




*output.c - printf style output to a FILE
*	Copyright (c) 1989-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*	This file contains the code that does all the work for the
*	printf family of functions.  It should not be called directly, only
*	by the *printf functions.  We don't make any assumtions about the
*	sizes of ints, longs, shorts, or long doubles, but if types do overlap,
*	we also try to be efficient.  We do assume that pointers are the same
*	size as either ints or longs.
*	If CPRFLAG is defined, defines _cprintf instead.
*Revision History:
*	06-01-89  PHG	Module created
*	08-28-89  JCR	Added cast to get rid of warning (no object changes)
*	02-15-90  GJF	Fixed copyright
*	03-19-90  GJF	Made calling type _CALLTYPE1 and added #include
*			.
*	03-26-90  GJF	Changed LOCAL macro to incorporate _CALLTYPE4. Placed
*			prototype for _output() in internal.h and #include-d
*			it.
*	08-01-90  SBM   Compiles cleanly with -W3, moved _cfltcvt_tab and
*			typedefs DOUBLE and LONGDOUBLE to new header
*			, formerly named 
*	09-05-90  SBM   First attempt at adding CPRFLAG and code to generate
*			cprintf.  Anything in #ifdef CPRFLAG untested.
*			Still needs to have locking added for MTHREAD case.
*	10-03-90  GJF	New-style function declarators.
*	01-02-91  SRW	Added _WIN32_ conditional for 'C' and 'S' format chars.
*	01-16-91  GJF	ANSI naming.
*	01-16-91  SRW	Added #include of maketabc.out (_WIN32_)
*	04-09-91  PNT   Use the _CRUISER_ mapping for _MAC_
*	04-16-91  SRW	Fixed #include of maketabc.out (_WIN32_)
*	04-25-91  SRW	Made nullstring static
*	05-20-91  GJF	Moved state table for Win32 inline (_WIN32_).
*	09-12-91  JCR	Bumped conversion buffer size to be ANSI-compliant
*	09-17-91  IHJ	Add partial UNICODE (%ws, %wc) support
*	09-28-91  GJF	Merged with crt32 and crtdll versions. For now, 9-17-91
*			change is built only for Win32, not Dosx32 (_WIN32_).
*	10-22-91  ETC	Complete wchar_t/mb support under _INTL.  For now,
*			9-28-91 change is additionally under !_INTL.  Bug fix:
*			ints and pointers are longs.
*	11-19-91  ETC   Added support for _wsprintf, _vwsprintf with WPRFLAG;
*			added %tc %ts (generic string handling).
*	12-05-91  GDP	Bug fix: va_arg was used inconsistently for double
*	12-19-91  ETC   Added some comments on wsprintf optimization, undones;
*			check return on malloc.
*	03-25-92  DJM	POSIX support
*	04-16-92  KRS	Support new ISO {s|f}wprintf with Unicode format string.
*	06-08-92  SRW	Modified to not use free and malloc for mbtowc conversion.
*	06-10-92  KRS	Fix glitch in previous change.
*	07-14-92  TVB	Added Alpha support (quad stuff).
*	07-17-92  KRS	Fix typo which broke WPRFLAG support.
*	04-16-93  SKS	Fix bug in 'S' option logic.
*   07-16-93  SRW   ALPHA Merge
*   08-17-93  CFW   Avoid mapping tchar macros incorrectly if _MBCS defined.

