你可以把 event_loop 这个对象理解成和一个线程绑定的无限事件循环,你会在各种语言里看到 event_loop 这个抽象。这是什么意思呢?简单来说,它就是一个无限循环着的事件分发器,一旦有事件发生,它就会回调预先定义好的回调函数,完成事件的处理。具体来说,event_loop 使用 poll 或者 epoll 方法将一个线程阻塞,等待各种 I/O 事件的发生。
#ifndef EVENT_LOOP_H
#define EVENT_LOOP_H
#include "channel.h"
#include "event_dispatcher.h"
#include "common.h"
extern const struct event_dispatcher poll_dispatcher;
extern const struct event_dispatcher epoll_dispatcher;
// 存储channel event事件链表
struct channel_element {
int type; // 事件类型(1: add 2: delete 3: update)
struct channel *channel; // channel对象
struct channel_element *next; // next指针
// event_loop对象可以理解为:一个无限循环着的事件分发器,一旦有事件发生,它就会回调预先定义好的回调函数,完成事件的处理。
// 具体来说:event_loop使用poll或者epoll方法将一个线程阻塞,等待各种I/O事件的发生
struct event_loop {
int quit;
// 事件分发器
const struct event_dispatcher *eventDispatcher;
/** 对应的事件分发器的数据. **/
void *event_dispatcher_data;
struct channel_map *channelMap;
/** 待注册的事件列表. **/
int is_handle_pending;
struct channel_element *pending_head;
struct channel_element *pending_tail;
pthread_t owner_thread_id;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
// 套接字对,用于主线程与子线程交互
int socketPair[2];
char *thread_name;
// event_loop初始化(无参)
struct event_loop *event_loop_init();
// event_loop初始化(有参)
struct event_loop *event_loop_init_with_name(char * thread_name);
// event_loop启动
int event_loop_run(struct event_loop *eventLoop);
void event_loop_wakeup(struct event_loop *eventLoop);
//增加channel event事件函数入口
int event_loop_add_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1);
//删除channel event事件函数入口
int event_loop_remove_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1);
//修改channel event事件函数入口
int event_loop_update_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1);
// 具体实现add
int event_loop_handle_pending_add(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel);
// 具体实现remove
int event_loop_handle_pending_remove(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel);
// 具体实现update
int event_loop_handle_pending_update(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel);
// dispather派发完事件之后,调用该方法通知event_loop执行对应事件的相关callback方法
int channel_event_activate(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, int res);
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "event_dispatcher.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "utils.h"
// 注册存储在pending_head链表中的待处理事件
int event_loop_handle_pending_channel(struct event_loop *eventLoop) {
// get the lock
// 处理标志位置1
eventLoop->is_handle_pending = 1;
// 遍历pending_head链表,依次注册到event_loop事件分发中
struct channel_element *channelElement = eventLoop->pending_head;
while (channelElement != NULL) {
//save into event_map
struct channel *channel = channelElement->channel;
int fd = channel->fd;
if (channelElement->type == 1) {
event_loop_handle_pending_add(eventLoop, fd, channel);
} else if (channelElement->type == 2) {
event_loop_handle_pending_remove(eventLoop, fd, channel);
} else if (channelElement->type == 3) {
event_loop_handle_pending_update(eventLoop, fd, channel);
channelElement = channelElement->next;
// 处理完成后,待处理链表置空
eventLoop->pending_head = eventLoop->pending_tail = NULL;
// 处理标志位置0
eventLoop->is_handle_pending = 0;
// release the lock
return 0;
// 将待处理事件先添加到pending_list当中(无锁)
void event_loop_channel_buffer_nolock(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1, int type) {
// 将channel_element对象添加到pending_list当中
struct channel_element *channelElement = malloc(sizeof(struct channel_element));
channelElement->channel = channel1;
channelElement->type = type;
channelElement->next = NULL;
if (eventLoop->pending_head == NULL) {
eventLoop->pending_head = eventLoop->pending_tail = channelElement;
} else {
eventLoop->pending_tail->next = channelElement;
eventLoop->pending_tail = channelElement;
// 添加后便处理对应的事件
int event_loop_do_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1, int type) {
// get the lock
assert(eventLoop->is_handle_pending == 0);
// 首先先添加到pending_list当中
event_loop_channel_buffer_nolock(eventLoop, fd, channel1, type);
//release the lock
if (!isInSameThread(eventLoop)) {
} else {
return 0;
int event_loop_add_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1) {
return event_loop_do_channel_event(eventLoop, fd, channel1, 1);
int event_loop_remove_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1) {
return event_loop_do_channel_event(eventLoop, fd, channel1, 2);
int event_loop_update_channel_event(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1) {
return event_loop_do_channel_event(eventLoop, fd, channel1, 3);
// in the i/o thread
// 将channel对象添加到event_loop中的map中以及事件分发中
int event_loop_handle_pending_add(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel) {
