Web测试介绍一 UI测试

随着Web 2.0技术的迅速发展,许多公司都开发了一些基于Web的网站服务,通常在设计开发Web应用系统的时候很难模拟出大量用户同时访问系统的实际情况,因此,当Web网站遇到访问高峰时,容易发生服务器响应速度变慢甚至服务中断。为了避免这种情况,需要一种能够真实模拟大量用户访问Web应用系统的性能测试工具进行压力测试,来测试静态HTML页面的响应时间,甚至测试动态网页(包括ASP、PHP、JSP等)的响应时间,为服务器的性能优化和调整提供数据依据。


Web测试介绍一 UI测试_第1张图片


(i)  Functionality
(ii)  Usability
(iii) Browser compatibility
(iv) Security
(v)  Load and stress
(vi) Storage and Database



        UI测试的目的:1、确保用户界面会通过测试对象的功能来为用户提供相应的访问或浏览功能;2、确保用户界面符合公司或行业的标准。通过用户界面 (UI) 测试来核实用户与软件的交互。

        UI 测试的目标在于确保用户界面向用户提供了适当的访问和浏览测试对象功能的操作。除此之外,UI 测试还要确保 UI 功能内部的对象符合预期要求,并遵循公司或行业的标准。




Web测试介绍一 UI测试_第2张图片



Web测试介绍一 UI测试_第3张图片


Web测试介绍一 UI测试_第4张图片



1. Are the links meaningful? 这些链接是否有意义
2. Are there any broken links? 是否存在失效链接
3. Do all internal links work correctly? 所有内部链接正常工作吗
4. Do all external links work properly? 所有的外部链接正常工作吗?
5. Are all links to external sites in the website tested? 所有外部网都在网站测试范围内??
6. Are images correctly hyperlinked? 所有的图片是被合理的链接么?
7. Can the user navigate using text only? 用户能通过文本进行操作么?
8. Does every hyperlink exist on the site map? 每一个超链接存在于站点地图上吗
9. Are the hyperlinks’ colours standard?超链接的颜色是标准的吗
10. Does the link bring the user to the correct web page? 链接显示的网页是否正确
11. Are the columns wide enough or the text wraps around the rows? 列是否足够宽,
12. Are the row and columns headings of tables appropriate? 表的行列标题是否合适
13. Are the complex tables broken down into simpler ones, wherever required? 无论什么需要,复杂的表是否分解成简单的
14. Does the user have to scroll right constantly in order to see the contents in a table? 用户为了看表中的内容,是否需要不断地翻页
15. Are table captions meaningful?表的标题是否有意义

16. Is every frame associated with a title? 每一个窗口页面是否都对应一个标题
17. Can the user resize the frame?用户是否能够调整窗口的大小
18. Is the frame size appropriate? 窗口大小是否合理
19. Does the horizontal and vertical scrollbar appear wherever required? 无论在哪儿需要,垂直和水平滚动条都会出现
20. Does any frame handling mechanism exist for browsers that do not support frames?是否任何框架处理机制都存在于不支持框架的浏览器

21. Are keyboard shortcuts provided for movement between different fields of forms? 快捷键在不同的窗口之间都可使用
22. Does the tabbing feature traverse the appropriate fields in the correct sequence? 移动特征是否以正确的方式遍历合适的领域?
23. Are the mandatory fields marked clearly? 必填字段是否标记清楚?
24. Are descriptive labels for all fields provided? 描述性的标签是对所有领域提供么?
25. Is information formatted, wherever required (for example,date format may be in mm/dd/yyyy)
26. Are error messages meaningful and appropriate? 错误信息
27.Does the size of text fields give enough room for the user to type? 文本框的大小
28.Ared fields used appropriately?
29. Is any information asked more than once in the form? Is the user prevented from entering the same data multiple times? 是否被阻止多次登录相同数据
30. Does the form include a ‘reset’ button to clear its contents?重置

Text fields,Buttons,List boxes,Check boxes
31.Do the next fields accept invalid characters and special characters?
32. Can text be selected using shift + arrow key?
33. Is the user able to select any combination of options in check boxes?
34. Can the user select more than one option in radio buttons?
35. Does the button click trigger the required action?
36. Can the user add text in the list boxes?
37. Can the user add text in the combo boxes?
38. Do the required commands and options exist in each menu?
39. Are abbreviations used in list boxes/buttons?
40. Are the label names meaningful?
41. Are mouse actions consistent across web pages?
42. Is red colour used to highlight active items (many users are colour bind)?
43. Is all the data inside the list/combo box listed in chronologica order?
44.Are validation checks for text fields present
45.Do fields with numeric values handle upper and lower range of values appropriately(boundary value analysis)?
46. Does the back navigation button work as required?
47. Do the text fields accept maximum permissible data?
48. Can an alphanumeric character be entered in numeric
49. Are the command buttons disabled when they are not in use?
50. Is there any spelling or grammatical mistakes in captions or labels?