/* temporary hack to minimize changes. This should go into fltintrn.h */
#if	defined(_M_MRX000) || defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(_M_PPC)
#define DOUBLE double


/* inline keyword is non-ANSI C7 extension */
/* CONSIDER: move to cruntime.h! */
#if	!defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__STDC__)
#define __inline static
/* UNDONE: compiler is broken */
#define __inline static

#if defined(WPRFLAG) && !defined(_UNICODE)
#define _UNICODE 1
#ifdef _MBCS	/* always want either Unicode or SBCS for tchar.h */
#undef _MBCS

/* this macro defines a function which is private and as fast as possible: */
/* for example, in C 6.0, it might be static _fastcall  near. */
#define LOCAL(x) static x _CALLTYPE4

/* int/long/short/pointer sizes */

/* the following should be set depending on the sizes of various types */
#define LONG_IS_INT	     1	     /* 1 means long is same size as int */
#define SHORT_IS_INT	     0	     /* 1 means short is same size as int */
#define LONGDOUBLE_IS_DOUBLE 1	     /* 1 means long double is same as double */
#define PTR_IS_INT	     1	     /* 1 means ptr is same size as int */
#define PTR_IS_LONG	     1	     /* 1 means ptr is same size as long */

    #define get_long_arg(x) (long)get_int_arg(x)

#ifndef WPRFLAG
    #define get_short_arg(x) (short)get_int_arg(x)

    #define get_ptr_arg(x) (void *)get_int_arg(x)
    #define get_ptr_arg(x) (void *)get_long_arg(x)
    #error Size of pointer must be same as size of int or long


/* size of conversion buffer (ANSI-specified minimum is 509) */

#define BUFFERSIZE    512

#error Conversion buffer too small for max double.

/* flag definitions */
#define FL_SIGN       0x0001	  /* put plus or minus in front */
#define FL_SIGNSP     0x0002	  /* put space or minus in front */
#define FL_LEFT       0x0004	  /* left justify */
#define FL_LEADZERO   0x0008	  /* pad with leading zeros */
#define FL_LONG       0x0010	  /* long value given */
#define FL_SHORT      0x0020	  /* short value given */
#define FL_SIGNED     0x0040	  /* signed data given */
#define FL_ALTERNATE  0x0080	  /* alternate form requested */
#define FL_NEGATIVE   0x0100	  /* value is negative */
#define FL_FORCEOCTAL 0x0200	  /* force leading '0' for octals */
#define FL_LONGDOUBLE 0x0400	  /* long double value given */
#define FL_WIDECHAR   0x0800      /* wide characters */

/* state definitions */
enum STATE {
    ST_NORMAL,		    /* normal state; outputting literal chars */
    ST_PERCENT, 	    /* just read '%' */
    ST_FLAG,		    /* just read flag character */
    ST_WIDTH,		    /* just read width specifier */
    ST_DOT,		    /* just read '.' */
    ST_PRECIS,		    /* just read precision specifier */
    ST_SIZE,		    /* just read size specifier */
    ST_TYPE		    /* just read type specifier */
#define NUMSTATES (ST_TYPE + 1)

/* character type values */
    CH_OTHER,		    /* character with no special meaning */
    CH_PERCENT, 	    /* '%' */
    CH_DOT,		    /* '.' */
    CH_STAR,		    /* '*' */
    CH_ZERO,		    /* '0' */
    CH_DIGIT,		    /* '1'..'9' */
    CH_FLAG,		    /* ' ', '+', '-', '#' */
    CH_SIZE,		    /* 'h', 'l', 'L', 'N', 'F', 'w' */
    CH_TYPE		    /* type specifying character */

/* static data (read only, since we are re-entrant) */
#if defined(WPRFLAG) || defined(CPRFLAG)
extern char *__nullstring;	/* string to print on null ptr */
extern wchar_t *__wnullstring;	/* string to print on null ptr */
#else	/* WPRFLAG || CPRFLAG */
char *__nullstring = "(null)";	/* string to print on null ptr */
wchar_t *__wnullstring = L"(null)";/* string to print on null ptr */
#endif	/* WPRFLAG || CPRFLAG */

/* The state table.  This table is actually two tables combined into one. */
/* The lower nybble of each byte gives the character class of any	  */
/* character; while the uper nybble of the byte gives the next state      */
/* to enter.  See the macros below the table for details.                 */
/*                                                                        */
/* The table is generated by maketabc.c -- use this program to make       */
/* changes.                                                               */

