
本文翻译自:How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS

After rendering the entire page based on several user contexts and having made several $http requests, I want the user to be able to switch contexts and re-render everything again (resending all $http requests, etc). 在基于多个用户上下文呈现整个页面并且已经发出多个$http请求之后,我希望用户能够切换上下文并再次重新呈现所有内容(重新发送所有$http请求等)。 If I just redirect the user somewhere else, things work properly: 如果我只是将用户重定向到其他地方,那么事情就会正常运行:

$scope.on_impersonate_success = function(response) {
  //$window.location.reload(); // This cancels any current request
  $location.path('/'); // This works as expected, if path != current_path

$scope.impersonate = function(username) {
  return auth.impersonate(username)
    .then($scope.on_impersonate_success, $scope.on_auth_failed);

If I use $window.location.reload() , then some of the $http requests on auth.impersonate(username) that are waiting for a response get cancelled, so I can't use that. 如果我使用$window.location.reload() ,那么等待响应的auth.impersonate(username)上的一些$http请求会被取消,所以我不能使用它。 Also, the hack $location.path($location.path()) doesn't work either (nothing happens). 此外,hack $location.path($location.path())也不起作用(没有任何反应)。

Is there another way to re-render the page without manually issuing all requests again? 是否有另一种方法可以重新呈现页面而无需再次手动发出所有请求?




For the record, to force angular to re-render the current page, you can use: 对于记录,要强制角度重新渲染当前页面,您可以使用:


According to AngularJS documentation : 根据AngularJS 文档 :

Causes $route service to reload the current route even if $location hasn't changed. 即使$ location未更改,也会导致$ route服务重新加载当前路由。

As a result of that, ngView creates new scope, reinstantiates the controller. 因此,ngView创建新范围,重新实例化控制器。


For reloading the page for a given route path :- 用于重新加载给定路径路径的页面: -



Well maybe you forgot to add "$route" when declaring the dependencies of your Controller: 好吧,也许您在声明Controller的依赖关系时忘记添加“$ route”:

app.controller('NameCtrl', ['$scope','$route', function($scope,$route) {   
   // $route.reload(); Then this should work fine.


$route.reload() will reinitialise the controllers but not the services. $route.reload()将重新初始化控制器,但不重新初始化服务。 If you want to reset the whole state of your application you can use: 如果要重置应用程序的整个状态,可以使用:


This is a standard DOM method which you can access injecting the $window service. 这是一个标准的DOM方法 ,您可以访问注入$ window服务。

If you want to be sure to reload the page from the server, for example when you are using Django or another web framework and you want a fresh server side render, pass true as a parameter to reload , as explained in the docs . 如果您想确保从服务器重新加载页面,例如当您使用Django或其他Web框架并且想要新的服务器端渲染时,请将true作为参数传递给reload ,如文档中所述 。 Since that requires interaction with the server, it will be slower so do it only if necessary 由于这需要与服务器进行交互,因此速度会较慢,因此只在必要时才这样做

Angular 2 Angular 2

The above applies to Angular 1. I am not using Angular 2, looks like the services are different there, there is Router , Location , and the DOCUMENT . 以上适用于Angular 1.我没有使用Angular 2,看起来服务有所不同,有RouterLocationDOCUMENT I did not test different behaviors there 我没有在那里测试不同的行为


I've had a hard fight with this problem for months, and the only solution that worked for me is this: 几个月来我一直在努力解决这个问题,唯一对我有用的解决方案是:

var landingUrl = "http://www.ytopic.es"; //URL complete
$window.location.href = landingUrl;