yolanda_msgx("add channel fd == %d, %s", fd, eventLoop->thread_name);
// 获取event_loop的channel_map对象
struct channel_map *map = eventLoop->channelMap;
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
// 若map已满,则进行扩容
if (fd >= map->nentries) {
if (map_make_space(map, fd, sizeof(struct channel *)) == -1)
return (-1);
if ((map)->entries[fd] == NULL) {
// 将channel对象添加至map中
map->entries[fd] = channel;
// 进一步将channel对象添加至epoll监听事件中
struct event_dispatcher *eventDispatcher = eventLoop->eventDispatcher;
eventDispatcher->add(eventLoop, channel);
return 1;
return 0;
// in the i/o thread
// 把channel对象从event_loop的map及事件分发中删除
int event_loop_handle_pending_remove(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel1) {
struct channel_map *map = eventLoop->channelMap;
assert(fd == channel1->fd);
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
if (fd >= map->nentries)
return (-1);
struct channel *channel2 = map->entries[fd];
//update dispatcher(multi-thread)here
struct event_dispatcher *eventDispatcher = eventLoop->eventDispatcher;
int retval = 0;
if (eventDispatcher->del(eventLoop, channel2) == -1) {
// 删除失败返回
retval = -1;
} else {
// 删除成功返回
retval = 1;
// 删除event_loop的map中该fd对应的channel对象
map->entries[fd] = NULL;
return retval;
// in the i/o thread
// 更新event_loop当中channel对象对应描述字fd的注册事件
int event_loop_handle_pending_update(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, struct channel *channel) {
yolanda_msgx("update channel fd == %d, %s", fd, eventLoop->thread_name);
struct channel_map *map = eventLoop->channelMap;
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
if ((map)->entries[fd] == NULL) {
return (-1);
// free(map->entries[fd]);
// map->entries[fd] = channel;
// update channel
struct event_dispatcher *eventDispatcher = eventLoop->eventDispatcher;
eventDispatcher->update(eventLoop, channel);
// 用于注册事件响应时,执行相应callback方法
// dispather派发完事件之后,调用该方法通知event_loop执行对应事件的相关callback方法
int channel_event_activate(struct event_loop *eventLoop, int fd, int revents) {
struct channel_map *map = eventLoop->channelMap;
yolanda_msgx("activate channel fd == %d, revents=%d, %s", fd, revents, eventLoop->thread_name);
// 错误检查
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
if (fd >= map->nentries)return (-1);
// 获取套接字对应的channel对象
struct channel *channel = map->entries[fd];
// 合法性检查
assert(fd == channel->fd);
// 处理读事件
if (revents & (EVENT_READ)) {
// 执行注册事件channel对象当中的读事件回调函数
if (channel->eventReadCallback) channel->eventReadCallback(channel->data);
// 处理写事件
if (revents & (EVENT_WRITE)) {
// 执行注册事件channel对象当中的写事件回调函数
if (channel->eventWriteCallback) channel->eventWriteCallback(channel->data);
return 0;
// 唤醒子线程event_loop,向注册套接字对当中写入一个字符
void event_loop_wakeup(struct event_loop *eventLoop) {
char one = 'a';
ssize_t n = write(eventLoop->socketPair[0], &one, sizeof one);
if (n != sizeof one) {
LOG_ERR("wakeup event loop thread failed");
// 处理注册套接字当中的读事件,接收一个字符
int handleWakeup(void *data) {
struct event_loop *eventLoop = (struct event_loop *) data;
char one;
ssize_t n = read(eventLoop->socketPair[1], &one, sizeof one);
if (n != sizeof one) {
LOG_ERR("handleWakeup failed");
yolanda_msgx("wakeup, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
// 初始化函数(无名)
struct event_loop *event_loop_init() {
return event_loop_init_with_name(NULL);
// 初始化函数(有名)
struct event_loop *event_loop_init_with_name(char *thread_name) {
struct event_loop *eventLoop = malloc(sizeof(struct event_loop));
pthread_mutex_init(&eventLoop->mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&eventLoop->cond, NULL);
if (thread_name != NULL) {
eventLoop->thread_name = thread_name;
} else {
eventLoop->thread_name = "main thread";
eventLoop->quit = 0;
eventLoop->channelMap = malloc(sizeof(struct channel_map));
yolanda_msgx("set epoll as dispatcher, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
eventLoop->eventDispatcher = &epoll_dispatcher;
yolanda_msgx("set poll as dispatcher, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
eventLoop->eventDispatcher = &poll_dispatcher;
eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data = eventLoop->eventDispatcher->init(eventLoop);
// 在初始化完成event_loop对象后,便注册套接字对,并将套接字的读事件注册到event_loop事件分发当中
eventLoop->owner_thread_id = pthread_self();
if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, eventLoop->socketPair) < 0) {
LOG_ERR("socketpair set fialed");
eventLoop->is_handle_pending = 0;
eventLoop->pending_head = NULL;
eventLoop->pending_tail = NULL;
struct channel *channel = channel_new(eventLoop->socketPair[1], EVENT_READ, handleWakeup, NULL, eventLoop);
event_loop_add_channel_event(eventLoop, eventLoop->socketPair[0], channel);
return eventLoop;
* 1.参数验证
