
Intel优化文档部分翻译   By  G-Spider 2010-12-14  不妥之处,欢迎指正。



Software Prefetch Scheduling Distance

Determining the ideal prefetch placement in the code depends on many architecturalparameters, including: the amount of memory to be prefetched, cache lookuplatency, system memory latency, and estimate of computation cycle. The ideal
distance for prefetching data is processor- and platform-dependent. If the distance is too short, the prefetch will not hide the latency of the fetch behind computation. Ifthe prefetch is too far ahead, prefetched data may be flushed out of the cache by the time it is required.


Since prefetch distance is not a well-defined metric, for this discussion, we define a new term, prefetch scheduling distance (PSD), which is represented by the number of iterations. For large loops, prefetch scheduling distance can be set to 1 (that is, schedule prefetch instructions one iteration ahead). For small loop bodies (that is, loop iterations with little computation), the prefetch scheduling distance must be more than one iteration.



A simplified equation to compute PSD is deduced from the mathematical model. For a simplified equation, complete mathematical model, and methodology of prefetch distance determination, see Appendix E, “Summary of Rules and Suggestions.”



Example 7-3 illustrates the use of a prefetch within the loop body. The prefetch scheduling distance is set to 3, ESI is effectively the pointer to a line, EDX is the address of the data being referenced and XMM1-XMM4 are the data used in computation. Example 7-4 uses two independent cache lines of data per iteration. The PSD would need to be increased/decreased if more/less than two cache lines are used per iteration.

例7-3说明了一个预取在循环体内的使用。预取调度距离(PSD)设置为3,ESI是有效的数据基指,EDX是数据的参考地址,XMM1 - XMM4存放计算中使用的数据。示例7-4每次迭代使用两个独立的数据高速缓存行。如果每次迭代使用多于/小于两个缓存行,PSD需要增加/减少。



例 7-3. 预取调度距离
 prefetchnta [edx + esi + 128*3]
 prefetchnta [edx*4 + esi + 128*3]
 movaps xmm1, [edx + esi]
 movaps xmm2, [edx*4 + esi]
 movaps xmm3, [edx + esi + 16]
 movaps xmm4, [edx*4 + esi + 16]
 add esi, 128
 cmp esi, ecx
jl top_loop