#if defined(WPRFLAG) || defined(CPRFLAG)
extern const char __lookuptable[];
#if	defined(_CRUISER_) || defined(_MAC_)

/* Table generated by maketabc.c built with -D_CRUISER_.		  */

const char __lookuptable[] = {
	 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x10, 0x00, 0x03, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x02, 0x10,
	 0x04, 0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05,
	 0x05, 0x35, 0x30, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x38, 0x50, 0x58, 0x07, 0x08,
	 0x00, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x57, 0x50, 0x07, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x08, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x70, 0x70, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x08,
	 0x07, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x08, 0x08,
	 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x07,

#else	/* ndef _CRUISER_ || _MAC_ */

#if	defined(_WIN32_) || defined(_POSIX_)

/* Table generated by maketabc.c built with -D_WIN32_. Defines additional */
/* format code %Z for counted string.					  */

const char __lookuptable[] = {
	 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x10, 0x00, 0x03, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x02, 0x10,
	 0x04, 0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05,
	 0x05, 0x35, 0x30, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x38, 0x50, 0x58, 0x07, 0x08,
	 0x00, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x57, 0x50, 0x07, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	 0x08, 0x60, 0x68, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00,
	 0x00, 0x70, 0x70, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x08,
	 0x07, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x08, 0x08,
	 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x07,

#else	/* ndef _WIN32_ */


#endif	/* _WIN32_ || _POSIX_ */

#endif	/* _CRUISER_ || _MAC_ */

#endif	/* WPRFLAG || CPRFLAG */

#define find_char_class(c)		\
	((c) < _T(' ') || (c) > _T('x') ? \
	    CH_OTHER			\
	:				\
	    __lookuptable[(c)-_T(' ')] & 0xF)

#define find_next_state(class, state)	\
	(__lookuptable[(class) * NUMSTATES + (state)] >> 4)

 * Note: CPRFLAG and WPRFLAG cases are currently mutually exclusive.

/* prototypes */

#ifdef CPRFLAG

#define WRITE_CHAR(ch, pnw)		write_char(ch, pnw)
#define WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(ch, num, pnw)  write_multi_char(ch, num, pnw)
#define WRITE_STRING(s, len, pnw)  	write_string(s, len, pnw)
#define WRITE_WSTRING(s, len, pnw)  	write_wstring(s, len, pnw)

LOCAL(void) write_char(int ch, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_multi_char(int ch, int num, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_string(char *string, int len, int *numwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_wstring(wchar_t *string, int len, int *numwritten);


#define WRITE_CHAR(ch, pnw)		write_char(ch, stream, pnw)
#define WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(ch, num, pnw)  write_multi_char(ch, num, stream, pnw)
#define WRITE_STRING(s, len, pnw)  	write_string(s, len, stream, pnw)

LOCAL(void) write_char(int ch, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_multi_char(wchar_t ch, int num, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_string(wchar_t *string, int len, FILE *f, int *numwritten);


#define WRITE_CHAR(ch, pnw)		write_char(ch, stream, pnw)
#define WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(ch, num, pnw)  write_multi_char(ch, num, stream, pnw)
#define WRITE_STRING(s, len, pnw)  	write_string(s, len, stream, pnw)
#define WRITE_WSTRING(s, len, pnw)  	write_wstring(s, len, stream, pnw)

LOCAL(void) write_char(int ch, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_multi_char(int ch, int num, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_string(char *string, int len, FILE *f, int *numwritten);
LOCAL(void) write_wstring(wchar_t *string, int len, FILE *f, int *numwritten);


__inline int _CALLTYPE4 get_int_arg(va_list *pargptr);

#ifndef WPRFLAG
__inline short _CALLTYPE4 get_short_arg(va_list *pargptr);

__inline long _CALLTYPE4 get_long_arg(va_list *pargptr);

#ifdef _ALPHA_
__inline __int64 _CALLTYPE4 get_quad_arg(va_list *pargptr);

