


void open (const char* filename,
           ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);

其中 filename 为文件名字

openmode 如下:

in         input       以读的方式打开,即input 内存

out       output    以写的方式打开 , 即output 内存,写入磁盘

binary   binary    二进制模式

ate        at end    输出位置在文件结尾

app       append   追加写,需要已经存在的文件

trunc     truncate  文件打开之前的任何内容都会丢失


fstream 中函数模型

       *  @brief  Opens an external file.
       *  @param  s  The name of the file.
       *  @param  mode  The open mode flags.
       *  @return  @c this on success, NULL on failure
       *  If a file is already open, this function immediately fails.
       *  Otherwise it tries to open the file named @a s using the flags
       *  given in @a mode.
      open(const char* __s, ios_base::openmode __mode);

       *  @brief  Opens an external file.
       *  @param  s  The name of the file.
       *  @param  mode  The open mode flags.
       *  @return  @c this on success, NULL on failure
      open(const std::string& __s, ios_base::openmode __mode)
      { return open(__s.c_str(), __mode); }


using namespace std;

int main()
  fstream fs;

  fs<<"more strings "<

多次执行 ,文件内容累加。 

另外 fstream中  与fopen() 参数的比较:如下

       *  +---------------------------------------------------------+
       *  | ios_base Flag combination            stdio equivalent   |
       *  |binary  in  out  trunc  app                              |
       *  +---------------------------------------------------------+
       *  |             +                        "w"                |
       *  |             +           +            "a"                |
       *  |                         +            "a"                |
       *  |             +     +                  "w"                |
       *  |         +                            "r"                |
       *  |         +   +                        "r+"               |
       *  |         +   +     +                  "w+"               |
       *  |         +   +           +            "a+"               |
       *  |         +               +            "a+"               |
       *  +---------------------------------------------------------+
       *  |   +         +                        "wb"               |
       *  |   +         +           +            "ab"               |
       *  |   +                     +            "ab"               |
       *  |   +         +     +                  "wb"               |
       *  |   +     +                            "rb"               |
       *  |   +     +   +                        "r+b"              |
       *  |   +     +   +     +                  "w+b"              |
       *  |   +     +   +           +            "a+b"              |
       *  |   +     +               +            "a+b"              |
       *  +---------------------------------------------------------+

