New Semester

Finally, I closure my terrible and decadent first semester of my postgraduate life.

Life is going on and you cannot stop you step, right?

Keep moving and try you best to achieve what you can.

You always know that everything you should try and let all of them to be right

at least I think so.

So, today is Feb 1st, 2017, the year of Rooster, I think I should treat it kind and better. I want to say goodbye for all the bad things.

In a word, refresh myself!! 因缺思婷

And Today, it also the first day of this semester and I start my first course in my PHD life.

Finally, I’d say I start to take a course.

I decide I should record every course after I finish that. On one hand, it can help me review the content of the course and find some I ignore at the class. On the other hand, maybe it can help me find some deadline and new things, a new idea and etc. Whatever, I must do this thing.

OK, stop talking about the little things and get down to the points.

This year, I choose the COMP6613A (PG Hot Topics In HCI, Spring 2017), you can find my Syllabus here.

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According to the figure, you can find that this course will last 15 weeks. Our instructor and my classmate will take part in this course together.

BTW, I think I should introduce my instructor X. Ma, for me , I do think she is really a ultimate bad ass(in Chinese 大牛) who graduated from the Princeton University. Yes, I want to emphasize that Princeton University. Yes, I mean Princeton University, which really make me crazy!!!! hahaha, maybe someday, I may dream to stay at that school. Besides, she finished her post-doctoral research at (Carnegie Mellon Unversity) CMU. I really want to die!!! I just want to say, OH! O.M.G my Jesus!!!

Ok, come back to the points!

I say I am doing the review~~~

Ok, let’s begin

course Learning outcomes:

  1. understanding the basic concepts methods in HCI research
  2. Understanding the foundations and trends of HCI application
  3. Design an interactive system using various methods through different design activities (some idea for example; some mobile application we can use different widget to strengthen their functions, notification, dialog and etc.)
    Prototype an interactive system with assorted digital and physical tools
    Evaluate an interactive system through user studies
    Communicate effectively with target users and different stakeholders in academia and industry

some important deadline I should remember Feb 22
I should find 8 papers in 4 different aspects
give a preface word 150 limited

full review a selected paper March 20, 2017

The Scope of Topics

  • interaction everywhere
    • New modality, mobile, sensing & data, IoT, etc
  • Interaction for special needs
    • special users, e.g, children, elderly, disabilities
    • special domain, e.g., developing country, education, transportation, sustainability, creativity , security etc.
  • Interaction beyond the individual
    • Groupware , social computing, crowd computing, etc.
  • Interaction in new paradigm
    • robot & AI, VR/ AR, etc.

Possible sources

  • conference: CHI, UIST, CSCW, MobileCHI, DIS


some important date:

I should submit my video on April 10


some paper need to read:

Enhancing Mobile Content Privacy with Proxemics Aware Notifications
and Protection, CHI’16

Evaluation of Personalized Security Indicators as an Anti-Phishing
Mechanism for Smartphone Applications, CHI’16

Use Your Words: Designing One-time Pairing Codes to Improve User
Experience CHI’16

The Anatomy of Smartphone Unlocking: A Field Study of Android Lock
Screens, CHI’16

On Multiple Password Interference of Touch Screen Patterns and Text
Passwords CHI’16

Keep on Lockin’ in the Free World: A Multi-National Comparison of
Smartphone Locking CHI’16

W. Melicher, D. Kurilova, S. Segreti, P. Kalvani, R. Shay, B. Ur, L.
Bauer, N. Christin, L. F. Cranor, and M. L. Mazurek. Usability and
security of text passwords on mobile devices. CHI’16.

B. Ur, J. Bees, S. Segreti, L. Bauer, N. Christin, and L. F. Cranor.
CHI’16. Do users’ perceptions of password security match reality? CHI

H. Almuhimedi, F. Schaub, N. Sadeh, I. Adjerid, A. Acquisti, J. Gluck,
L. F. Cranor, Y. Agarwal. Your Location has been Shared 5,398 Times!:
A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging. CHI2015.

P.G. Kelley, L.F. Cranor, and N. Sadeh. Privacy as Part of the App
Decision-Making Process. CHI 2013.

P.G. Kelley, L.J. Cesca, J. Bresee, and L.F. Cranor. Standardizing
Privacy Notices: An Online Study of the Nutrition Label Approach. CHI

New words
rubrics 指示,说明

Two tasks:
(1) Informing users (or the elderly) privacy notes of medicine apps;
(2) Geo-location based password or any other authentication system

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