【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案

Exercises for Section 2.2


Consider the context-free grammar:

S -> S S + | S S * | a

  1. Show how the string aa+a* can be generated by this grammar.
  2. Construct a parse tree for this string.
  3. What language does this grammar generate? Justify your answer.


  1. S -> S S * -> S S + S * -> a S + S * -> a a + S * -> a a + a *
  2. 【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第1张图片
  3. L = {Postfix expression consisting of digits, plus and multiple signs}


What language is generated by the following grammars? In each case justify your answer.

  1. S -> 0 S 1 | 0 1
  2. S -> + S S | - S S | a
  3. S -> S ( S ) S | ε
  4. S -> a S b S | b S a S | ε
  5. S -> a | S + S | S S | S * | ( S )


  1. L = {0n1n | n>=1}
  2. L = {Prefix expression consisting of plus and minus signs}
  3. L = {Matched brackets of arbitrary arrangement and nesting, includes ε}
  4. L = {String has the same amount of a and b, includes ε}
  5. L = {Regular expressions used to describe regular languages} refer to wiki


Which of the grammars in Exercise 2.2.2 are ambiguous?


  1. No

  2. No

  3. Yes

    【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第2张图片

  4. Yes

    【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第3张图片

  5. Yes

    【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第4张图片


Construct unambiguous context-free grammars for each of
the following languages. In each case show that your grammar is correct.

  1. Arithmetic expressions in postfix notation.
  2. Left-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.
  3. Right-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.
  4. Arithmetic expressions of integers and identifiers with the four binary operators +, -, *, /.
  5. Add unary plus and minus to the arithmetic operators of 4.


1. E -> E E op | num

2. list -> list , id | id

3. list -> id , list | id

4. expr -> expr + term | expr - term | term
   term -> term * factor | term / factor | factor
   factor -> id | num | (expr)

5. expr -> expr + term | expr - term | term
   term -> term * unary | term / unary | unary
   unary -> + factor | - factor | factor
   factor - > id | num | (expr)


  1. Show that all binary strings generated by the following grammar have values divisible by 3. Hint. Use induction on the number of nodes in a parse tree.

    num -> 11 | 1001 | num 0 | num num

  2. Does the grammar generate all binary strings with values divisible by 3?


  1. Proof

    Any string derived from the grammar can be considered to be a sequence consisting of 11 and 1001, where each sequence element is possibly suffixed with a 0.

    Let n be the set of positions where 11 is placed. 11 is said to be at position i if the first 1 in 11 is at position i, where i starts at 0 and
    grows from least significant to most significant bit.

    Let m be the equivalent set for 1001.

    The sum of any string produced by the grammar is:


    = Σn (21 + 20) * 2 n + Σm (23 + 20) * 2m

    = Σn 3 * 2 n + Σm 9 * 2m

    This is clearly divisible by 3.

  2. No. Consider the string “10101”, which is divisible by 3, but cannot be
    derived from the grammar.

    Readers seeking a more formal proof can read about it below:


    Every number divisible by 3 can be written in the form 3k. We will consider k > 0 (though it would be valid to consider k to be an arbitrary integer).

    Note that every part of num(11, 1001 and 0) is divisible by 3, if the grammar could generate all the numbers divisible by 3, we can get a production for binary k from num’s production:

    3k = num   -> 11 | 1001 | num 0 | num num
     k = num/3 -> 01 | 0011 | k 0   | k k
     k         -> 01 | 0011 | k 0   | k k

    It is obvious that any value of k that has more than 2 consecutive bits set to 1 can never be produced. This can be confirmed by the example given in the beginning:

    10101 is 3*7, hence, k = 7 = 111 in binary. Because 111 has more than 2
    consecutive 1’s in binary, the grammar will never produce 21.


Construct a context-free grammar for roman numerals.

Note: we just consider a subset of roman numerals which is less than 4k.


wikipedia: Roman_numerals

  • via wikipedia, we can categorize the single roman numerals into 4 groups:

    I, II, III | I V | V, V I, V II, V III | I X

    then get the production:

    digit -> smallDigit | I V | V smallDigit | I X
    smallDigit -> I | II | III | ε
  • and we can find a simple way to map roman to arabic numerals. For example:

    • XII => X, II => 10 + 2 => 12
    • CXCIX => C, XC, IX => 100 + 90 + 9 => 199
    • MDCCCLXXX => M, DCCC, LXXX => 1000 + 800 + 80 => 1880
  • via the upper two rules, we can derive the production:

    romanNum -> thousand hundred ten digit

    thousand -> M | MM | MMM | ε

    hundred -> smallHundred | C D | D smallHundred | C M

    smallHundred -> C | CC | CCC | ε

    ten -> smallTen | X L | L smallTen | X C

    smallTen -> X | XX | XXX | ε

    digit -> smallDigit | I V | V smallDigit | I X

    smallDigit -> I | II | III | ε

Exercises for Section 2.2


Consider the context-free grammar:

S -> S S + | S S * | a

  1. Show how the string aa+a* can be generated by this grammar.
  2. Construct a parse tree for this string.
  3. What language does this grammar generate? Justify your answer.


