the terminal) to tell it what to do (that is, for a required outcome).
Repository: a repository (or “repo” for short) is a collection of software packages for a distro usually hosted online. Software programs can be installed from both the default repositories provided by the distro and third-party ones when they’re added to the package manager.
存储库:存储库(简称“ repo”)是通常在线托管的发行版软件包的集合。 将软件程序添加到程序包管理器后,可以从发行版提供的默认存储库中安装软件程序,也可以从第三方安装它们。
Package Manager: is a software program that enables you to search, install, update, and remove apps and other application management functions. Every distro has graphics from end package managers (like the Ubuntu Software Centre) and command line package management tools like the “apt-get”.
软件包管理器:是一个软件程序,使您可以搜索,安装,更新和删除应用程序以及其他应用程序管理功能。 每个发行版都有来自最终程序包管理器(如Ubuntu软件中心)的图形和诸如“ apt-get”之类的命令行程序包管理工具。
Dependency: a dependency is a software program that the program you want to install needs to run. When a program is being installed it gives a list of its dependencies to the default package manager to check if they are already installed, and download them from a repository if they’re not.
依赖关系:依赖关系是您要安装的程序需要运行的软件程序。 在安装程序时,它会向默认程序包管理器提供其依赖项列表,以检查它们是否已安装,如果尚未安装,则从存储库中下载它们。