Since the start of the pandemic, digital transformation has accelerated as more businesses see the need to adopt advanced technologies and do so quickly. Providing ways to propel businesses forward, adapt to new ways of working and cut-costs, digital transformation has many benefits. Cloud adoption, while a necessary element of that transformation, is not without its challenges. Before migration takes place, companies need to know what the main challenges are. Here, we explain.
自大流行开始以来,随着越来越多的企业意识到需要采用先进技术并Swift采取行动,数字化转型已经加速。 数字化转型提供了推动业务发展,适应新的工作方式和削减成本的方法,因此具有许多好处。 采用云技术虽然是这种转变的必要元素,但并非没有挑战。 在进行迁移之前,公司需要知道主要挑战是什么。 在这里,我们解释。
Cloud services, in themselves, are exceptionally secure. All cloud providers have to comply with stringent regulations and this requires them to put robust security measures in place, including the use of strict protocols and advanced security tools. However, companies still have concerns about multi-tenancy and data location.
云服务本身非常安全。 所有云提供商都必须遵守严格的法规,这要求它们采取稳健的安全措施,包括使用严格的协议和高级安全工具。 但是,公司仍然对多租户和数据位置感到担忧。
Multi-tenancy can be a compliance issue for some organisations which hold sensitive data. The problem can be overcome by storing the data in a single-tenancy private cloud where they have dedicated use of the underlying hardware.
对于某些保存敏感数据的组织,多租户可能是合规性问题。 通过将数据存储在专用于基础硬件的单租户私有云中,可以解决该问题。
Data location is an issue for organisations which store data protected by regulations such as GDPR. Using a cloud provider that migrates data or backups between countries, puts the data at risk of being kept in a nation that doesn’t comply with those regulations. For example, EU citizen data is protected by GDPR, however, if it is stored on servers in the US, the government there has legal access to it for national security purposes. If it is accessed, the organisation will be in breach of compliance. The easy solution here is to opt for a cloud provider which locates all its datacentres in a single country, as eukhost does in the UK.
对于存储受GDPR等法规保护的数据的组织而言,数据位置是一个问题。 使用在国家之间迁移数据或备份的云提供商,会使数据面临被保存在不符合这些法规的国家中的风险。 例如,欧盟公民数据受GDPR保护,但是,如果将其存储在美国的服务器上,则那里的政府出于国家安全目的具有合法访问权限。 如果访问该组织,则将违反合规性。 此处的简单解决方案是选择一个云提供商,就像eukhost在英国一样,将其所有数据中心都放在一个国家中。
One of the biggest advantages of the cloud is the ability to reduce capital expenditure on hardware and in-house datacentres. The other financial advantage is that cloud resources are chargeable on a pay per use basis, enabling companies to scale up and down quickly so that costs can be minimised.
云的最大优势之一是能够减少硬件和内部数据中心的资本支出。 另一个财务优势是,云资源可按使用量付费,从而使公司能够快速扩展和缩减规模,从而将成本降至最低。
The financial risks here depend on how well a company manages its use of the cloud. Poorly managed, it is easy for the use of these on-demand resources to spiral and this can be costly. Companies need to implement use policies, monitor cloud usage and carefully analyse where the money is being spent.
这里的财务风险取决于公司对云使用的管理程度。 如果管理不善,这些按需资源的使用很容易螺旋式增长,而且成本可能很高。 公司需要实施使用政策,监视云使用情况并仔细分析资金的使用位置。
Migration to the cloud not only presents a new type of infrastructure to an organisation; it also puts a host of new technologies at their disposal. While the benefits of using these are the prime reason for cloud adoption, one of the challenges faced by most companies is developing the expertise to make use of them.
迁移到云不仅为组织提供了一种新型的基础架构; 它还可以使用许多新技术。 尽管使用这些技术的好处是采用云的主要原因,但是大多数公司面临的挑战之一是开发专门知识来利用它们。
Organisations adopting the cloud need a clear understanding of what they want to use it for and make sure they have the necessary expertise to help them meet their objectives. This could require the training of current staff or the recruitment of new ones.
采用云的组织需要清楚地了解其用途,并确保他们拥有必要的专业知识来帮助他们实现目标。 这可能需要对现有人员进行培训或招募新人员。
Thankfully, many providers offer managed services and 24/7 technical support. There is also a wide range of tools which automate many of the tasks which not so long ago required expert manual input.
值得庆幸的是,许多提供商都提供托管服务和24/7全天候技术支持。 还有各种各样的工具可以使许多任务自动化,而这些任务不久前就需要专家手动输入。
Over 80% of companies now use more than one cloud provider, some as many as five, to carry out different workloads. The reasons for this are numerous, but it boils down to choosing the most appropriate vendor for the specific workload being undertaken. At the same time, there is an increasing number of businesses developing hybrid-clouds, a mixture of public and private clouds together with dedicated servers.
现在,超过80%的公司使用不止一个云提供商(多达五个)来执行不同的工作负载。 造成这种情况的原因很多,但归根结底是要针对要承担的特定工作量选择最合适的供应商。 同时,越来越多的企业在开发混合云,混合了公共云和私有云以及专用服务器。
While multi-cloud and hybrid cloud can be beneficial for financial, operational and compliance purposes, they add to the complexity of an organisation’s overall infrastructure. Here, there will be a greater need for governance, monitoring, expertise and security.
虽然多云和混合云可以在财务,运营和合规性方面受益,但它们增加了组织整体基础架构的复杂性。 在这里,将更加需要治理,监控,专业知识和安全性。
While the points above discuss the challenges of cloud adoption, the migration itself can also cause problems. A cloud environment can be markedly different from the one on which an application is hosted in-house. Issues with operating system compatibility and system configuration may mean an application might not work, or work as expected, in a cloud environment. Resolving these issues can have an impact on the speed of migration, project deadlines and budgets.
尽管以上几点讨论了采用云的挑战,但迁移本身也可能引起问题。 云环境可能与内部托管应用程序的环境明显不同。 操作系统兼容性和系统配置问题可能意味着应用程序在云环境中可能无法正常工作,或者无法正常工作。 解决这些问题可能会对迁移速度,项目期限和预算产生影响。
Thankfully, there are a wide and growing range of applications, many of them open-source, that have been developed for cloud environments, are quickly deployable and work straight out of the box.
The key to a smooth and speedy migration, however, is to find a vendor with the expertise and technical support to help you manage the migration process.
The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation across the globe with unprecedented numbers of companies migrating to and expanding workloads in the cloud. While for many organisations, this is a necessary part of the ‘new normal’, they should not underestimate the challenges that cloud adoption presents. The best way to prevent issues is to work closely with a cloud provider that will get to know your company and put tailored solutions in place for you.
这种流行病加速了全球数字化转型的步伐,前所未有的公司数量正在迁移到云中并扩展其工作负载。 尽管对于许多组织来说,这是“新常态”的必要组成部分,但他们不应低估采用云技术所带来的挑战。 预防问题的最佳方法是与云提供商紧密合作,后者将了解您的公司并为您量身定制解决方案。
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