  1. S -> S S * -> S S + S * -> a S + S * -> a a + S * -> a a + a *
  2. 【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第5张图片
  3. L = {Postfix expression consisting of digits, plus and multiple signs}


What language is generated by the following grammars? In each case justify your answer.

  1. S -> 0 S 1 | 0 1
  2. S -> + S S | - S S | a
  3. S -> S ( S ) S | ε
  4. S -> a S b S | b S a S | ε
  5. S -> a | S + S | S S | S * | ( S )


  1. L = {0n1n | n>=1}
  2. L = {Prefix expression consisting of plus and minus signs}
  3. L = {Matched brackets of arbitrary arrangement and nesting, includes ε}
  4. L = {String has the same amount of a and b, includes ε}
  5. L = {Regular expressions used to describe regular languages} refer to wiki


Which of the grammars in Exercise 2.2.2 are ambiguous?


  1. No

  2. No

  3. Yes


  4. Yes

    【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第6张图片

  5. Yes

    【编译原理】龙书 第二章课后题答案_第7张图片


Construct unambiguous context-free grammars for each of
the following languages. In each case show that your grammar is correct.

  1. Arithmetic expressions in postfix notation.
  2. Left-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.
  3. Right-associative lists of identifiers separated by commas.
  4. Arithmetic expressions of integers and identifiers with the four binary operators +, -, *, /.
  5. Add unary plus and minus to the arithmetic operators of 4.


1. E -> E E op | num

2. list -> list , id | id

3. list -> id , list | id

4. expr -> expr + term | expr - term | term
   term -> term * factor | term / factor | factor
   factor -> id | num | (expr)

5. expr -> expr + term | expr - term | term
   term -> term * unary | term / unary | unary
   unary -> + factor | - factor | factor
   factor - > id | num | (expr)


  1. Show that all binary strings generated by the following grammar have values divisible by 3. Hint. Use induction on the number of nodes in a parse tree.

    num -> 11 | 1001 | num 0 | num num

  2. Does the grammar generate all binary strings with values divisible by 3?


  1. Proof

    Any string derived from the grammar can be considered to be a sequence consisting of 11 and 1001, where each sequence element is possibly suffixed with a 0.

    Let n be the set of positions where 11 is placed. 11 is said to be at position i if the first 1 in 11 is at position i, where i starts at 0 and
    grows from least significant to most significant bit.

    Let m be the equivalent set for 1001.

    The sum of any string produced by the grammar is:


    = Σn (21 + 20) * 2 n + Σm (23 + 20) * 2m

    = Σn 3 * 2 n + Σm 9 * 2m

    This is clearly divisible by 3.

  2. No. Consider the string “10101”, which is divisible by 3, but cannot be
    derived from the grammar.

    Readers seeking a more formal proof can read about it below:


    Every number divisible by 3 can be written in the form 3k. We will consider k > 0 (though it would be valid to consider k to be an arbitrary integer).

    Note that every part of num(11, 1001 and 0) is divisible by 3, if the grammar could generate all the numbers divisible by 3, we can get a production for binary k from num’s production:

    3k = num   -> 11 | 1001 | num 0 | num num
     k = num/3 -> 01 | 0011 | k 0   | k k
     k         -> 01 | 0011 | k 0   | k k

    It is obvious that any value of k that has more than 2 consecutive bits set to 1 can never be produced. This can be confirmed by the example given in the beginning:

    10101 is 3*7, hence, k = 7 = 111 in binary. Because 111 has more than 2
    consecutive 1’s in binary, the grammar will never produce 21.


Construct a context-free grammar for roman numerals.

Note: we just consider a subset of roman numerals which is less than 4k.


wikipedia: Roman_numerals

  • via wikipedia, we can categorize the single roman numerals into 4 groups:

    I, II, III | I V | V, V I, V II, V III | I X

    then get the production:

    digit -> smallDigit | I V | V smallDigit | I X
    smallDigit -> I | II | III | ε
  • and we can find a simple way to map roman to arabic numerals. For example:

    • XII => X, II => 10 + 2 => 12
    • CXCIX => C, XC, IX => 100 + 90 + 9 => 199
    • MDCCCLXXX => M, DCCC, LXXX => 1000 + 800 + 80 => 1880
  • via the upper two rules, we can derive the production:

    romanNum -> thousand hundred ten digit

    thousand -> M | MM | MMM | ε

    hundred -> smallHundred | C D | D smallHundred | C M

    smallHundred -> C | CC | CCC | ε

    ten -> smallTen | X L | L smallTen | X C

    smallTen -> X | XX | XXX | ε

    digit -> smallDigit | I V | V smallDigit | I X

    smallDigit -> I | II | III | ε
    —# 2.3 Exercises for Section 2.3


Construct a syntax-directed translation scheme that translates arithmetic
expressions from infix notation into prefix notation in which an operator
appears before its operands; e.g. , -xy is the prefix notation for x - y. Give
annotated parse trees for the inputs 9-5+2 and 9-5*2.



