
Gaining Network Membership

Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned network, meaning that only participants who have been approved can gain entry to the network. To handle network membership and identity, membership service providers (MSP) manage user IDs, and authenticate all the participants in the network. A Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network can be governed by one or more MSPs. This provides modularity of membership operations, and interoperability across different membership standards and architectures.

In our scenario, the regulator, the approved fishermen, and the approved restaurateurs should be the only ones allowed to join the network. To achieve this, a membership service provider (MSP) is defined to accommodate membership for all members of this supply chain. In configuring this MSP, certificates and membership identities are created. Policies are then defined to dictate the read/write policies of a channel, or the endorsement policies of a chaincode.

Our scenario has two separate chaincodes, which are run on three separate channels. The two chaincodes are: one for the price agreement between the fisherman and the restaurateur, and one for the transfer of tuna. The three channels are: one for the price agreement between Sarah and Miriam; one for the price agreement between Sarah and Carl; and one for the transfer of tuna. Each member of this network knows about each other and their identity. The channels provide privacy and confidentiality of transactions.

In Hyperledger Fabric, MSPs also allow for dynamic membership to add or remove members to maintain integrity and operation of the supply chain. For example, if Sarah was found to be catching her fish illegally, she can have her membership revoked, without compromising the rest of the network. This feature is critical, especially for enterprise applications, where business relationships change over time.

Hyperledger Fabric是一个基于授权的网络,这意味着只有经过批准的参与者才能进入网络。为了处理网络成员身份和身份,成员服务提供者(MSP)管理用户id,并对网络中的所有参与者进行身份验证。一个Fabric区块链网络可以由一个或多个MSPs控制。这提供了成员操作的模块化,以及跨不同成员标准和体系结构的互操作性。


我们的场景有两个单独的链码,它们分别运行在三个不同的通道上。这两个链码是:一个是渔民和餐馆老板之间的价格协议,另一个是金枪鱼的转让。这三个通道是: 一个是莎拉和米里亚姆之间的价格协议; 一个是莎拉和卡尔之间的价格协议; 还有一个用来转移金枪鱼。这个网络的每个成员都知道对方的身份和身份。这些通道为交易提供了隐私和机密性。

在Hyperledger Fabric中,MSPs还允许动态成员添加或删除成员以维护供应链的完整性和操作。例如,如果萨拉被发现非法捕捞她的鱼,她可以让她的成员被撤销,而不损害其他的网络。这个特性非常重要,特别是对于企业应用程序来说,业务关系随着时间而变化。

Summary of Demonstrated Scenario

Below is a summary of the tuna catch scenario presented in this section:

  1. Sarah catches a tuna and uses the supply chain application’s user interface to record all the details about the catch to the ledger. Before it reaches the ledger, the transaction is passed to the endorsing peers on the network, where it is then endorsed. The endorsed transaction is sent to the ordering service, to be ordered into a block. This block is then sent to the committing peers in the network, where it is committed after being validated.
  2. As the tuna is passed along the supply chain, regulators may use their own application to query the ledger for details about specific catches (excluding price, since they do not have access to the price-related chaincode).
  3. Sarah may enter into an agreement with a restaurateur Carl, and agree on a price of 80 per pound. They use the blue channel for the chaincode contract stipulating 80/lb. The blue channel’s ledger is updated with a block containing this transaction.
  4. In a separate business agreement, Sarah and Miriam agree on a special price of 50 per pound. They use the red channel’s chaincode contract stipulating 50/lb. The red channel’s ledger is updated with a block containing this transaction.




Roles within a Hyperledger Fabric Network

There are three different types of roles within a Hyperledger Fabric network:

    • Clients
      Clients are applications that act on behalf of a person to propose transactions on the network.
    • Peers
      Peers maintain the state of the network and a copy of the ledger. There are two different types of peers: endorsing and committing
      peers. However, there is an overlap between endorsing and committing
      peers, in that endorsing peers are a special kind of committing peers.
      All peers commit blocks to the distributed ledger.
      - Endorsers simulate and endorse transactions
      - Committers verify endorsements and validate transaction results, prior to committing transactions to the blockchain.
    • Ordering Service
      The ordering service accepts endorsed transactions, orders them into a block, and delivers the blocks to the committing peers.


  1. 客户端:为现实社会中的参与者提供与区块链网络交互的接口
  2. 节点:节点维持着整个网络中账本的备份。节点分为两种:背书节点和提交节点,两个功能可能在物理上从属于同一个节点。背书节点的功能为对交易进行模拟及背书;提交节点的功能为校验背书状态和交易的合法性,并提交交易到超级账本。
  3. 排序节点:排序节点接收背书之后的交易,将所有交易排序至一个区块,将区块发送至提交节点写入超级账本。

How to Reach Consensus

In a distributed ledger system, consensus is the process of reaching agreement on the next set of transactions to be added to the ledger. In Hyperledger Fabric, consensus is made up of three distinct steps:

    • Transaction endorsement
    • Ordering
    • Validation and commitment.