* 2.调用dispatcher来进行事件分发,分发完回调事件处理函数
// 这也是我们子线程循环执行的入口函数
int event_loop_run(struct event_loop *eventLoop) {
assert(eventLoop != NULL);
struct event_dispatcher *dispatcher = eventLoop->eventDispatcher;
if (eventLoop->owner_thread_id != pthread_self()) {
yolanda_msgx("event loop run, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
struct timeval timeval;
timeval.tv_sec = 1;
while (!eventLoop->quit) {
// 先进行事件分发
// block here to wait I/O event, and get active channels
dispatcher->dispatch(eventLoop, &timeval);
// 然后处理待pending list当中的事件
// handle the pending channel
yolanda_msgx("event loop end, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
return 0;
对各种注册到 event_loop 上的对象,我们抽象成 channel 来表示,例如注册到 event_loop 上的监听事件,注册到 event_loop 上的套接字读写事件等。在各种语言的 API 里,你都会看到 channel 这个对象,大体上它们表达的意思跟我们这里的设计思路是比较一致的。
#ifndef CHANNEL_H
#define CHANNEL_H
#include "common.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#define EVENT_TIMEOUT 0x01
/** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */
#define EVENT_READ 0x02
/** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */
#define EVENT_WRITE 0x04
/** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/
#define EVENT_SIGNAL 0x08
// 定义一个函数指针类型:返回值:int 参数:void*
typedef int (*event_read_callback)(void *data);
typedef int (*event_write_callback)(void *data);
// channel:可以理解为各种注册到event_loop上的对象(如注册到event_loop上的监听事件、注册到event_loop上的套接字读写事件等)
struct channel {
// 监听事件对应的描述字
int fd;
// 监听事件类型
int events; //表示event类型
// 定义一个指向事件读回调函数指针
event_read_callback eventReadCallback;
// 定义一个指向事件写回调函数指针
event_write_callback eventWriteCallback;
void *data; //callback data, 可能是event_loop,也可能是tcp_server或者tcp_connection
// 返回一个新的channel对象
struct channel *
channel_new(int fd, int events, event_read_callback eventReadCallback, event_write_callback eventWriteCallback,
void *data);
int channel_write_event_is_enabled(struct channel *channel);
int channel_write_event_enable(struct channel *channel);
int channel_write_event_disable(struct channel *channel);
#include "channel.h"
// 创建并初始化channel对象
struct channel *
channel_new(int fd, int events, event_read_callback eventReadCallback, event_write_callback eventWriteCallback,
void *data) {
struct channel *chan = malloc(sizeof(struct channel));
chan->fd = fd;
chan->events = events;
chan->eventReadCallback = eventReadCallback;
chan->eventWriteCallback = eventWriteCallback;
chan->data = data;
return chan;
// 判断channel对象的类型是否为EVENT_WRITE
int channel_write_event_is_enabled(struct channel *channel) {
return channel->events & EVENT_WRITE;
// 令注册在event_loop中的channel对象的事件类型变为可写
int channel_write_event_enable(struct channel *channel) {
struct event_loop *eventLoop = (struct event_loop *) channel->data;
channel->events = channel->events | EVENT_WRITE;
event_loop_update_channel_event(eventLoop, channel->fd, channel);
// 令注册在event_loop中的channel对象的事件类型变为不可写
int channel_write_event_disable(struct channel *channel) {
struct event_loop *eventLoop = (struct event_loop *) channel->data;
channel->events = channel->events & ~EVENT_WRITE;
event_loop_update_channel_event(eventLoop, channel->fd, channel);
acceptor对象表示的是服务器端监听器,acceptor 对象最终会作为一个 channel 对象,注册到 event_loop 上,以便进行连接完成的事件分发和检测。event_dispatcherevent_dispatcher 是对事件分发机制的一种抽象,也就是说,可以实现一个基于 poll 的 poll_dispatcher,也可以实现一个基于 epoll 的 epoll_dispatcher。在这里,我们统一设计一个 event_dispatcher 结构体,来抽象这些行为。
#include "channel.h"
/** 抽象的event_dispatcher结构体,对应的实现如select,poll,epoll等I/O复用. */
// event_dispatcher是对事件分发机制的一种抽象,也就是说,可以实现一个基于poll的poll_dispatcher,也可以实现一个基于epoll的epoll_dispathcer
struct event_dispatcher {
/** 对应实现 */
const char *name;
/** 初始化函数 */
void *(*init)(struct event_loop * eventLoop);
/** 通知dispatcher新增一个channel事件*/
int (*add)(struct event_loop * eventLoop, struct channel * channel);
/** 通知dispatcher删除一个channel事件*/
int (*del)(struct event_loop * eventLoop, struct channel * channel);
/** 通知dispatcher更新channel对应的事件*/
int (*update)(struct event_loop * eventLoop, struct channel * channel);
/** 实现事件分发,然后调用event_loop的event_activate方法执行callback*/
int (*dispatch)(struct event_loop * eventLoop, struct timeval *);
/** 清除数据 */
void (*clear)(struct event_loop * eventLoop);
#include "event_dispatcher.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "log.h"
#define MAXEVENTS 128
// 事件分发机制的数据对象
typedef struct {
// events数组当中事件个数
int event_count;
int nfds;
int realloc_copy;
// epoll实例
int efd;
// epoll_wait返回的待处理的I/O事件events数组
struct epoll_event *events;
} epoll_dispatcher_data;
// 初始化函数
static void *epoll_init(struct event_loop *);
// 通过实现epoll_ctl增删改监控事件
static int epoll_add(struct event_loop *, struct channel *channel1);
static int epoll_del(struct event_loop *, struct channel *channel1);
