上周写了一篇Framework Manager 新手上路的文档,没有写Security的设置, 今天单独列出来作为补充。
Framework Manager中的Security设置分为: Package / Object / Data,这篇文档里面step by step写出来了。
文档中用到的Model请参考我原来写的Framework Manager新手入门文档。
1. Setup AD and Grant rights for groups and users
1) Install and Set the AD
2) Add Groups in the AD
3) Grant rights for Groups
4) Create Users
2. Create a default Package
1) Create a default Model and publish the package
2) Create a simple report
3. Package Security
1) Add the Security during publish the package
2) Add the package security from the FM
3) Test the Package Security
4) Note about the Package Security
4. Object Security. 21
1) Add Object Security on a Object 21
2) Add the permission for everyone. 23
3) Create a package based on this Model and publish it 24
4) Test Object Security. 24
5) Do more testing by you self 27
5. Data Security. 28
1) Create Data Security on the Model 28
2) Publish the secured Package
3) Test Data Security
6. Other Information
1) DPR-ERR-2079