These three steps ensure the policies of a network are upheld. We will explore how these steps are implemented by exploring the transaction flow.


  1. 交易背书
  2. 交易排序
  3. 交易校验及提交

Transaction Flow (Step 1)

Within a Hyperledger Fabric network, transactions start out with client applications sending transaction proposals, or, in other words, proposing a transaction to endorsing peers.


Client applications are commonly referred to as applications or clients, and allow people to communicate with the blockchain network. Application developers can leverage the Hyperledger Fabric network through the application SDK.

Fabric的架构中,交易起始于客户端应用发送的交易申请(提交交易至背书节点)。客户端应用允许参与者与区块链进行通信。应用的开发者可以利用 SDK 和超级账本进行交互。

Transaction Flow (Step 2)

Each endorsing peer simulates the proposed transaction, without updating the ledger. The endorsing peers will capture the set of Read and Written data, called RW Sets. These RW sets capture what was read from the current world state while simulating the transaction, as well as what would have been written to the world state had the transaction been executed. These RW sets are then signed by the endorsing peer, and returned to the client application to be used in future steps of the transaction flow.


Endorsing peers must hold smart contracts in order to simulate the transaction proposals.

每一个背书节点对交易申请进行模拟,模拟交易将要读取和写入超级账本的内容(但不实际修改账本),将其生成一份RW Sets, 背书节点对RW Sets进行签名并将签名后的内容返回给客户端应用。


Transaction Endorsement

A transaction endorsement is a signed response to the results of the simulated transaction. The method of transaction endorsements depends on the endorsement policy which is specified when the chaincode is deployed. An example of an endorsement policy would be “the majority of the endorsing peers must endorse the transaction”. Since an endorsement policy is specified for a specific chaincode, different channels can have different endorsement policies.


Transaction Flow (Step 3)

The application then submits the endorsed transaction and the RW sets to the ordering service. Ordering happens across the network, in parallel with endorsed transactions and RW sets submitted by other applications.


客户端将背书交易和RW Sets发送给排序节点。排序节点会收集整个网络里各个客户端的背书交易来进行排序。

Transaction Flow (Step 4)

The ordering service takes the endorsed transactions and RW sets, orders this information into a block, and delivers the block to all committing peers.


The ordering service, which is made up of a cluster of orderers, does not process transactions, smart contracts, or maintains the shared ledger. The ordering service accepts the endorsed transactions and specifies the order in which those transactions will be committed to the ledger. The Fabric v1.0 architecture has been designed such that the specific implementation of ‘ordering’ (Solo, Kafka, BFT) becomes a pluggable component. The default ordering service for Hyperledger Fabric is Kafka. Therefore, the ordering service is a modular component of Hyperledger Fabric.


Ordering Service


The ordering service is actually something that we conceived of as a function of the initial rollout of Fabric 0.6, last year,

in the sense that… we determined that, in order to improve the performance of the consensus computation,

that, if we separated out the ordering aspects of consensus, where typically, whether it’s Bitcoin or Ethereum, the minors are determining the order of transactions in a block,

if we instead make that in an independent service, and apply the fault tolerance to the ordering service itself,

we can actually get a significant improvement in performance and throughput of the overall system.

And so, we’ve implemented, to date, two ordering services.

One is called SOLO - it’s really a toy; I mean, it’s intended to be used for development purposes, or initial testing of new functions, and so forth.

And then, another one is based on an implementation of Kafka.

And, over time, as we go forward, we plan on introducing various forms of fault tolerance too to that ordering service.

And so, the initial one is going to be based on RAFT consensus, which isn’t byzantine fault tolerant, but it is crash fault tolerant,

and then, there is ongoing work on something we call Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance,

and that, we should have probably in the first half of 2018.


Ordering (Part I)

Transactions within a timeframe are sorted into a block and are committed in sequential order.

In a blockchain network, transactions have to be written to the shared ledger in a consistent order. The order of transactions has to be established to ensure that the updates to the world state are valid when they are committed to the network. Unlike the Bitcoin blockchain, where ordering occurs through the solving of a cryptographic puzzle, or mining, Hyperledger Fabric allows the organizations running the network to choose the ordering mechanism that best suits that network. This modularity and flexibility makes Hyperledger Fabric incredibly advantageous for enterprise applications.


Ordering (Part II)

Hyperledger Fabric provides three ordering mechanisms: SOLO, Kafka, and Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance (SBFT), the latter of which has not yet been implemented in Fabric v1.0.