static int epoll_update(struct event_loop *, struct channel *channel1);
// 开始事件分发,也就是调用epoll_wait并处理I/O事件
static int epoll_dispatch(struct event_loop *, struct timeval *);
static void epoll_clear(struct event_loop *);
const struct event_dispatcher epoll_dispatcher = {
/** 初始化函数 */
// 返回一个epoll_dispatcher_data对象(服务于event_loop)
void *epoll_init(struct event_loop *eventLoop) {
epoll_dispatcher_data *epollDispatcherData = malloc(sizeof(epoll_dispatcher_data));
epollDispatcherData->event_count = 0;
epollDispatcherData->nfds = 0;
epollDispatcherData->realloc_copy = 0;
epollDispatcherData->efd = 0;
// 创建一个epoll实例()
epollDispatcherData->efd = epoll_create1(0);
// 返回:若成功返回一个大于0的值,表示epoll实例;若返回-1表示出错。
if (epollDispatcherData->efd == -1) {
error(1, errno, "epoll create failed");
// 初始化epoll注册事件列表
epollDispatcherData->events = calloc(MAXEVENTS, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
// 返回epoll_dispatcher_data对象
return epollDispatcherData;
/** 通知dispatcher新增一个channel事件*/
int epoll_add(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct channel *channel1) {
// 获取event_loop中的事件分发数据(转换为epoll_dispatcher_data)
epoll_dispatcher_data *pollDispatcherData = (epoll_dispatcher_data *) eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data;
// 获取注册事件对应的描述字fd
int fd = channel1->fd;
// 获取注册事件类型
int events = 0;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_READ) {
events = events | EPOLLIN;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_WRITE) {
events = events | EPOLLOUT;
// 定义epoll注册事件对象
struct epoll_event event;
event.data.fd = fd;
event.events = events;
// 设置为edge-triggered边缘触发
// event.events = events | EPOLLET;
// 调用epoll_ctl函数往epoll实例中增加监控的事件(op:EPOLL_CTL_ADD)
if (epoll_ctl(pollDispatcherData->efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event) == -1) {
error(1, errno, "epoll_ctl add fd failed");
return 0;
/** 通知dispatcher删除一个channel事件*/
int epoll_del(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct channel *channel1) {
// 获取event_loop中的事件分发数据(转换为epoll_dispatcher_data)
epoll_dispatcher_data *pollDispatcherData = (epoll_dispatcher_data *) eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data;
// 获取注册事件对应的描述字fd
int fd = channel1->fd;
// 获取注册事件类型
int events = 0;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_READ) {
events = events | EPOLLIN;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_WRITE) {
events = events | EPOLLOUT;
// 定义epoll注册事件对象
struct epoll_event event;
event.data.fd = fd;
event.events = events;
// 设置为edge-triggered边缘触发
// event.events = events | EPOLLET;
// 调用epoll_ctl函数往epoll实例中删除监控的事件(op:EPOLL_CTL_DEL)
if (epoll_ctl(pollDispatcherData->efd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &event) == -1) {
error(1, errno, "epoll_ctl delete fd failed");
return 0;
/** 通知dispatcher更新channel对应的事件*/
int epoll_update(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct channel *channel1) {
// 获取event_loop中的事件分发数据(转换为epoll_dispatcher_data)
epoll_dispatcher_data *pollDispatcherData = (epoll_dispatcher_data *) eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data;
// 获取注册事件对应的描述字fd
int fd = channel1->fd;
// 获取注册事件类型
int events = 0;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_READ) {
events = events | EPOLLIN;
if (channel1->events & EVENT_WRITE) {
events = events | EPOLLOUT;
// 定义epoll注册事件对象
struct epoll_event event;
event.data.fd = fd;
event.events = events;
// 设置为edge-triggered边缘触发
// event.events = events | EPOLLET;
// 调用epoll_ctl函数修改epoll实例中描述字对应的监控的事件(op:EPOLL_CTL_MOD)
if (epoll_ctl(pollDispatcherData->efd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event) == -1) {
error(1, errno, "epoll_ctl modify fd failed");
return 0;
/** 实现事件分发,然后调用event_loop的event_activate方法执行callback*/
int epoll_dispatch(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct timeval *timeval) {
// 获取event_loop中的事件分发数据(转换为epoll_dispatcher_data)
epoll_dispatcher_data *epollDispatcherData = (epoll_dispatcher_data *) eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data;
int i, n;
// 等待内核I/O事件分发
n = epoll_wait(epollDispatcherData->efd, epollDispatcherData->events, MAXEVENTS, -1);
// 返回给用户空间需要处理的I/O事件存放在epollDispatcherData->events数组当中,数组大小为n
yolanda_msgx("epoll_wait wakeup, %s", eventLoop->thread_name);
// 依次处理每个I/O事件
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// 若对应描述字出错或被挂起则关闭描述字
if ((epollDispatcherData->events[i].events & EPOLLERR) || (epollDispatcherData->events[i].events & EPOLLHUP)) {
fprintf(stderr, "epoll error\n");
// 若对应描述字可读
if (epollDispatcherData->events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
yolanda_msgx("get message channel fd==%d for read, %s", epollDispatcherData->events[i].data.fd, eventLoop->thread_name);
