使用RecyclerView CardView相关问题 解决The hierarchy of the type is inconsistent问题

   在使用RecyclerView CardView(参见博客点击打开链接)时会出现The hierarchy of the type is inconsistent,查询后解决方案如下:

I found the problem. The issue was that I was using an older version and v4 support library which does not contain the class android.support.v4.view.ScrollingView class. I replaced my old v4 library with the new version and the error was gone!

The easiest way to add support libs (after removing them) is via the (right click project)->Android Tools->Add Support Library

更新为最新的v4包后,将v4包复制粘贴到appcompat_v7  libs目录下,覆盖旧版本的v4包,问题解决

我用的是Android6.0 api22编译的,在程序运行过程中,还会遇到 