#ifdef CPRFLAG
LOCAL(int) output(const char *, va_list);

*int _cprintf(format, arglist) - write formatted output directly to console
*   Writes formatted data like printf, but uses console I/O functions.
*   char *format - format string to determine data formats
*   arglist - list of POINTERS to where to put data
*   returns number of characters written

int _CALLTYPE2 _cprintf (
	const char * format,
	va_list arglist;

	va_start(arglist, format);

	return output(format, arglist);

#endif  /* CPRFLAG */

*int _output(stream, format, argptr), static int output(format, argptr)
*   Output performs printf style output onto a stream.	It is called by
*   printf/fprintf/sprintf/vprintf/vfprintf/vsprintf to so the dirty
*   work.  In multi-thread situations, _output assumes that the given
*   stream is already locked.
*   Algorithm:
*	The format string is parsed by using a finite state automaton
*	based on the current state and the current character read from
*	the format string.  Thus, looping is on a per-character basis,
*	not a per conversion specifier basis.  Once the format specififying
*	character is read, output is performed.
*   FILE *stream   - stream for output
*   char *format   - printf style format string
*   va_list argptr - pointer to list of subsidiary arguments
*   Returns the number of characters written, or -1 if an output error
*   occurs.
#ifdef WPRFLAG
*   The wide-character flavour returns the number of wide-characters written.

#ifdef CPRFLAG
LOCAL(int) output (
int _CALLTYPE1 _woutput (
    FILE *stream,
int _CALLTYPE1 _output (
    FILE *stream,
    const TCHAR *format,
    va_list argptr
    int hexadd; 	/* offset to add to number to get 'a'..'f' */
    TCHAR ch;		/* character just read */
    int flags;		/* flag word -- see #defines above for flag values */
    enum STATE state;	/* current state */
    enum CHARTYPE chclass; /* class of current character */
    int radix;		/* current conversion radix */
    int charsout;	/* characters currently written so far, -1 = IO error */
    int fldwidth;	/* selected field width -- 0 means default */
    int precision;	/* selected precision  -- -1 means default */
    TCHAR prefix[2];	/* numeric prefix -- up to two characters */
    int prefixlen;	/* length of prefix -- 0 means no prefix */
    int capexp; 	/* non-zero = 'E' exponent signifient, zero = 'e' */
    int no_output;	/* non-zero = prodcue no output for this specifier */
    union {
	char *sz; 	/* pointer text to be printed, not zero terminated */
	wchar_t *wz;
	} text;	

    int textlen;	/* length of the text in bytes/wchars to be printed.
			   textlen is in multibyte or wide chars if WPRFLAG */
    union {
	char sz[BUFFERSIZE];
#ifdef WPRFLAG
	wchar_t wz[BUFFERSIZE];
	} buffer;
    wchar_t wchar;	/* temp wchar_t */
    int bufferiswide;	/* non-zero = buffer contains wide chars already */

    charsout = 0;		/* no characters written yet */
    state = ST_NORMAL;		/* starting state */

    /* main loop -- loop while format character exist and no I/O errors */
    while ((ch = *format++) != _T('\0') && charsout >= 0) {
	chclass = find_char_class(ch);	/* find character class */
	state = find_next_state(chclass, state); /* find next state */

	/* execute code for each state */
	switch (state) {

	case ST_NORMAL:
	    /* normal state -- just write character */
#ifdef WPRFLAG
	    bufferiswide = 1;
	    bufferiswide = 0;
	    if (isleadbyte((int)(unsigned char)ch)) {
		WRITE_CHAR(ch, &charsout);
		ch = *format++;
		assert (ch != _T('\0')); /* UNDONE: don't fall off format string */
#endif /* !WPRFLAG */
	    WRITE_CHAR(ch, &charsout);

