最近正在整理以前开发的产品, 发现在很久以前写一篇关于webservie开发的文章<>, 见 http://hi.csdn.net/link.php?url=http://blog.csdn.net%2Fhjy82919. 对这一篇文章感觉比较泛,所以打算今天配合实例详细的说明一下.
1. 首先我们编写一个自己将提供的接口文件webservice_Test.h, 内容如下:
int ns__Add(long in1 , long in2, long* result);
在这个文件中就只包含了一行, 这一行定义了ns__Add函数,用于把两个输入进行相加并返回结果.
2. 使用Soap2cpp.exe同时生成webservice的客户端和服务端,命令如下:
soapcpp2 -L -x -i webservice_test.h (-C: 只生成客户端, –S: 只生成服务端)
相应的会生成14个文件, 主要有:soapWebservice_TestService.h, soapWebservice_TestService.cpp,
soapWebservice_TestProxy.h, soapWebservice_TestProxy.cpp,
soapC.cpp, soapH.h, soapStub.h, Webservice_Test.wsdl, Webservice_Test.nsmap
/* soapWebservice_TestService.h
Generated by gSOAP 2.7.9l from ./test/webservice_test.h
Copyright(C) 2000-2007, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This part of the software is released under one of the following licenses:
GPL, the gSOAP public license, or Genivia's license for commercial use.
*/#ifndef soapWebservice_TestService_H
#define soapWebservice_TestService_H
#include "soapH.h"
class SOAP_CMAC Webservice_TestService : public soap
{ public:
/// Constructor
/// Constructor with engine input+output mode control
Webservice_TestService(soap_mode iomode);
/// Constructor with engine input and output mode control
Webservice_TestService(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);
/// Destructor frees all data
virtual ~Webservice_TestService();
/// Initializer used by constructor
virtual void Webservice_TestService_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);
/// Return a copy
virtual Webservice_TestService *copy();
/// Disables and removes SOAP Header from message
virtual void soap_noheader();
/// Run simple single-thread iterative service on port until a connection error occurs (returns error code or SOAP_OK), use this->bind_flag = SO_REUSEADDR to rebind for a rerun
virtual int run(int port);
/// Bind service to port (returns master socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)
virtual SOAP_SOCKET bind(const char *host, int port, int backlog);
/// Accept next request (returns socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)
virtual SOAP_SOCKET accept();
/// Serve this request (returns error code or SOAP_OK)
virtual int serve();
/// Used by serve() to dispatch a request (returns error code or SOAP_OK)
virtual int dispatch();
/// Service operations (you should define these):
/// Web service operation 'Add' (return error code or SOAP_OK)
virtual int Add(long in1, long in2, long *result);
Webservice_TestService :: Add() 即为我们提供的服务函数.
把soapWebservice_TestService.h, soapWebservice_TestService.cpp, soapC.cpp, soapH.h, soapStub.h, Webservice_Test.nsmap
4. 编程
只需要在soapWebservice_TestService.cpp中实现Webservice_TestService :: Add()这个函数,如下
int Webservice_TestService :: Add( long in1, long in2, long *result )
result = in2 + in2;
return SOAP_OK;
5. 启动webservice服务
Webservice_TestService service;
service.run( 8080 ); // 8080为 webservice监听的端口, 对应的客户端调用服务时的地址为: http://serverIP:8080