

荣耀  2003


    假如你已安装.NET Framework,系统目录中(可能是C:/Winnt/System32)会有一个mscoree.dll,它就是微软.NET运行时执行引擎(.NET Runtime Execution Engine),其重要性不言而喻“Sharpei”病毒就是通过查找它来确定计算机是否安装了.NET。


    C:/WINNT/system32>dumpbin /exports mscoree.dll

    Dump of file mscoree.dll

    File Type: DLL

    Section contains the following exports for mscoree.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    3C368FBE time date stamp Sat Jan 05 13:31:42 2002
    0.00 version
    17 ordinal base
    100 number of functions
    94 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA name

    36 0 0001161E CallFunctionShim
    21 1 000108E2 CloseCtrs
    37 2 0000B998 ClrCreateManagedInstance
    38 3 00011163 CoEEShutDownCOM
    39 4 0000B7C7 CoInitializeCor
    40 5 00010CA1 CoInitializeEE
    24 6 00011372 CoLogCurrentStack
    41 7 00010D41 CoUninitializeCor
    42 8 00010CF3 CoUninitializeEE
    25 9 000108D8 CollectCtrs
    43 A 0000A8B0 CorBindToCurrentRuntime
    44 B 000118A9 CorBindToRuntime
    45 C 000108FF CorBindToRuntimeByCfg
    46 D 0000FA0E CorBindToRuntimeByPath
    47 E 00011826 CorBindToRuntimeEx
    48 F 0000B9F9 CorBindToRuntimeHost
    49 10 0000B25B CorExitProcess
    50 11 00011320 CorMarkThreadInThreadPool
    51 12 00008C2E CreateConfigStream
    52 13 0000B2AB DllCanUnloadNow            
    53 14 00007F2A DllGetClassObject             
    54 15 00011678 DllRegisterServer            
    55 16 00010BE9 DllUnregisterServer

    26 17 0000FA42 EEDllGetClassObjectFromClass
    56 18 0001156A EEDllRegisterServer
    57 19 000115C0 EEDllUnregisterServer
    58 1A 000023AC GetAssemblyMDImport
    59 1B 0000B2F4 GetCORRequiredVersion
    60 1C 00002290 GetCORSystemDirectory
    61 1D 000092A1 GetCORVersion
    62 1E 0001111A GetCompileInfo
    27 1F 00011513 GetGlobalContextsPerfCounters
    63 20 00010054 GetHashFromAssemblyFile
    64 21 000100BC GetHashFromAssemblyFileW
    65 22 00010246 GetHashFromBlob
    66 23 00010125 GetHashFromFile
    67 24 00010184 GetHashFromFileW
    68 25 000101E5 GetHashFromHandle
    69 26 0000B818 GetHostConfigurationFile
    70 27 00010E6B GetMetaDataInternalInterface
    71 28 00010DFB GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic
    72 29 00010D8A GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal
    73 2A 000110B0 GetPermissionRequests
    28 2B 000114BA GetPrivateContextsPerfCounters
    74 2C 0001099D GetRealProcAddress
    29 2D 0000B7C1 GetStartupFlags
    75 2E 000122CE GetXMLElement
    76 2F 000122D6 GetXMLElementAttribute
    77 30 00005BE8 GetXMLObject
    78 31 0000B8CC LoadLibraryShim
    79 32 00011848 LoadLibraryWithPolicyShim
    30 33 000113C6 LogHelp_LogAssert
    31 34 0001141A LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert
    32 35 0001146A LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert
    80 36 00010C44 MetaDataGetDispenser
    81 37 0000FB96 ND_CopyObjDst
    82 38 0000FB6E ND_CopyObjSrc
    83 39 0000B977 ND_RI2
    84 3A 0000B988 ND_RI4
    85 3B 0000FB18 ND_RI8
    86 3C 0000B8A8 ND_RU1
    87 3D 0000FB2C ND_WI2
    88 3E 0000FB41 ND_WI4
    89 3F 0000FB54 ND_WI8
    90 40 0000B8B9 ND_WU1
    33 41 0001077E OpenCtrs
    34 42 0000FA4A ReleaseFusionInterfaces
    91 43 000109DE RunDll32ShimW
    35 44 00011269 RuntimeImageType
    92 45 000112C1 RuntimeOSHandle
    93 46 000111A8 RuntimeOpenImage
    94 47 00011209 RuntimeReleaseHandle
    95 48 0000FF3D StrongNameCompareAssemblies
    96 49 0000B3C0 StrongNameErrorInfo
    97 4A 0000220F StrongNameFreeBuffer
    98 4B 0000FCC8 StrongNameGetPublicKey
    99 4C 0000FFA0 StrongNameHashSize
    100 4D 0000FC75 StrongNameKeyDelete
    101 4E 0000FBBE StrongNameKeyGen
    102 4F 0000FC19 StrongNameKeyInstall
    103 50 0000FD2B StrongNameSignatureGeneration
    104 51 0000FFF7 StrongNameSignatureSize
    105 52 0000B35B StrongNameSignatureVerification
    106 53 0000FE62 StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx
    107 54 0000FECA StrongNameSignatureVerificationFromImage
    108 55 0000FD96 StrongNameTokenFromAssembly
    109 56 0000FDF8 StrongNameTokenFromAssemblyEx
    110 57 00002175 StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey
    111 58 00011041 TranslateSecurityAttributes
    112 59 00002064 _CorDllMain
    114 5A 0000B865 _CorExeMain
    113 5B 000116EE _CorExeMain2
    115 5C 0001077B _CorImageUnloading
    116 5D 00011739 _CorValidateImage
    17 00010ED5 [NONAME]
    18 00010F0C [NONAME]
    19 00010F4E [NONAME]
    20 00010F84 [NONAME]
    22 00010FB6 [NONAME]
    23 00010FFD [NONAME]

        3000 .data
        2000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        1A000 .text



    regsvr32 C:/WINNT/system32/mscoree.dll

    假如你来了兴趣,不妨探究探究另外一些.NET dll的庐山真面目(我并没有暗示它们都是COM组件)。


    “Be careful”