	    /* set default value of conversion parameters */
	    prefixlen = fldwidth = no_output = capexp = 0;
	    flags = 0;
	    precision = -1;
	    bufferiswide = 0;	/* default */

	case ST_FLAG:
	    /* set flag based on which flag character */
	    switch (ch) {
	    case _T('-'):
		flags |= FL_LEFT;	/* '-' => left justify */
	    case _T('+'):
		flags |= FL_SIGN;	/* '+' => force sign indicator */
	    case _T(' '):
		flags |= FL_SIGNSP;	/* ' ' => force sign or space */
	    case _T('#'):
		flags |= FL_ALTERNATE;	/* '#' => alternate form */
	    case _T('0'):
		flags |= FL_LEADZERO;	/* '0' => pad with leading zeros */

	case ST_WIDTH:
	    /* update width value */
	    if (ch == _T('*')) {
		/* get width from arg list */
		fldwidth = get_int_arg(&argptr);
		if (fldwidth < 0) {
		    /* ANSI says neg fld width means '-' flag and pos width */
		    flags |= FL_LEFT;
		    fldwidth = -fldwidth;
	    else {
		/* add digit to current field width */
		fldwidth = fldwidth * 10 + (ch - _T('0'));

	case ST_DOT:
	    /* zero the precision, since dot with no number means 0
	       not default, according to ANSI */
	    precision = 0;

	case ST_PRECIS:
	    /* update precison value */
	    if (ch == _T('*')) {
		/* get precision from arg list */
		precision = get_int_arg(&argptr);
		if (precision < 0)
		    precision = -1;	/* neg precision means default */
	    else {
		/* add digit to current precision */
		precision = precision * 10 + (ch - _T('0'));

	case ST_SIZE:
	    /* just read a size specifier, set the flags based on it */
	    switch (ch) {
#if !LONG_IS_INT || !defined(_UNICODE)
	    case _T('l'):
		flags |= FL_LONG;   /* 'l' => long int or wchar_t */

	     * Alpha has native 64-bit integer registers and operations.
	     * The int and long types are 32 bits and an Alpha specific
	     * __int64 type is 64 bits.  We also use the 'L' flag for
	     * integer arguments to indicate 64-bit conversions (%Lx).

	    case _T('L'):
		flags |= FL_LONGDOUBLE; /* 'L' => long double */

#if !SHORT_IS_INT || defined(_UNICODE)
	    case _T('h'):
		flags |= FL_SHORT;  /* 'h' => short int or char */

/* UNDONE: support %wc and %ws for now only for compatibility */
 	    case _T('w'):
 		flags |= FL_WIDECHAR;  /* 'w' => wide character */


	case ST_TYPE:
	    /* we have finally read the actual type character, so we	   */
	    /* now format and "print" the output.  We use a big switch	   */
	    /* statement that sets 'text' to point to the text that should */
	    /* be printed, and 'textlen' to the length of this text.	   */
	    /* Common code later on takes care of justifying it and	   */
	    /* other miscellaneous chores.  Note that cases share code,    */
	    /* in particular, all integer formatting is done in one place. */
	    /* Look at those funky goto statements!			   */

	    switch (ch) {

	    case _T('C'):	/* ISO wide character */
		if (!(flags & (FL_SHORT|FL_LONG|FL_WIDECHAR)))
#ifdef WPRFLAG
		    /* CONSIDER: non-standard */
		    flags |= FL_SHORT;
		    flags |= FL_WIDECHAR;	/* ISO std. */
		/* fall into 'c' case */