channel_event_activate(eventLoop, epollDispatcherData->events[i].data.fd, EVENT_READ);
// 若对应描述字可写
if (epollDispatcherData->events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) {
yolanda_msgx("get message channel fd==%d for write, %s", epollDispatcherData->events[i].data.fd,eventLoop->thread_name);
channel_event_activate(eventLoop, epollDispatcherData->events[i].data.fd, EVENT_WRITE);
return 0;
/** 清除数据 */
void epoll_clear(struct event_loop *eventLoop) {
// 获取event_loop中的事件分发数据(转换为epoll_dispatcher_data)
epoll_dispatcher_data *epollDispatcherData = (epoll_dispatcher_data *) eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data;
// 释放待处理I/O事件events数组的空间
// 关闭epoll描述字efd
// 释放epoll_dispatcher_data对象空间
// 将epoll_dispatcher_data指针置空
eventLoop->event_dispatcher_data = NULL;
channel_map保存了描述字到 channel 的映射,这样就可以在事件发生时,根据事件类型对应的套接字快速找到 chanel 对象里的事件处理函数。
#include "channel.h"
* channel映射表, key为对应的socket描述字
// channel_map保存了描述字到channel的映射,这样就可以在事件发生时,根据事件类型对应的套接字快速找到chanel对象里的事件处理函数。
struct channel_map {
void **entries;
/* The number of entries available in entries */
int nentries;
int map_make_space(struct channel_map *map, int slot, int msize);
void map_init(struct channel_map *map);
void map_clear(struct channel_map *map);
#include "channel_map.h"
// slot为目标扩容值(通常为待注册的描述字fd),msize为channel对象指针的大小
int map_make_space(struct channel_map *map, int slot, int msize) {
if (map->nentries <= slot) {
// 若nentries为0,则默认容量大小为32
int nentries = map->nentries ? map->nentries : 32;
void **tmp;
// 成倍扩容直至容量大于slot
while (nentries <= slot)
nentries <<= 1;
// 调用realloc在原先内存基础上扩容
tmp = (void **) realloc(map->entries, nentries * msize);
if (tmp == NULL)
return (-1);
// 调用memset函数为刚刚申请好的内存未填充部分补0
memset(&tmp[map->nentries], 0,
(nentries - map->nentries) * msize);
map->nentries = nentries;
map->entries = tmp;
return (0);
void map_init(struct channel_map *map) {
map->nentries = 0;
map->entries = NULL;
void map_clear(struct channel_map *map) {
if (map->entries != NULL) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < map->nentries; ++i) {
if (map->entries[i] != NULL)
map->entries = NULL;
map->nentries = 0;
首先先讲解一下事件驱动模式,Reactor模式是处理并发I/O比较常见的一种模式,用于同步I/O,中心思想是将所有要处理的I/O事件注册到一个中心I/O多路复用器上,同时主线程/进程阻塞在多路复用器上;一旦有I/O事件到来或是准备就绪(文件描述符或socket可读、写),多路复用器返回并将事先注册的相应I/O事件分发到对应的处理器中。下面给出一个 reactor 线程上同时负责分发 acceptor 的事件、已连接套接字的 I/O 事件。
主 - 从 Reactor 模式
主 - 从这个模式的核心思想是,主反应堆线程只负责分发 Acceptor 连接建立,已连接套接字上的 I/O 事件交给 sub-reactor 负责分发。其中 sub-reactor 的数量,可以根据 CPU 的核数来灵活设置。
比如一个四核 CPU,我们可以设置 sub-reactor 为 4。相当于有 4 个身手不凡的反应堆线程同时在工作,这大大增强了 I/O 分发处理的效率。而且,同一个套接字事件分发只会出现在一个反应堆线程中,这会大大减少并发处理的锁开销。
我来解释一下这张图,我们的主反应堆线程一直在感知连接建立的事件,如果有连接成功建立,主反应堆线程通过 accept 方法获取已连接套接字,接下来会按照一定的算法选取一个从反应堆线程,并把已连接套接字加入到选择好的从反应堆线程中。主反应堆线程唯一的工作,就是调用 accept 获取已连接套接字,以及将已连接套接字加入到从反应堆线程中。
由于我们需要采用主-从Reactor模式,因为在单Reactor模式下,reactor 反应堆同时分发 Acceptor 上的连接建立事件和已建立连接的 I/O 事件,会出现客户端连接成功率偏低的现象。因此采用主-从Reactor模式,解决了I/O分发的效率问题,我们让主反应堆线程只负责分发 Acceptor 连接建立,已连接套接字上的 I/O 事件交给 sub-reactor 负责分发。
进一步来说,我们引入了多线程,将我们的模式进一步提高为:主 - 从 reactor+worker threads 模式
主 - 从 Reactor + Worker Threads 模式
如果说主 - 从 reactor 模式解决了 I/O 分发的高效率问题,那么 work threads 就解决了业务逻辑和 I/O 分发之间的耦合问题。把这两个策略组装在一起,就是实战中普遍采用的模式。大名鼎鼎的 Netty,就是把这种模式发挥到极致的一种实现。
下面给出主-从reactor+worker threads模式的描述图:
I/O 线程和多线程模型,主要解决 event_loop 的线程运行问题,以及事件分发和回调的线程执行问题。
thread_pool 维护了一个 sub-reactor 的线程列表,它可以提供给主 reactor 线程使用,每次当有新的连接建立时,可以从 thread_pool 里获取一个线程,以便用它来完成对新连接套接字的 read/write 事件注册,将 I/O 线程和主 reactor 线程分离。
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "event_loop_thread.h"
// thread_pool维护了一个sub_reactor的线程列表,它可以提供给主reactor线程使用,
// 每次当有新的连接建立时,可以从thread_pool里获取一个线程,以便用它来完成对
// 新连接套接字的read/write事件注册,将I/O线程和主reactor线程分离
struct thread_pool {
struct event_loop *mainLoop;
int started;
int thread_number;
struct event_loop_thread *eventLoopThreads;
int position;
// 返回一个新的线程池
struct thread_pool *thread_pool_new(struct event_loop *mainLoop, int threadNumber);
// 开始运行线程池
void thread_pool_start(struct thread_pool *);
// 根据一定算法从线程池中选取一个线程
struct event_loop *thread_pool_get_loop(struct thread_pool *);
#include "utils.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
// 构造出新的thread_pool对象
struct thread_pool *thread_pool_new(struct event_loop *mainLoop, int threadNumber) {
struct thread_pool *threadPool = malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool));
threadPool->mainLoop = mainLoop;
threadPool->position = 0;
threadPool->thread_number = threadNumber;
threadPool->started = 0;
threadPool->eventLoopThreads = NULL;
return threadPool;
//一定是main thread发起
void thread_pool_start(struct thread_pool *threadPool) {
// 有效性检查,一开始一定是未启动状态
// 检查当前线程是否未mainLoop对应的main thread
// 启动标志置1
