POCO C++库学习和分析 -- 内存管理 (三)

POCO C++库学习和分析 -- 内存管理 (三)


4. AutoReleasePool


#include "Poco/AutoReleasePool.h"
using Poco::AutoReleasePool;
class C
	void release()
		delete this;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	AutoReleasePool pool;
	C* pC = new C;
	pC = new C;
	return 0;
// all C's deleted


std::list ObjectList _list

AutoReleasePool arp;
AutoPtr ptr = new C;

5. 动态工厂模板(DynamicFactory Class Template)

       Poco中实现了一个动态工厂的模板,支持通过类名来创建类。其实现技术和前面的文章" Foundation库SharedLibrary模块分析"中介绍的类似。
class DynamicFactory
	/// A factory that creates objects by class name.
          std::map FactoryMap _map;

class DynamicFactory
	/// A factory that creates objects by class name.
	typedef AbstractInstantiator AbstractFactory;

void registerClass(const std::string& className)
	/// Registers the instantiator for the given class with the DynamicFactory.
	/// The DynamicFactory takes ownership of the instantiator and deletes
	/// it when it's no longer used.
	/// If the class has already been registered, an ExistsException is thrown
	/// and the instantiator is deleted.
	registerClass(className, new Instantiator);
void registerClass(const std::string& className, AbstractFactory* pAbstractFactory)
	/// Registers the instantiator for the given class with the DynamicFactory.
	/// The DynamicFactory takes ownership of the instantiator and deletes
	/// it when it's no longer used.
	/// If the class has already been registered, an ExistsException is thrown
	/// and the instantiator is deleted.
	poco_check_ptr (pAbstractFactory);

	FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

	std::auto_ptr ptr(pAbstractFactory);
	typename FactoryMap::iterator it = _map.find(className);
	if (it == _map.end())
		_map[className] = ptr.release();
		throw ExistsException(className);
class DynamicFactory
	/// A factory that creates objects by class name.
	Base* createInstance(const std::string& className) const
		/// Creates a new instance of the class with the given name.
		/// The class must have been registered with registerClass.
		/// If the class name is unknown, a NotFoundException is thrown.
		FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

		typename std::map::const_iterator it = _map.find(className);
		if (it != _map.end())
			return it->second->createInstance();
			throw NotFoundException(className);

#include "Poco/DynamicFactory.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
using Poco::DynamicFactory;
using Poco::SharedPtr;
class Base
class A: public Base
class B: public Base

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	DynamicFactory factory;
	factory.registerClass("A"); // creates Instantiator
	factory.registerClass("B"); // creates Instantiator
	SharedPtr pA = factory.createInstance("A");
	SharedPtr pB = factory.createInstance("B");
	// you can unregister classes
	// you can also check for the existence of a class
	bool haveA = factory.isClass("A"); // true
	bool haveB = factory.isClass("B"); // false (unregistered)
	bool haveC = factory.isClass("C"); // false (never registered)
	return 0;



6. 内存池(Memory Pools)

       1. 解决应用程序频繁申请和释放内存带来的执行效率问题
       2. 解决内存碎片问题       

       1. Poco::MemoryPool使用std::vector维护了一组固定大小的内存块指针,每个内存块大小都相等
       2. 可以通过MemoryPool::get()获得一个内存块的指针,如果池中内存块不够时,一个新的内存块会被分配。但当池中内存块数目到达池定义的上限时,一个OutOfMemoryException异常会被抛出。 
       3. 调用MemoryPool::release(void* ptr)将把内存块释放入池中

class Foundation_API MemoryPool
	/// A simple pool for fixed-size memory blocks.
	/// The main purpose of this class is to speed-up
	/// memory allocations, as well as to reduce memory
	/// fragmentation in situations where the same blocks
	/// are allocated all over again, such as in server
	/// applications.
	/// All allocated blocks are retained for future use.
	/// A limit on the number of blocks can be specified.
	/// Blocks can be preallocated.
	MemoryPool(std::size_t blockSize, int preAlloc = 0, int maxAlloc = 0);
		/// Creates a MemoryPool for blocks with the given blockSize.
		/// The number of blocks given in preAlloc are preallocated.

	void* get();
		/// Returns a memory block. If there are no more blocks
		/// in the pool, a new block will be allocated.
		/// If maxAlloc blocks are already allocated, an
		/// OutOfMemoryException is thrown.
	void release(void* ptr);
		/// Releases a memory block and returns it to the pool.
	std::size_t blockSize() const;
		/// Returns the block size.
	int allocated() const;
		/// Returns the number of allocated blocks.
	int available() const;
		/// Returns the number of available blocks in the pool.

	MemoryPool(const MemoryPool&);
	MemoryPool& operator = (const MemoryPool&);
	typedef std::vector BlockVec;
	std::size_t _blockSize;
	int         _maxAlloc;
	int         _allocated;
	BlockVec    _blocks;
	FastMutex   _mutex;

#include "Poco/MemoryPool.h"
using Poco::MemoryPool;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	MemoryPool pool(1024); // unlimited number of 1024 byte blocks
	// MemoryPool pool(1024, 4, 16); // at most 16 blocks; 4 preallocated
	char* buffer = reinterpret_cast(pool.get());
	std::cin.read(buffer, pool.blockSize());
	std::streamsize n = std::cin.gcount();
	std::string s(buffer, n);
	std::cout << s << std::endl;
	return 0;



7. 单件(Singletons)

class SingletonHolder
	/// This is a helper template class for managing
	/// singleton objects allocated on the heap.
	/// The class ensures proper deletion (including
	/// calling of the destructor) of singleton objects
	/// when the application that created them terminates.
		/// Creates the SingletonHolder.
		/// Destroys the SingletonHolder and the singleton
		/// object that it holds.
		delete _pS;
	S* get()
		/// Returns a pointer to the singleton object
		/// hold by the SingletonHolder. The first call
		/// to get will create the singleton.
		FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_m);
		if (!_pS) _pS = new S;
		return _pS;
	S* _pS;
	FastMutex _m;
       一眼可以望穿的代码,实在没有什么可以说的。噢,补充一下。在Poco中的Singleton模型里并没有使用DCLP(Double Checked Locking)模式。什么是DCLP。可以参考文章 Double Checked Locking 模式。


(版权所有,转载时请注明作者和出处   http://blog.csdn.net/arau_sh/article/details/8639863)


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