gettid() is a system call. As for as I know there is no glibc wrapper for gettid. You need to invoke gettid() using syscall(). The following code works for me.
pid_t gettid() { return syscall(__NR_gettid); }
pid_t gettid2() { return syscall(SYS_gettid); }
pthread_self()是POSIX的实现,它的返回值是pthread_t,pthread_t在linux中实际是无符号长整型,即unsigned long。
gettid是系统调用,它的返回值是pid_t,在linux上是一个无符号整型。pthread_self是为了区分同一进程种不同的线程, 是由thread的实现来决定的,而gettid获取的线程id和pid是有关系的,因为在linux中线程其实也是一个进程(clone),所以它的线程ID也是pid_t类型。在一个进程中,主线程的线程id和进程id是一样的,该进程中其他的线程id则在linux系统内是唯一的,因为linux中线程就是进程,而进程号是唯一的。gettid是不可移植的。
They are not the same. Here are some bits I collected from TLPI (I couldn't find a large-enough block that completely describes this). If you're in a hurry you probably want just the last part.
Linux 2.4 introduced a new system call,
, to allow a thread to obtain its own thread ID.Each thread within a thread group is distinguished by a unique thread identifier. A thread ID is represented using the same data type that is used for a process ID,
. Thread IDs are unique system-wide, and the kernel guarantees that no thread ID will be the same as any process ID on the system, except when a thread is the thread group leader for a process.
Each thread within a process is uniquely identified by a thread ID. A thread can obtain its own ID using
function is needed to compare thread ids because thepthread_t
data type must be treated as opaque data.In the Linux threading implementations, thread IDs are unique across processes. However, this is not necessarily the case on other implementations, and SUSv3 explicitly notes that an application can’t portably use a thread ID to identify a thread in another process.
POSIX thread IDs are not the same as the thread IDs returned by the Linux-specific
system call. POSIX thread IDs are assigned and maintained by the threading implementation. The thread ID returned bygettid()
is a number (similar to a process ID) that is assigned by the kernel.I would go with
but be aware that the manual says:These functions are implemented on top of the sched_setaffinity(2)
如何获取进程的PID(process ID)?
#include pid_t getpid( void);通过查看头文件说明,可以得到更详细的信息:find /usr/include -name unistd.h/usr/include/asm/unistd.h/usr/include/bits/unistd.h/usr/include/linux/unistd.h/usr/include/sys/unistd.h/usr/include/unistd.hcat /usr/include/unistd.h | grep getpid/* Get the process ID of the calling process. */extern __pid_t getpid ( void) __THROW;
如何获取线程的TID(thread ID)?
(1) The gettid() system call first appeared on Linux in kernel 2.4.11.
(2) gettid() returns the thread ID of the current process. This is equal to the process ID (as returned by getpid(2)), unless the process is part of a thread group (created by specifying the CLONE_THREAD flag to the clone(2) system call). All processes in the same thread group have the same PID, but each one has a unique TID.
(3) gettid() is Linux specific and should not be used in programs that are intended to be portable. (如果考虑移植性,不应该使用此接口)
但是根据man的使用说明,测试后发现会报找不到此接口的错误“error: undefined reference to `gettid'”,通过下面链接可以找到更详细的说明:
(1) Glibc does not provide a wrapper for this system call; call it using syscall(2).(说明Glibc并没有提供此接口的声明,此接口实际使用的是系统调用,使用者可以自己创建包裹函数)
(2) The thread ID returned by this call is not the same thing as a POSIX thread ID (i.e., the opaque value returned by pthread_self(3)).
然后查看/usr/include/sys/syscall.h(实际在/usr/include/asm/unistd.h)可以找到我们需要的system call number:
#define __NR_gettid 224
#include printf( "The ID of this thread is: %ld\n", ( long int)syscall(224));或者比较elegant的方式是:#include #define gettidv1() syscall(__NR_gettid)#define gettidv2() syscall(SYS_gettid)printf( "The ID of this thread is: %ld\n", ( long int)gettidv1()); // 最新的方式printf( "The ID of this thread is: %ld\n" , ( long int )gettidv2()); // traditional formPS: 在/usr/include/sys/syscall.h中可以看到关于__NR_和SYS_ 两个宏的区别,实际最后使用的都是__NR_ 。 // /usr/include/bits/syscall.h#define SYS_gettid __NR_gettid#ifndef _LIBC/* The Linux kernel header file defines macros `__NR_', but some programs expect the traditional form `SYS_'. So in building libc we scan the kernel's list and producewith macros for all the `SYS_' names. */# include #endif
(1) ps ux | grep prog_name
(2) pgrep prog_name
(1) ps -efL | grep prog_name
(2) ls /proc/pid/task