	    case _T('c'): {
		/* print a single character specified by int argument */
#ifdef WPRFLAG
		bufferiswide = 1;
		wchar = (wchar_t) get_int_arg(&argptr);
		if (flags & FL_SHORT)
			/* format multibyte character */
			/* this is an extension of ANSI */
			char tempchar[2];
#ifdef _OUT
			if (isleadbyte(wchar >> 8))
			    tempchar[0] = (wchar >> 8);
			    tempchar[1] = (wchar & 0x00ff);
#endif /* _OUT */
			    tempchar[0] = (char)(wchar & 0x00ff);
			    tempchar[1] = '\0';
			if (mbtowc(buffer.wz,tempchar,MB_CUR_MAX) < 0)
			    /* ignore if conversion was unsuccessful */
			    no_output = 1;
		    buffer.wz[0] = wchar;
		text.wz = buffer.wz;
		textlen = 1;    /* print just a single character */
#else	/* WPRFLAG */
		if (flags & (FL_LONG|FL_WIDECHAR))
		    wchar = (wchar_t) get_short_arg(&argptr);
		    /* convert to multibyte character */
		    textlen = wctomb(buffer.sz, wchar);

		    /* check that conversion was successful */
		    if (textlen < 0)
			no_output = 1;
		    /* format multibyte character */
		    /* this is an extension of ANSI */
		    unsigned short temp;
		    temp = (unsigned short) get_int_arg(&argptr);
#ifdef _OUT
		    if (isleadbyte(temp >> 8))
			buffer.sz[0] = temp >> 8;
			buffer.sz[1] = temp & 0x00ff;
			textlen = 2;
#endif /* _OUT */
			buffer.sz[0] = (char) temp;
			textlen = 1;
		text.sz = buffer.sz;
#endif	/* WPRFLAG */

#if defined(_WIN32_) && !defined(_DOSX32_)	/* UNDONE: NT hack */
	    case _T('Z'): {
		/* print a Counted String

		int i;
		char *p;       /* temps */
                struct string {
                    short Length;
                    short MaximumLength;
                    char *Buffer;
                } *pstr;

		pstr = get_ptr_arg(&argptr);
		if (pstr == NULL || pstr->Buffer == NULL) {
		    /* null ptr passed, use special string */
		    text.sz = __nullstring;
                    textlen = strlen(text.sz);
		} else {
		    if (flags & FL_WIDECHAR) {
                        text.wz = (wchar_t *)pstr->Buffer;
			textlen = pstr->Length / sizeof(wchar_t);
                        bufferiswide = 1;
		    } else {
                        bufferiswide = 0;
                        text.sz = pstr->Buffer;
			textlen = pstr->Length;

	    case _T('S'):	/* ISO wide character string */
#ifndef WPRFLAG
		if (!(flags & (FL_SHORT|FL_LONG|FL_WIDECHAR)))
			flags |= FL_WIDECHAR;
		if (!(flags & (FL_SHORT|FL_LONG|FL_WIDECHAR)))
	    		flags |= FL_SHORT;
	    case _T('s'): {
		/* print a string --				*/
		/* ANSI rules on how much of string to print:	*/
		/*   all if precision is default,		*/
		/*   min(precision, length) if precision given. */
		/* prints '(null)' if a null string is passed	*/

		int i;
		char *p;       /* temps */
		wchar_t *pwch;

		/* At this point it is tempting to use strlen(), but */
		/* if a precision is specified, we're not allowed to */
		/* scan past there, because there might be no null   */
		/* at all.  Thus, we must do our own scan.	     */

		i = (precision == -1) ? INT_MAX : precision;
		text.sz = get_ptr_arg(&argptr);

/* UNDONE: handle '#' case properly */
		/* scan for null upto i characters */
#ifdef WPRFLAG
		if (flags & FL_SHORT)
		    if (text.sz == NULL) /* NULL passed, use special string */
			text.sz = __nullstring;
		    p = text.sz;
		    for (textlen=0; textlen 0 || number != 0) {
		    digit = (int)(number % radix) + '0';
		    number /= radix;		/* reduce number */
		    if (digit > '9') {
			/* a hex digit, make it a letter */
			digit += hexadd;
		    *text.sz-- = (char)digit;	/* store the digit */

		textlen = (char *)&buffer.sz[BUFFERSIZE-1] - text.sz; /* compute length of number */
		++text.sz; 	/* text points to first digit now */