threadPool->started = 1;
void *tmp;
// 若线程数小于等于0,则直接返回
if (threadPool->thread_number <= 0) {
// 初始化线程列表空间
threadPool->eventLoopThreads = malloc(threadPool->thread_number * sizeof(struct event_loop_thread));
for (int i = 0; i < threadPool->thread_number; ++i) {
// 初始化每个线程
event_loop_thread_init(&threadPool->eventLoopThreads[i], i);
// 启动每个线程
//一定是main thread中选择(从线程池中选择一个线程,选择方法为顺序选择)
struct event_loop *thread_pool_get_loop(struct thread_pool *threadPool) {
struct event_loop *selected = threadPool->mainLoop;
if (threadPool->thread_number > 0) {
selected = threadPool->eventLoopThreads[threadPool->position].eventLoop;
if (++threadPool->position >= threadPool->thread_number) {
threadPool->position = 0;
return selected;
event_loop_thread 是 reactor 的线程实现,连接套接字的 read/write 事件检测都是在这个线程里完成的。
// 反应堆线程
struct event_loop_thread {
// 反应堆对象
struct event_loop *eventLoop;
// 线程id
pthread_t thread_tid; /* thread ID */
// 互斥量
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
// 条件变量
pthread_cond_t cond;
// 线程名
char * thread_name;
long thread_count; /* # connections handled */
int event_loop_thread_init(struct event_loop_thread *, int);
struct event_loop *event_loop_thread_start(struct event_loop_thread *);
#include "event_loop_thread.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
// 启动反应堆线程
void *event_loop_thread_run(void *arg) {
struct event_loop_thread *eventLoopThread = (struct event_loop_thread *) arg;
// 互斥量加锁
// 初始化化eventLoop对象
eventLoopThread->eventLoop = event_loop_init_with_name(eventLoopThread->thread_name);
yolanda_msgx("event loop thread init and signal, %s", eventLoopThread->thread_name);
// 唤醒主线程,告知主线程子线程初始化完毕
// 互斥量解锁
//子线程event loop run
int event_loop_thread_init(struct event_loop_thread *eventLoopThread, int i) {
// 初始化互斥量和条件变量
pthread_mutex_init(&eventLoopThread->mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&eventLoopThread->cond, NULL);
eventLoopThread->eventLoop = NULL;
eventLoopThread->thread_count = 0;
eventLoopThread->thread_tid = 0;
char *buf = malloc(16);
sprintf(buf, "Thread-%d\0", i + 1);
eventLoopThread->thread_name = buf;
return 0;
struct event_loop *event_loop_thread_start(struct event_loop_thread *eventLoopThread) {
// 创建并启动线程
pthread_create(&eventLoopThread->thread_tid, NULL, &event_loop_thread_run, eventLoopThread);
// 给thread的互斥量加锁
assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&eventLoopThread->mutex) == 0);
while (eventLoopThread->eventLoop == NULL) {
assert(pthread_cond_wait(&eventLoopThread->cond, &eventLoopThread->mutex) == 0);
assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventLoopThread->mutex) == 0);
yolanda_msgx("event loop thread started, %s", eventLoopThread->thread_name);
return eventLoopThread->eventLoop;
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "tcp_server.h"
struct tcp_connection {
// event_loop对象
struct event_loop *eventLoop;
// 注册事件channel对象
struct channel *channel;
char *name;
struct buffer *input_buffer; //接收缓冲区
struct buffer *output_buffer; //发送缓冲区
// 连接完成回调函数
connection_completed_call_back connectionCompletedCallBack;
// 读数据回调函数
message_call_back messageCallBack;
// 写完成回调函数
write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack;
// 连接关闭回调函数
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack;
void * data; //for callback use: http_server
void * request; // for callback use
void * response; // for callback use
struct tcp_connection *
tcp_connection_new(int fd, struct event_loop *eventLoop, connection_completed_call_back connectionCompletedCallBack,
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack,
message_call_back messageCallBack, write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack);
int tcp_connection_send_data(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection, void *data, int size);
int tcp_connection_send_buffer(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection, struct buffer * buffer);
// 关闭连接
void tcp_connection_shutdown(struct tcp_connection * tcpConnection);
//int tcp_connection_append_buffer(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection);
#include "tcp_connection.h"
#include "utils.h"
int handle_connection_closed(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection) {
struct event_loop *eventLoop = tcpConnection->eventLoop;
struct channel *channel = tcpConnection->channel;
// 删除掉该描述字对应注册在event_loop中的事件
event_loop_remove_channel_event(eventLoop, channel->fd, channel);
if (tcpConnection->connectionClosedCallBack != NULL) {
// 当连接描述字有数据可读时,将数据读入接收缓冲区当中,并调用对应的读数据回调函数,若没有则关闭该连接对象
int handle_read(void *data) {
struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection = (struct tcp_connection *) data;
