


 * 生成随机数工具类
 * @author sun Email:[email protected]
 * 2016年8月24日下午1:48:35
public class UUIDHexGenerator {
    private String sep = "";
    private static final int IP;
    static {
        int ipadd;
        try {
            ipadd = toInt(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ipadd = 0;
        IP = ipadd;
    private static short counter = (short) 0;
    private static final int JVM = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 8);

    public static int toInt(byte[] bytes) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            result = (result << 8) - Byte.MIN_VALUE + (int) bytes[i];
        return result;

     * Unique in a local network
    protected int getIP() {
        return IP;

     * Unique down to millisecond
    protected short getHiTime() {
        return (short) (System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 32);

    protected int getLoTime() {
        return (int) System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Unique across JVMs on this machine (unless they load this class in the
     * same quater second - very unlikely)
    protected int getJVM() {
        return JVM;

    protected String format(int intval) {
        String formatted = Integer.toHexString(intval);
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("00000000");
        buf.replace(8 - formatted.length(), 8, formatted);
        return buf.toString();

    protected String format(short shortval) {
        String formatted = Integer.toHexString(shortval);
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("0000");
        buf.replace(4 - formatted.length(), 4, formatted);
        return buf.toString();

    public String generate() {
        return new StringBuilder(36).append(format(getIP())).append(sep)

     * Unique in a millisecond for this JVM instance (unless there are >
     * Short.MAX_VALUE instances created in a millisecond)
    protected short getCount() {
        synchronized (UUIDHexGenerator.class) {
            if (counter < 0)
                counter = 0;
            return counter++;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UUIDHexGenerator uuidHexGenerator = new UUIDHexGenerator();
        String generate = uuidHexGenerator.generate();
        int ip2 = uuidHexGenerator.getIP();