		/* 6. Force a leading zero if FORCEOCTAL flag set */
		if ((flags & FL_FORCEOCTAL) && (text.sz[0] != '0' || textlen == 0)) {
		    *--text.sz = '0';
		    ++textlen;		/* add a zero */

	    /* At this point, we have done the specific conversion, and */
	    /* 'text' points to text to print; 'textlen' is length.  Now we */
	    /* justify it, put on prefixes, leading zeros, and then */
	    /* print it. */

	    if (!no_output) {
		int padding;	/* amount of padding, negative means zero */

		if (flags & FL_SIGNED) {
		    if (flags & FL_NEGATIVE) {
			/* prefix is a '-' */
			prefix[0] = _T('-');
			prefixlen = 1;
		    else if (flags & FL_SIGN) {
			/* prefix is '+' */
			prefix[0] = _T('+');
			prefixlen = 1;
		    else if (flags & FL_SIGNSP) {
			/* prefix is ' ' */
			prefix[0] = _T(' ');
			prefixlen = 1;

		/* calculate amount of padding -- might be negative, */
		/* but this will just mean zero */
		padding = fldwidth - textlen - prefixlen;

		/* put out the padding, prefix, and text, in the correct order */

		if (!(flags & (FL_LEFT | FL_LEADZERO))) {
		    /* pad on left with blanks */
		    WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(_T(' '), padding, &charsout);

		/* write prefix */
		WRITE_STRING(prefix, prefixlen, &charsout);

		if ((flags & FL_LEADZERO) && !(flags & FL_LEFT)) {
		    /* write leading zeros */
		    WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(_T('0'), padding, &charsout);

		/* write text */
#ifndef WPRFLAG
		if (bufferiswide && (textlen > 0))
                    wchar_t *p;
                    int retval, count;
                    char buffer[MB_LEN_MAX+1];

                    p = text.wz;
                    count = textlen;
                    while (count--) {
                        retval = wctomb(buffer, *p++);
                        if (retval <= 0)
                        WRITE_STRING(buffer, retval, &charsout);
		    WRITE_STRING(text.sz, textlen, &charsout);
		if (!bufferiswide && textlen > 0) {
                    char *p;
                    int retval, count;

                    p = text.sz;
                    count = textlen;
                    while (count-- > 0) {
                        retval = mbtowc(&wchar, p, MB_CUR_MAX);
                        if (retval <= 0)
                        WRITE_CHAR(wchar, &charsout);
                        p += retval;
		} else {
		    WRITE_STRING(text.wz, textlen, &charsout);
#endif /* WPRFLAG */

		if (flags & FL_LEFT) {
		    /* pad on right with blanks */
		    WRITE_MULTI_CHAR(_T(' '), padding, &charsout);

		/* we're done! */

    return charsout;	    /* return value = number of characters written */

 *  Future Optimizations for swprintf:
 *  - Don't free the memory used for converting the buffer to wide chars.
 *    Use realloc if the memory is not sufficient.  Free it at the end.

*void write_char(int ch, int *pnumwritten)
#ifdef WPRFLAG
*void write_char(wchar_t ch, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*void write_char(int ch, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*   Writes a single character to the given file/console.  If no error occurs,
*   then *pnumwritten is incremented; otherwise, *pnumwritten is set
*   to -1.
*   int ch	     - character to write
*   FILE *f	     - file to write to
*   int *pnumwritten - pointer to integer to update with total chars written
*   No return value.