    • SOLO is the Hyperledger Fabric ordering mechanism most typically used by developers experimenting with Hyperledger Fabric networks. SOLO involves a single ordering node.
    • Kafka is the Hyperledger Fabric ordering mechanism that is recommended for production use. This ordering mechanism utilizes Apache Kafka, an open source stream processing platform that provides a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. In this case, the data consists of endorsed transactions and RW sets. The Kafka mechanism provides a crash fault-tolerant solution to ordering.
    • SBFT stands for Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance. This ordering mechanism is both crash fault-tolerant and byzantine fault-tolerant, meaning that it can reach agreement even in the presence of malicious or faulty nodes. The Hyperledger Fabric community has not yet implemented this mechanism, but it is on their roadmap.

These three ordering mechanisms provide alternate methodologies for agreeing on the order of transactions.


  1. Solo用于开发阶段的调试。
  2. Kafka建议商用。
  3. 其他如Raft,SFBT等实现仍在开发阶段。

Transaction Flow (Step 5)

The committing peer validates the transaction by checking to make sure that the RW sets still match the current world state. Specifically, that the Read data that existed when the endorsers simulated the transaction is identical to the current world state. When the committing peer validates the transaction, the transaction is written to the ledger, and the world state is updated with the Write data from the RW Set.


If the transaction fails, that is, if the committing peer finds that the RW set does not match the current world state, the transaction ordered into a block will still be included in that block, but it will be marked as invalid, and the world state will not be updated.

Committing peers are responsible for adding blocks of transactions to the shared ledger and updating the world state. They may hold smart contracts, but it is not a requirement.

提交节点在接收到排序节点排序完成的交易之后,通过验证RW Sets是否还满足当前的区块链账本的状态的方式来判断交易是否依旧合法。特别的,对于Read Data而言,需要判断背书节点进行模拟交易时的读取数据与当前区块链账本的数据是否完全一致。完成交易验证之后,提交节点将按照Write Data的内容对区块链账本进行更新。



Transaction Flow (Step 6)

Lastly, the committing peers asynchronously notify the client application of the success or failure of the transaction. Applications will be notified by each committing peer.



Identity Verification

In addition to the multitude of endorsement, validity, and versioning checks that take place, there are also ongoing identity verifications happening during each step of the transaction flow. Access control lists are implemented on the hierarchical layers of the network (from the ordering service down to channels), and payloads are repeatedly signed, verified, and authenticated as a transaction proposal passes through the different architectural components.


Transaction Flow Summary

It is important to note that the state of the network is maintained by peers, and not by the ordering service or the client. Normally, you will design your system such that different machines in the network play different roles. That is, machines that are part of the ordering service should not be set up to also endorse or commit transactions, and vice versa. However, there is an overlap between endorsing and committing peers on the system. Endorsing peers must have access to and hold smart contracts, in addition to fulfilling the role of a committing peer. Endorsing peers do commit blocks, but committing peers do not endorse transactions.

Endorsing peers verify the client signature, and execute a chaincode function to simulate the transaction. The output is the chaincode results, a set of key/value versions that were read in the chaincode (Read set), and the set of keys/values that were written by the chaincode. The proposal response gets sent back to the client, along with an endorsement signature. These proposal responses are sent to the orderer to be ordered. The orderer then orders the transactions into a block, which it forwards to the endorsing and committing peers. The RW sets are used to verify that the transactions are still valid before the content of the ledger and world state is updated. Finally, the peers asynchronously notify the client application of the success or failure of the transaction.


背书节点需要验证客户端的签名,利用持有的链码逻辑来进行交易模拟。模拟的结果就是链码的执行结果。包括一个读的 K/V 列表以及一个写的 K/V 列表。背书节点将上述RW Sets以及背书节点自身的签名一起返回给客户端应用。客户端应用再将背书交易发送至排序节点。排序节点介绍全网的背书交易,并将其排序放入区块中,之后将区块发送给各个提交节点。最后,各个提交节点利用RW Sets验证交易,并执行写入区块链账本的操作。最后提交节点异步的通知客户端应用其发送的交易是否合法。


Channels allow organizations to utilize the same network, while maintaining separation between multiple blockchains. Only the members of the channel on which the transaction was performed can see the specifics of the transaction. In other words, channels partition the network in order to allow transaction visibility for stakeholders only. This mechanism works by delegating transactions to different ledgers. Only the members of the channel are involved in consensus, while other members of the network do not see the transactions on the channel.


The diagram above shows three distinct channels – blue, orange, and grey. Each channel has its own application, ledger, and peers.

