930870 - Determination, valuation, and quantity adjustment of conditions


This note explains the meaning of the terms

  • "(Re)determination"
  • "(Re)valuation"


  • "Quantity adjustment"

of conditions in R/3 pricing:

1. (Re)determination of conditions:

In connection with R/3 pricing, the term "(re)determination of conditions" means that the condition records of the affected conditions are (re)determined by automatic pricing.
This means that: The database tables for the condition record are reaccessed (Annn as well as KONP and KONH). As a result, the system determines the condition rate that is currently valid for the used price determination date.
The determined conditions are set in the internal table XKOMV.
Depending on the pricing type (see also Note 24832), conditions that are not redetermined within a pricing run are transferred (if required) from the previous pricing result (internal table TKOMV) and are also transferred to the internal table XKOMV.

For scaled conditions, also take the following into account:

Even if the condition is not redetermined by accessing the condition table Annn but is transferred from the existing pricing result, the system reads the condition rate that is valid for the determined scale base value during the revaluation (see section 2). This is located in the database table KONM (scale levels and relevant condition rates of quantity scales) or KONW (scale levels and relevant condition rates of value scales).

For interval scales, see Note 930537.

2. (Re)valuation of conditions:

You must distinguish between the (re)determination of conditions and the (re)valuation

(= calculation of condition basis and condition value, if necessary, of scale base value as well)

of the condition lines of the pricing result.
You must always perform a (re)valuation if one condition line has changed because this change may affect all subsequent conditions. In this case, all conditions must be revaluated to ensure that the total pricing result is correct.
Therefore, the condition valuation is always performed (independent of the condition determination) provided that none of the following exceptions applies. For the condition valuation, the system uses the condition rate XKOMV-KBETR that is set in the internal table XKOMV.

a) Do not (re)calculate the condition basis in the following situations:

    • The pricing only runs in display mode, in other words, the pricing screen is called (PREISFINDUNGSART = 'E').
    • The condition basis (XKOMV-KAWRT) is fixed (XKOMV-KSTEU is 'E' or 'G').
    • The condition value (XKOMV-KWERT) is already (due to milestone billing) fixed (XKOMV-KSTEU is 'F'), and a specified maximum condition basis in the context of the condition update is already reached (XKOMV-KMXAW = 'X').
    • The condition is inactive and has the inactivity indicator "A" or "L" (XKOMV-KINAK).
    • Within the group condition processing (PREISFINDUNGSART = "F"):
      The processed condition is not displayed after the group condition that you just edited (XKOMV-STUNR GE GKOMZ-STUNR AND LAUFNR GT GKOMZ-ZAEHK).

b) Do not (re)calculate the scale base value in the following situations:

    • The pricing runs in display mode only, in other words, the pricing screen is called (PREISFINDUNGSART = 'E').
    • The scale base value (XKOMV-KSTBS) is fixed (XKOMV-KSTEU is "E").
    • The condition is inactive and has the inactivity indicator "A" (XKOMV-KINAK).
    • Within the group condition processing (PREISFINDUNGSART = "F"):
      The processed condition is not displayed after the group condition that you just edited (XKOMV-STUNR GE GKOMZ-STUNR AND LAUFNR GT GKOMZ-ZAEHK).

c) Do not (re)calculate the condition value in the following situations:

    • The pricing runs in display mode only, in other words, the pricing screen is called (PREISFINDUNGSART = 'E').
    • The condition value (XKOMV-KWERT) is fixed (XKOMV-KSTEU is "E", "F" or "H").
    • The condition is inactive and has the inactivity indicator "A" (XKOMV-KINAK).
    • Within the group condition processing (PREISFINDUNGSART = "F"):
      The processed condition is displayed before the group condition that was just edited (XKOMV-STUNR GE GKOMZ-STUNR AND LAUFNR GE GKOMZ-ZAEHK).

The (re)valuation of the condition basis, the scale base value and the condition value also includes the execution of condition basis formulas, scale base value formulas and condition value formulas that may be defined.
For more information about this, see Note 900089.

3. Quantity-based adjustment of conditions:

Just as during the revaluation of a condition, the condition value may also change during the quantity-based adjustment of a condition. However, the condition value is not calculated like a 'normal' valuation, through multiplication like:

Condition value = Condition basis x Condition amount

Instead, the new condition value is derived from the old condition value, by scaling it with the quotients from the new and old quantities (or new and old condition bases):

New condition value = Old condition value x (New quantity / Old quantity)

Such quantity-based adjustments are carried out for conditions whose condition value is already fixed, for example:

a) Conditions with an absolute amount (calculation rule 'B') are fixed during copy procedures in the target document with the condition control 'E'. If the quantity of the source item is not completely referenced in the process, the condition value in the copy process (FUNCTION PRICING_COPY) is adjusted on a quantity basis. This ensures that, after complete reference, the total of the condition values from the target documents corresponds to the original condition value of the source item.

b) In (milestone) billed items, conditions with the condition control 'F' are fixed. If a change is made to the quantity of items such as these, the condition basis for the conditions fixed with 'F' is recalculated based on the new quantity, and then the condition value is adjusted according to quantity (subroutine XKOMV_BEWERTEN).


a) With the pricing type 'O' ('Redetermine variant conditions'), the system redetermines conditions with the condition category (KNTYP) 'O' ('Variants') and conditions for which the indicator 'Variant condition' (KVARC) is set. Other conditions are not redetermined.
All conditions that do not fall under one of the exceptions listed in section 2 are revaluated.

b) For a price, the following scale is valid:

From 1 PC   10.00 EUR per 1 PC
  5 PC   8.00 EUR per 1 PC

If the quantity for an open item is increased from 4 PCs to 8 PCs, the condition value is increased from 40.00 EUR to 64.00 EUR. Since the condition is completely revaluated, the system also recalculates the scale base value and uses the relevant condition rate for the calculation of the condition value.

However, if the item is (milestone) billed and the quantity of 4 PCs is increased to 8 PCs, the condition value changes to 80.00 EUR because the old condition value of 40.00 EUR with the quotients 8 PCs/4 PCs = 2 is adjusted according to quantity.

Other Terms


Reason and Prerequisites



Note that this is a consultation note. Further inquiries about the function described above are not processed by regular support, but by remote consulting and are subject to separate remuneration.