struct buffer *input_buffer = tcpConnection->input_buffer;
struct channel *channel = tcpConnection->channel;
if (buffer_socket_read(input_buffer, channel->fd) > 0) {
if (tcpConnection->messageCallBack != NULL) {
tcpConnection->messageCallBack(input_buffer, tcpConnection);
} else {
int handle_write(void *data) {
struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection = (struct tcp_connection *) data;
struct event_loop *eventLoop = tcpConnection->eventLoop;
struct buffer *output_buffer = tcpConnection->output_buffer;
struct channel *channel = tcpConnection->channel;
ssize_t nwrited = write(channel->fd, output_buffer->data + output_buffer->readIndex,
if (nwrited > 0) {
output_buffer->readIndex += nwrited;
if (buffer_readable_size(output_buffer) == 0) {
if (tcpConnection->writeCompletedCallBack != NULL) {
} else {
yolanda_msgx("handle_write for tcp connection %s", tcpConnection->name);
// 连接对象创建函数
struct tcp_connection *
tcp_connection_new(int connected_fd, struct event_loop *eventLoop,
connection_completed_call_back connectionCompletedCallBack,
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack,
message_call_back messageCallBack, write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack) {
struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection = malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_connection));
// 初始化四个回调函数
tcpConnection->writeCompletedCallBack = writeCompletedCallBack;
tcpConnection->messageCallBack = messageCallBack;
tcpConnection->connectionCompletedCallBack = connectionCompletedCallBack;
tcpConnection->connectionClosedCallBack = connectionClosedCallBack;
// 初始化event_loop对象
tcpConnection->eventLoop = eventLoop;
// 初始化发送接收缓冲区buffer对象
tcpConnection->input_buffer = buffer_new();
tcpConnection->output_buffer = buffer_new();
// 命名连接对象:connection-连接描述字
char *buf = malloc(16);
sprintf(buf, "connection-%d\0", connected_fd);
tcpConnection->name = buf;
// add event read for the new connection
// 创建读事件channel对象
struct channel *channel1 = channel_new(connected_fd, EVENT_READ, handle_read, handle_write, tcpConnection);
tcpConnection->channel = channel1;
//connectionCompletedCallBack callback
if (tcpConnection->connectionCompletedCallBack != NULL) {
// 将连接套接字的读事件channel对象注册到event_loop中
event_loop_add_channel_event(tcpConnection->eventLoop, connected_fd, tcpConnection->channel);
return tcpConnection;
int tcp_connection_send_data(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection, void *data, int size) {
size_t nwrited = 0;
size_t nleft = size;
int fault = 0;
struct channel *channel = tcpConnection->channel;
struct buffer *output_buffer = tcpConnection->output_buffer;
if (!channel_write_event_is_enabled(channel) && buffer_readable_size(output_buffer) == 0) {
nwrited = write(channel->fd, data, size);
if (nwrited >= 0) {
nleft = nleft - nwrited;
} else {
nwrited = 0;
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
fault = 1;
if (!fault && nleft > 0) {
buffer_append(output_buffer, data + nwrited, nleft);
if (!channel_write_event_is_enabled(channel)) {
return nwrited;
int tcp_connection_send_buffer(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection, struct buffer *buffer) {
int size = buffer_readable_size(buffer);
int result = tcp_connection_send_data(tcpConnection, buffer->data + buffer->readIndex, size);
buffer->readIndex += size;
return result;
void tcp_connection_shutdown(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection) {
if (shutdown(tcpConnection->channel->fd, SHUT_WR) < 0) {
yolanda_msgx("tcp_connection_shutdown failed, socket == %d", tcpConnection->channel->fd);
#ifndef TCP_SERVER_H
#define TCP_SERVER_H
typedef int (*connection_completed_call_back)(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection);
typedef int (*message_call_back)(struct buffer *buffer, struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection);
typedef int (*write_completed_call_back)(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection);
typedef int (*connection_closed_call_back)(struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection);
#include "acceptor.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "tcp_connection.h"
struct TCPserver {
// 端口号
int port;
// 主线程eventLoop对象
struct event_loop *eventLoop;
// acceptor对象服务器监听器
struct acceptor *acceptor;
// 关于连接的四个回调函数
connection_completed_call_back connectionCompletedCallBack;
message_call_back messageCallBack;
write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack;
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack;
int threadNum;
struct thread_pool *threadPool;
void * data; //for callback use: http_server
struct TCPserver *