#ifdef CPRFLAG

LOCAL(void) write_char (
    int ch,
    int *pnumwritten
    if (_putch_lk(ch) == EOF)
	*pnumwritten = -1;


LOCAL(void) write_char (
    int ch,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten
    if (_putwc_lk(ch, f) == WEOF)
	*pnumwritten = -1;


LOCAL(void) write_char (
    int ch,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten
    if (_putc_lk(ch, f) == EOF)
	*pnumwritten = -1;


*void write_multi_char(int ch, int num, int *pnumwritten)
#ifdef WPRFLAG
*void write_multi_char(wchar_t ch, int num, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*void write_multi_char(int ch, int num, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*   Writes num copies of a character to the given file/console.  If no error occurs,
*   then *pnumwritten is incremented by num; otherwise, *pnumwritten is set
*   to -1.  If num is negative, it is treated as zero.
*   int ch	     - character to write
*   int num	     - number of times to write the characters
*   FILE *f	     - file to write to
*   int *pnumwritten - pointer to integer to update with total chars written
*   No return value.

#ifdef CPRFLAG

LOCAL(void) write_multi_char (
    int ch,
    int num,
    int *pnumwritten
    while (num-- > 0)
	write_char(ch, pnumwritten);

#else	/* CPRFLAG */

LOCAL(void) write_multi_char (
    wchar_t ch,
    int num,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten

LOCAL(void) write_multi_char (
    int ch,
    int num,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten
#endif	/* WPRFLAG */
    while (num-- > 0)
	write_char(ch, f, pnumwritten);

#endif	/* CPRFLAG */

*void write_string(char *string, int len, int *pnumwritten)
*void write_string(char *string, int len, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
#ifdef WPRFLAG
*void write_string(wchar_t *string, int len, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*void write_wstring(wchar_t *string, int len, int *pnumwritten)
*void write_wstring(wchar_t *string, int len, FILE *f, int *pnumwritten)
*   Writes a string of the given length to the given file.  If no error occurs,
*   then *pnumwritten is incremented by len; otherwise, *pnumwritten is set
*   to -1.  If len is negative, it is treated as zero.
*   char *string     - string to write (NOT null-terminated)
*   int len	     - length of string
*   FILE *f	     - file to write to
*   int *pnumwritten - pointer to integer to update with total chars written
*   No return value.

#ifdef CPRFLAG

LOCAL(void) write_string (
    char *string,
    int len,
    int *pnumwritten
    while (len-- > 0)
	write_char(*string++, pnumwritten);

#else	/* CPRFLAG */

LOCAL(void) write_string (
    wchar_t *string,
    int len,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten

LOCAL(void) write_string (
    char *string,
    int len,
    FILE *f,
    int *pnumwritten
#endif	/* WPRFLAG */
#ifdef _POSIX_
    while (len-- > 0) {
	write_char(*string++, f, pnumwritten);
	if (*pnumwritten < 0)
    while (len-- > 0)
	write_char(*string++, f, pnumwritten);
#endif	/* CPRFLAG */

*int get_int_arg(va_list *pargptr)
*   Gets an int argument off the given argument list and updates *pargptr.
*   va_list *pargptr - pointer to argument list; updated by function
*   Returns the integer argument read from the argument list.

__inline int _CALLTYPE4 get_int_arg (
    va_list *pargptr
    return va_arg(*pargptr, int);

*long get_long_arg(va_list *pargptr)
*   Gets an long argument off the given argument list and updates *pargptr.
*   va_list *pargptr - pointer to argument list; updated by function
*   Returns the long argument read from the argument list.

__inline long _CALLTYPE4 get_long_arg (
    va_list *pargptr
    return va_arg(*pargptr, long);

#ifdef _ALPHA_
__inline __int64 _CALLTYPE4 get_quad_arg (
    va_list *pargptr
    return va_arg(*pargptr, __int64);

#ifndef WPRFLAG
*short get_short_arg(va_list *pargptr)
*   Gets a short argument off the given argument list and updates *pargptr.
*   va_list *pargptr - pointer to argument list; updated by function
*   Returns the short argument read from the argument list.

__inline short _CALLTYPE4 get_short_arg (
    va_list *pargptr
    return va_arg(*pargptr, short);


