vagrant ssh -c "sudo vi /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf"
service {} # Tuning parameters and process owner
network { # Used to configure intracluster and application-node
# communications
service {} # Tools/Application communications protocol
fabric {} # Intracluster communications protocol
info {} # Administrator telnet console protocol
heartbeat {} # Cluster formation protocol
cluster {} # (Optional) Configure rack-aware clustering
xdr { # (Aerospike Enterprise only) Configure Cross
# Datacenter Replication
datacenter <name> {} # Remote datacenter node list
namespace <name> { # Define namespace record policies and storage engine
storage {} # Configure persistence or lack of persistence
set {} # (Optional) Set specific record policies
network {
service {
address any # IP of the NIC on which the service is
# listening.
port 3000 # port on which the service is listening.
access-address # IP address exported to clients that access
# the service.
fabric {
address any
port 3001 # Intra-cluster communication port (migrates, replication, etc).
info {
address any
port 3003 # Plain text telnet management port.
heartbeat {
mode multicast # Send heartbeats using Multicast
address # multicast address
port 9918 # multicast port
interface-address # IP of the NIC to use to send out heartbeat
# and bind fabric ports
interval 150 # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
timeout 10 # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait
# before timing out a node
# heartbeat {
# mode mesh # Send heartbeats using Mesh (Unicast) protocol
# address # IP of the NIC on which this node is listening
# # to heartbeat
# port 3002 # port on which this node is listening to
# # heartbeat
# mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
# mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
# interval 150 # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
# timeout 20 # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait before
# # timing out a node
# }
上述两种模式只能选其一,官方推荐使用Multicast Heartbeat模式。
namespace <namespace-name> {
# memory-size 4G # 4GB of memory to be used for index and data
# replication-factor 2 # For multiple nodes, keep 2 copies of the data
# high-water-memory-pct 60 # Evict non-zero TTL data if capacity exceeds
# 60% of 4GB
# stop-writes-pct 90 # Stop writes if capacity exceeds 90% of 4GB
# default-ttl 0 # Writes from client that do not provide a TTL
# will default to 0 or never expire
# storage-engine memory # Store data in memory only
namespace <namespace-name> {
memory-size G # Maximum memory allocation for primary
# and secondary indexes.
storage-engine device { # Configure the storage-engine to use persistence
device /dev/ # raw device. Maximum size is 2 TiB
# device /dev/ # (optional) another raw device.
write-block-size 128K # adjust block size to make it efficient for SSDs.
namespace <namespace-name> {
memory-size G # Maximum memory allocation for data and
# primary and secondary indexes.
storage-engine device { # Configure the storage-engine to use
# persistence. Maximum size is 2 TiB
file /opt/aerospike/ # Location of data file on server.
# file /opt/aerospike/ # (optional) Location of data file on server.
filesize G # Max size of each file in GiB.
data-in-memory true # Indicates that all data should also be
# in memory.
如果你的数据不需要持久化,只需要配置储存引擎:storage-engine memory,再设置一下内存大小就可以了。
namespace <namespace-name> {
memory-size G # Maximum memory allocation for data and primary and
# secondary indexes.
storage-engine memory # Configure the storage-engine to not use persistence.
namespace <namespace-name> {
memory-size G # Maximum memory allocation for data and
# primary and secondary indexes.
single-bin true # Required true by data-in-index.
data-in-index true # Enables in index integer store.
storage-engine device { # Configure the storage-engine to use
# persistence.
file /opt/aerospike/ # Location of data file on server.
# file /opt/aerospike/ # (optimal) Location of data file on server.
# device /dev/ # Optional alternative to using files.
filesize G # Max size of each file in GiB. Maximum size is 2TiB
data-in-memory true # Required true by data-in-index.
default-ttl 数据保留的时长,单位秒
high-water-disk-pct 持久化数据达到总容量的百分比后开始清理数据
high-water-memory-pct 内存数据达到总容量的百分比后开始清理数据
stop-writes-pct 数据达到总容量的百分比后停止写入数据
namespace {
default-ttl # How long (in seconds) to keep data after it is written
high-water-disk-pct # How full may the disk become before the server begins eviction (expiring records early)
high-water-memory-pct # How full may the memory become before the server begins eviction (expiring records early)
stop-writes-pct # How full may the memory become before we disallow new writes
namespace <namespace-name> {
set <set-name> {
set-disable-eviction true # Protect this set from evictions.
namespace <namespace-name> {
set <set-name> {
set-stop-writes-count 5000 # Limit number of records that can be written to this set to 5000.
namespace {
replication-factor 2