tcp_server_init(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct acceptor *acceptor,
connection_completed_call_back connectionCallBack,
message_call_back messageCallBack,
write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack,
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack,
int threadNum);
void tcp_server_start(struct TCPserver *tcpServer);
void tcp_server_set_data(struct TCPserver *tcpServer, void * data);
#include "common.h"
#include "tcp_server.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "tcp_connection.h"
int tcp_server(int port) {
int listenfd;
listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
bzero(&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
int on = 1;
setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
int rt1 = bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
if (rt1 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "bind failed ");
int rt2 = listen(listenfd, LISTENQ);
if (rt2 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "listen failed ");
int connfd;
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_len = sizeof(client_addr);
if ((connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &client_len)) < 0) {
error(1, errno, "bind failed ");
return connfd;
// 创建一个tcp服务器监听套接字(阻塞)
int tcp_server_listen(int port) {
int listenfd;
listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
bzero(&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
int on = 1;
setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
int rt1 = bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
if (rt1 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "bind failed ");
int rt2 = listen(listenfd, LISTENQ);
if (rt2 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "listen failed ");
return listenfd;
// 创建一个tcp服务器监听套接字(非阻塞)
int tcp_nonblocking_server_listen(int port) {
int listenfd;
listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// 重点就在于这一句
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
bzero(&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
int on = 1;
setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
int rt1 = bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
if (rt1 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "bind failed ");
int rt2 = listen(listenfd, LISTENQ);
if (rt2 < 0) {
error(1, errno, "listen failed ");
return listenfd;
void make_nonblocking(int fd) {
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
struct TCPserver *
tcp_server_init(struct event_loop *eventLoop, struct acceptor *acceptor,
connection_completed_call_back connectionCompletedCallBack,
message_call_back messageCallBack,
write_completed_call_back writeCompletedCallBack,
connection_closed_call_back connectionClosedCallBack,
int threadNum) {
struct TCPserver *tcpServer = malloc(sizeof(struct TCPserver));
tcpServer->eventLoop = eventLoop;
tcpServer->acceptor = acceptor;
tcpServer->connectionCompletedCallBack = connectionCompletedCallBack;
tcpServer->messageCallBack = messageCallBack;
tcpServer->writeCompletedCallBack = writeCompletedCallBack;
tcpServer->connectionClosedCallBack = connectionClosedCallBack;
tcpServer->threadNum = threadNum;
tcpServer->threadPool = thread_pool_new(eventLoop, threadNum);
tcpServer->data = NULL;
return tcpServer;
// 处理当有新的连接时的回调函数(参数data:)
int handle_connection_established(void *data) {
struct TCPserver *tcpServer = (struct TCPserver *) data;
struct acceptor *acceptor = tcpServer->acceptor;
int listenfd = acceptor->listen_fd;
// 获取连接套接字connected_fd,并设置为非阻塞
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_len = sizeof(client_addr);
int connected_fd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &client_len);
yolanda_msgx("new connection established, socket == %d", connected_fd);
// 从TCPserver对象中的线程池当中选择一个线程服务,获取其事件分发对象event_loop
// choose event loop from the thread pool
struct event_loop *eventLoop = thread_pool_get_loop(tcpServer->threadPool);
// create a new tcp connection
// 创建一个新的tcp连接对象
struct tcp_connection *tcpConnection = tcp_connection_new(connected_fd, eventLoop,
//for callback use
if (tcpServer->data != NULL) {
tcpConnection->data = tcpServer->data;
return 0;
void tcp_server_start(struct TCPserver *tcpServer) {
struct acceptor *acceptor = tcpServer->acceptor;
struct event_loop *eventLoop = tcpServer->eventLoop;
// 初始化并启动完线程池后,将监听套接字的读事件注册到event_loop上
//acceptor主线程, 同时把tcpServer作为参数传给channel对象
struct channel *channel = channel_new(acceptor->listen_fd, EVENT_READ, handle_connection_established, NULL,
event_loop_add_channel_event(eventLoop, channel->fd, channel);
void tcp_server_set_data(struct TCPserver *tcpServer, void *data) {
if (data != NULL) {
tcpServer->data = data;