expr -> expr + term
      | expr - term
      | term
term -> term * factor
      | term / factor
      | factor
factor -> digit | (expr)

translation schemes:

expr -> {print("+")} expr + term
      | {print("-")} expr - term
      | term
term -> {print("*")} term * factor
      | {print("/")} term / factor
      | factor
factor -> digit {print(digit)}
        | (expr)


Construct a syntax-directed translation scheme that translates arithmetic
expressions from postfix notation into infix notation. Give annotated parse
trees for the inputs 95-2* and 952*-.



expr -> expr expr +
      | expr expr -
      | expr expr *
      | expr expr /
      | digit

translation schemes:

expr -> expr {print("+")} expr +
      | expr {print("-")} expr -
      | {print("(")} expr {print(")*(")} expr {print(")")} *
      | {print("(")} expr {print(")/(")} expr {print(")")} /
      | digit {print(digit)}

Another reference answer

E -> {print("(")} E {print(op)} E {print(")"}} op | digit {print(digit)}


Construct a syntax-directed translation scheme that translates integers into
roman numerals.


assistant function:

repeat(sign, times) // repeat('a',2) = 'aa'

translation schemes:

num -> thousand hundred ten digit
       { num.roman = thousand.roman || hundred.roman || ten.roman || digit.roman;
thousand -> low {thousand.roman = repeat('M', low.v)}
hundred -> low {hundred.roman = repeat('C', low.v)}
         | 4 {hundred.roman = 'CD'}
         | high {hundred.roman = 'D' || repeat('X', high.v - 5)}
         | 9 {hundred.roman = 'CM'}
ten -> low {ten.roman = repeat('X', low.v)}
     | 4 {ten.roman = 'XL'}
     | high {ten.roman = 'L' || repeat('X', high.v - 5)}
     | 9 {ten.roman = 'XC'}
digit -> low {digit.roman = repeat('I', low.v)}
       | 4 {digit.roman = 'IV'}
       | high {digit.roman = 'V' || repeat('I', high.v - 5)}
       | 9 {digit.roman = 'IX'}
low -> 0 {low.v = 0}
     | 1 {low.v = 1}
     | 2 {low.v = 2}
     | 3 {low.v = 3}
high -> 5 {high.v = 5}
      | 6 {high.v = 6}
      | 7 {high.v = 7}
      | 8 {high.v = 8}


Construct a syntax-directed translation scheme that trans­ lates roman numerals into integers.



romanNum -> thousand hundred ten digit
thousand -> M | MM | MMM | ε
hundred -> smallHundred | C D | D smallHundred | C M
smallHundred -> C | CC | CCC | ε
ten -> smallTen | X L | L smallTen | X C
smallTen -> X | XX | XXX  | ε
digit -> smallDigit | I V | V smallDigit | I X
smallDigit -> I | II | III | ε

translation schemes:

romanNum -> thousand hundred ten digit {romanNum.v = thousand.v || hundred.v || ten.v || digit.v; print(romanNun.v)}
thousand -> M {thousand.v = 1}
          | MM {thousand.v = 2}
          | MMM {thousand.v = 3}
          | ε {thousand.v = 0}
hundred -> smallHundred {hundred.v = smallHundred.v}
         | C D {hundred.v = smallHundred.v}
         | D smallHundred {hundred.v = 5 + smallHundred.v}
         | C M {hundred.v = 9}
smallHundred -> C {smallHundred.v = 1}
              | CC {smallHundred.v = 2}
              | CCC {smallHundred.v = 3}
              | ε {hundred.v = 0}
ten -> smallTen {ten.v = smallTen.v}
     | X L  {ten.v = 4}
     | L smallTen  {ten.v = 5 + smallTen.v}
     | X C  {ten.v = 9}
smallTen -> X {smallTen.v = 1}
          | XX {smallTen.v = 2}
          | XXX {smallTen.v = 3}
          | ε {smallTen.v = 0}
digit -> smallDigit {digit.v = smallDigit.v}
       | I V  {digit.v = 4}
       | V smallDigit  {digit.v = 5 + smallDigit.v}
       | I X  {digit.v = 9}
 smallDigit -> I {smallDigit.v = 1}
            | II {smallDigit.v = 2}
            | III {smallDigit.v = 3}
            | ε {smallDigit.v = 0}


Construct a syntax-directed translation scheme that translates postfix
arithmetic expressions into equivalent prefix arithmetic expressions.



expr -> expr expr op | digit

translation scheme:

expr -> {print(op)} expr expr op | digit {print(digit)}
