cygwin跨平台移植 gcc+vc联合使用的方法和注意事项



How do I use cygwin1.dll with Visual Studio or MinGW?
  If you want to load the DLL dynamically, read winsup/cygwin/how-cygtls-works.txt and the sample code in winsup/testsuite/cygload to understand how this works. The short version is:

Make sure you have 4K of scratch space at the bottom of your stack.

Invoke cygwin_dll_init():

HMODULE h = LoadLibrary("cygwin1.dll");
void (*init)() = GetProcAddress(h, "cygwin_dll_init");
If you want to link statically from Visual Studio, to my knowledge none of the Cygwin developers have done this, but we have this report from the mailing list that it can be done this way:

Use the impdef program to generate a .def file for the cygwin1.dll (if you build the cygwin dll from source, you will already have a def file)

impdef cygwin1.dll > cygwin1.def
Use the MS VS linker (lib) to generate an import library

lib /def=cygwin1.def /out=cygwin1.lib
Create a file "my_crt0.c" with the following contents


typedef int (*MainFunc) (int argc, char *argv[], char **env);

  my_crt0 (MainFunc f)
Use gcc in a Cygwin prompt to build my_crt0.c into a DLL (e.g. my_crt0.dll). Follow steps 1 and 2 to generate .def and .lib files for the DLL.

Download crt0.c from the cygwin website and include it in your sources. Modify it to call my_crt0() instead of cygwin_crt0().

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
/* crt0.c. 
   Copyright 2001, 2005 Red Hat, Inc. 
This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the 
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for 
details. */ 
/* In the following ifdef'd i386 code, the FPU precision is set to 80 bits 
   and all FPU exceptions are masked.  The former is needed to make long 
   doubles work correctly.  The latter causes the FPU to generate NaNs and 
   Infinities instead of signals for certain operations. 
#ifdef __i386__  
#define FPU_RESERVED 0xF0C0  
#define FPU_DEFAULT  0x033f  
/* For debugging on *#!$@ windbg.  bp for breakpoint.  */ 
int __cygwin_crt0_bp = 0;  
typedef int (*MainFunc) (int argc, char *argv[], char **env);  
void  my_crt0 (MainFunc f);  
//extern int main (int argc, char **argv);  
extern int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env);  
//void cygwin_crt0 (int (*main) (int, char **));  
mainCRTStartup ()  
#ifdef __i386__  
  asm volatile ("andl $-16,%%esp" ::: "%esp");  
  if (__cygwin_crt0_bp)  
    asm volatile ("int3");  
    volatile unsigned short cw;  
    /* Get Control Word */ 
    __asm__ volatile ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (cw) : );  
    /* mask in */ 
    cw &= FPU_RESERVED;  
    cw |= FPU_DEFAULT;  
    /* set cw */ 
    __asm__ volatile ("fldcw %0" :: "m" (cw));  
  my_crt0 (main);  
//void WinMainCRTStartup(void) __attribute__ ((alias("mainCRTStartup"))); 
/* crt0.c.

   Copyright 2001, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.

This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
details. */

/* In the following ifdef'd i386 code, the FPU precision is set to 80 bits
   and all FPU exceptions are masked.  The former is needed to make long
   doubles work correctly.  The latter causes the FPU to generate NaNs and
   Infinities instead of signals for certain operations.

#ifdef __i386__
#define FPU_RESERVED 0xF0C0
#define FPU_DEFAULT  0x033f

/* For debugging on *#!$@ windbg.  bp for breakpoint.  */
int __cygwin_crt0_bp = 0;

typedef int (*MainFunc) (int argc, char *argv[], char **env);

void  my_crt0 (MainFunc f);
//extern int main (int argc, char **argv);
extern int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env);
//void cygwin_crt0 (int (*main) (int, char **));

mainCRTStartup ()
#ifdef __i386__
  asm volatile ("andl $-16,%%esp" ::: "%esp");
  if (__cygwin_crt0_bp)
    asm volatile ("int3");

    volatile unsigned short cw;

    /* Get Control Word */
    __asm__ volatile ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (cw) : );

    /* mask in */
    cw &= FPU_RESERVED;
    cw |= FPU_DEFAULT;

    /* set cw */
    __asm__ volatile ("fldcw %0" :: "m" (cw));

  my_crt0 (main);

//void WinMainCRTStartup(void) __attribute__ ((alias("mainCRTStartup")));


Build your object files using the MS VC compiler cl.

Link your object files, cygwin1.lib, and my_crt0.lib (or whatever you called it) into the executable.


    cygnus当初首先把gcc,gdb,gas等开发工具进行了改进,使他们能够生成并解释win32的目标文件。然后,他们要把这些工具移植到windows平台上去。一种方案是基于win32 api对这些工具的源代码进行大幅修改,这样做显然需要大量工作。因此,他们采取了一种不同的方法——他们写了一个共享库(就是cygwin dll),把win32 api中没有的unix风格的调用(如fork,spawn,signals,select,sockets等)封装在里面,也就是说,他们基于win32 api写了一个unix系统库的模拟层。这样,只要把这些工具的源代码和这个共享库连接到一起,就可以使用unix主机上的交叉编译器来生成可以在windows平台上运行的工具集。以这些移植到windows平台上的开发工具为基础,cygnus又逐步把其他的工具(几乎不需要对源代码进行修改,只需要修改他们的配置脚本)软件移植到windows上来。这样,在windows平台上运行bash和开发工具、用户工具,感觉好像在unix上工作。(来源-百度百科)




运行这些代码的函数称为入口函数或入口点(Entry Point),视平台的不同而有不同的名字。程序的入口点实际上是一个程序的初始化和结束部分,它往往是运行库的一部分。一个典型的程序运行步骤大致如下:





   上面已经介绍过,cygwin使用了基于win32 api写了一个unix系统库的模拟层即cygwin.dll库,并且每个c程序的执行都需要运行时的支持。 只是在默认的情况下vc会链接到它自带的运行时库即msvccrt.dll上。所以我们想能不能不用vc的那套东西,而是直接使用cygwin提供的运行时库。所以在my_crt0.c中就把函数的入口点给改了,让它指定到cygwin的入口函数点cygwin_crt0,在这里会调用cygwin1.dll里的函数来完成系统初始化工作包括申请堆内存,初始化IO等。另外vc++默认的函数入口是WinMainCRTStartup而c程序的入口函数是mainCRTStartup所以需要在设置里把VC的入口点为mainCRTStartup。


PS:1.另外如果发现类似unresolved external symbol @__security_check_cookie@4的链接错误出现,需要在Visual Studio中,把缓冲区检查开关关掉即可,此开关可在"C/C++"选项页的"代码生成"选项中找到。





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