
因为要修改VLC的源码,在网上找了很多VLC的编译方法,都没有成功,这篇是自己验证通过的,所以转载过来, 原博客是:http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26807463-id-3147631.html


关于编译VLC,不同的平台有不同的方法,参考http://wiki.videolan.org/Compile_VLC其中在windows下编译VLC有两种方式,MSYS+MinGW和CygWin。通过测试,最后决定采用MSYS+MinGW搭建VLC编译环境(多次测试, 通过且不需要额外的修改)。



(所有的资料暂时没提供,懒得上传, 呵呵, 我给个快照, 照着下载就是了)




一  M SYS +MInGW环境搭建

1>  MinGW Setup

·                     运行tdm-gcc-4.5.2.exe(已提供) 然后

·                     Select "Create"

·                     install to C:\MinGW(默认是C:\ MinGW32 记得改成C:\ MinGW

·                     keep default settings

·                     afterwards check that C:\MinGW\bin is added to windows PATH (参考下图 添加到末尾, 用分号分隔)

·                     vlc在windows下的编译过程_第4张图片

MinGW utils

解压mingw-utils-0.3.tar(已提供), Extract contents to c:\MinGW

 2>  MSys Setup 运行MSYS-1.0.11.exe  然后:Go through the wizard and install to to default C:\Msys\1.0(默认是C:\msys\1.0, 记得改成C:\Msys\1.0

In the command window that opens, answer questions as follows:

Accept Post Install: [y]

MinGW Installed? :   [y]

path to MinGW:       [c:/MinGW]

接着安装MSys Developer Toolkit   运行msysDTK-1.0.0.exe(已提供)然后Go through the wizard, keeping default values. (默认是C:\msys\1.0, 记得改成C:\Msys\1.0

3>  AutoTools and libcrypt(已提供)文件夹和Glib and PKG-CONFIG(已提供)件夹下面的所有包解压到C:\Msys\1.0,添加set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/win32/lib/pkgconfigC:\MSys\1.0\msys.bat第一行。

4>  Fix libtool search dirs

Open C:\MSys\1.0\bin\libtool and change line 9926 by appending ' /mingw/lib' to the end of 'compiler_lib_search_dirs'. The line should then read : ( 一定要用notepad2编辑文本,并保存为unix格式)

compiler_lib_search_dirs="/usr/lib /usr/lib /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-msys/2.95.3-1 /bin/../lib/gcc-lib /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-msys/2.95.3-1 /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-msys/2.95.3-1/../../../../i686-pc-msys/lib /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-msys/2.95.3-1/../../../../i686-pc-msys/lib /mingw/lib" 

5>  安装lua

Download the lua tools package from http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz (已提供)

Uncompress it in your home folder (C:\MSys\1.0\home\Administrator)

run C:\MSys\1.0\msys.bat

type the following commands:

cd /home/ Administrator /lua-5.1.4 

make mingw

This should produce lua.exe, luac.exe and lua51.dll in the src directory. Put these in your /bin with the commands:

cd src 

cp *.exe /bin

cp *.dll /bin

cd ..

6>  安装第三方库(已提供最新版contrib-20110711-win32-bin-gcc-4.4.4-runtime-3.17-only.tar.bz2), 解压, usr目录下面的win32文件夹拷贝到C:\Msys\1.0


1>     解压vlc-1.1.11.tar(已提供), 然后

2>     extract it to C:\MSys\1.0\home\ Administrator rename  the vlc-1.1.11 dir to vlc

3>     编辑configure-msys.sh文件(已提供),添加--disable-upnp,类似于下图:


4>     Create a new file containing the single line:echoAdministrator

and save it as C:\MSys\1.0\bin\whoami (without any extension)

Modify configure.ac so that it doesn't call 'hostname -f' as follows:

·                     open C:\MSys\1.0\home\Administrator\vlc\configure.ac

·                     goto search button:

·                     change it as follows:

old: AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VLC_COMPILE_HOST, "`hostname -f 2> /dev/null || hostname`", [host which ran configure])

new: AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VLC_COMPILE_HOST, "`hostname`", [host which ran configure])

5>Build VLC

The build is made exclusively from the command line, so if you closed the prompt at the LUA step, re-execute C:\MSys\1.0\msys.bat, then type the commands as mentioned


cd vlccp -v /win32/share/aclocal/* m4/cp -v /share/aclocal/* m4/PATH=/win32/bin:$PATH ./bootstrap


sh extras/package/win32/configure-msys.sh

Make (compile)

PATH=/usr/win32/bin:$PATH make -j4 (如果是四核的电脑, 否则相应修改)

  make 成功后如果想要生成sdk等文件夹, 可以输入下面命令 Create self-contained packages

Once the compilation is done, build self-contained VLC packages with one of the following "make" commands:

make package-win32-base

(This will create a subdirectory named vlc-x.x.x with all the binaries "stripped" without any debugging symbols).
