
      神秘园是一支著名的新世纪音乐风格的乐队,它由挪威作曲家兼键盘手(罗尔夫. 劳弗兰)和爱尔兰女小提琴手(菲奥诺拉.莎莉)组成。1994年, 他们在欧洲歌唱大赛中初次相遇,那时劳弗兰已是知名的词曲作家,由于对音乐有着难以想象的相同的理解,他们走到了一起。1995年,他们的探路之作《夜曲》一举夺得欧洲歌唱大赛冠军 1996年4月推出首张专辑《来自神秘园的歌》大获成功,影响遍及世界各地。乐队溶合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐,乐曲恬静深远,自然流畅,使人不知不觉便已溶入其中。

01 Songs From A Secret Garden  
   (1996/04/16 Philips)
1. Nocturne    
2. Pastorale  
3. Song from a Secret Garden    
4. Sigma    
5. Papillon  
6. Serenade to Spring  
7. Atlantia  
8. Heartstrings    
9. Adagio  
10. The Rap  
11. Chacone  
12. Cantoluna  
13. Ode to Simplicity  

02 White Stones  
   (1997/04/15 Philips)
1. Steps  
2. Poeme  
3. Hymn to Hope  
4. Moving  
5. First Day of Spring  
6. Passacaglia  
7. Reflection  
8. Windancer  
9. Appassionata  
10. Escape  
11. Sanctuary  
12. Celebration  
13. Home  
14. Illumination  

03 Dawn Of A New Century  
   (1999/04/20 Philips)
1.  Moongate        
2.  Prayer      
3.  Elan      
4.  Dreamcatcher      
5.  Sona        
6.  In Our Tears        
7.  Children of the River        
8.  Evensong      
9.  Lore of the Loom      
10.  Aria      
11.  Divertimento      
12.  Aquarell      
13.  Dawn of a New Century  

04 Once In A Red Moon  
   (2002/03/26 Decca)
1. Awakening    
2. You Raise Me Up    
3. Silent Wings    
4. Greenwaves  
5. Invitation    
6. Duo  
7. Belonging    
8. Gates of Dawn  
9. The Promise    
10. Fairytale    
11. Once in a Red Moon  
12. Elegie  

05 Earthsongs  
   (2005/03/08 Decca)
1. Awakening    
2. You Raise Me Up    
3. Silent Wings    
4. Greenwaves  
5. Invitation    
6. Duo  
7. Belonging    
8. Gates of Dawn  
9. The Promise    
10. Fairytale    
11. Once in a Red Moon  
12. Elegie  

01 Dreamcatcher  
   (2001/05/22 Philips)
1. Nocturne (from Songs from a Secret Garden)
2. Prayer (from Dawn of a New Century)  
3. Moving (from White Stones)    
4. Dreamcatcher (from Dawn of a New Century)  
5. Sigma (from Songs from a Secret Garden)    
6. Song from a Secret Garden (from Songs from a Secret  Garden)    
7. Sona (from Dawn of a New Century)    
8. Passacaglia (from White Stones)    
9. Elan (from Dawn of a New Century)  
10. In Our Tears (from Dawn of a New Century)    
11. Celebration (from White Stones)  
12. Heartstrings (from Songs from a Secret Garden)    
13. Steps (from White Stones)    
14. Adagio (from Songs from a Secret Garden)  
15. The Rap (from Songs from a Secret Garden)  
16. Hymn to Hope (from White Stones)  
17. Lore of the Loom (from Dawn of a New Century)  
18. Dawn of a New Century (from Dawn of a New Century)  

02 20th Century Masters
   The Millennium Collection
   The Best of Secret Garden 
   (2004/08/03 Deutsche Grammophon)

1. Nocturne  
2. You Raise Me Up  
3. Moving  
4. Song From A Secret Garden  
5. Heartstrings  
6. Ode To Simplicity  
7. Papillon  
8. Windancer  
9. Illumination  
10. Reflection  
11. Dreamcatcher  
12. Serenade To Spring  
13. Once In A Red Moon  
14. Gates Of Dawn

03 The Ultimate Secret Garden (2CD)  
   (2004/07/20 Universal International)
Disk 1
01 Swan (Feat.Youngok Shin)
02 My Irish Friend (Feat.Ding Fei Fei)
03 You Raise Me Up
04 Song From A Secret Garden
05 Nocturne
06 Chaconne
07 Celebration
08 Passacaglia
09 Prayer
10 Duo
11 Moving
12 The Rap
13 Sigma
14 The Promise
15 In Our Tears
16 Heartstrings
17 Ink Painting (Feat.Ding Fei Fei)
18 Hymn To Hope
19 Serenade To Spring
20 Adagio  

Disk 2 (现场音乐会《A Night with Secret Garden》的CD版)
01 Poeme
02 Pastorale
03 Steps
04 Elan
05 Sona
06 Windancer
07 Song From A Secret Garden
08 Ode To Simplicity
09 Dreamcatcher
10 Dawn Of A New Century

DVD A Night with Secret Garden 
    (1999 Universal Music)

01. Intro
02. The Rap  
03. Songs From A Secret Garden  
04. Pastorale  
05. Children of the River  
06. Sigma  
07. Nocturne  
08. Steps  
09. Passacaglia  
10. Sona  
11. Poeme  
12. Moving  
13. Adagio  
14. Windancer  
15. In Our Tears
16. Elan  
17. Prayer  
18. Heartstrings  
19. Dreamcatcher  
20. Celebration  
21. Ode to Simplicity  
22. Hymn to Hope
23. Dawn of A New Century