Peers can belong to multiple networks or channels. Peers that do participate in multiple channels simulate and commit transactions to different ledgers. The ordering service is the same across any network or channel.

A few things to remember:

    • The network setup allows for the creation of channels.
    • The same chaincode logic can be applied to multiple channels.
    • A given user can participate in multiple channels.





  1. 区块链网络通信允许创建通道。
  2. 同样的链码可以部署给不同的通道。
  3. 一个确定的用户可以参与到多个不同的通道中。

State Database

The current state data represents the latest values for all assets in the ledger. Since the current state represents all the committed transactions on the channel, it is sometimes referred to as world state.

Chaincode invocations execute transactions against the current state data. To make these chaincode interactions extremely efficient, the latest key/value pairs for each asset are stored in a state database. The state database is simply an indexed view into the chain’s committed transactions. It can therefore be regenerated from the chain at any time. The state database will automatically get recovered (or generated, if needed) upon peer startup, before new transactions are accepted. The default state database, LevelDB, can be replaced with CouchDB.

    • LevelDB is the default key/value state database for Hyperledger Fabric, and simply stores key/value pairs.
    • CouchDB is an alternative to LevelDB. Unlike LevelDB, CouchDB stores JSON objects. CouchDB is unique in that it supports keyed, composite, key range, and full data-rich queries.

Hyperledger Fabric’s LevelDB and CouchDB are very similar in their structure and function. Both LevelDB and CouchDB support core chaincode operations, such as getting and setting key assets, and querying based on these keys. With both, keys can be queried by range, and composite keys can be modeled to enable equivalence queries against multiple parameters. But, as a JSON document store, CouchDB additionally enables rich query against the chaincode data, when chaincode values (e.g. assets) are modeled as JSON data.



链码对当前状态数据通过调用执行交易的方式进行通信。为了使这些链码的交互非常高效,每个资产的最新密钥/值对存储在一个状态数据库中。状态数据库只是对区块链的提交事务的索引视图。因此,它可以在任何时候从链中重新生成,在新事务被接受之前,状态数据库将自动恢复(或生成,如果需要的话)。默认的状态数据库是 LevelDB,可以用CouchDB来替换。

LevelDB 是一个简单的存储K/V的数据库


两个数据库都支持通过核心链码 API来操作。

Smart Contracts

As a reminder, smart contracts are computer programs that contain logic to execute transactions and modify the state of the assets stored within the ledger. Hyperledger Fabric smart contracts are called chaincode and are written in Go. The chaincode serves as the business logic for a Hyperledger Fabric network, in that the chaincode directs how you manipulate assets within the network. We will discuss more about chaincode in the Understanding Chaincode section.

智能合约是包含执行交易,修改分布式账本中资产状态的代码逻辑, 在超级账本中被称为链码。链码用GO语言编写。在Fabric中,链码用于实现具体的业务逻辑,包括如何在区块链网络中处置你的资产。

Membership Service Provider (MSP)

The membership service provider, or MSP, is a component that defines the rules in which identities are validated, authenticated, and allowed access to a network. The MSP manages user IDs and authenticates clients who want to join the network. This includes providing credentials for these clients to propose transactions. The MSP makes use of a Certificate Authority, which is a pluggable interface that verifies and revokes user certificates upon confirmed identity. The default interface used for the MSP is the Fabric-CA API, however, organizations can implement an External Certificate Authority of their choice. This is another feature of Hyperledger Fabric that is modular. Hyperledger Fabric supports many credential architectures, which allows for many types of External Certificate Authority interfaces to be used. As a result, a single Hyperledger Fabric network can be controlled by multiple MSPs, where each organization brings their favorite.

MSP用于超级账本的成员管理,其管理着联盟链的准入权,以及所有已经加入联盟链的所有用户的id。 默认基于CA为加入的用户颁发/取消授权,默认的接口为Fabric-CA API。但开发者可以根据自己的需求选则其他方案作为CA模块。

What Does the MSP Do?

To start, users are authenticated using a certificate authority. The certificate authority identifies the application, peer, endorser, and orderer identities, and verifies these credentials. A signature is generated through the use of a Signing Algorithm and a Signature Verification Algorithm.

Specifically, generating a signature starts with a Signing Algorithm, which utilizes the credentials of the entities associated with their respective identities, and outputs an endorsement. A signature is generated, which is a byte array that is bound to a specific identity. Next, the Signature Verification Algorithm takes the identity, endorsement, and signature as inputs, and outputs ‘accept’ if the signature byte array corresponds with a valid signature for the inputted endorsement, or outputs ‘reject’ if not. If the output is ‘accept’, the user can see the transactions in the network and perform transactions with other actors in the network. If the output is ‘reject’, the user has not been properly authenticated, and is not able to submit transactions to the network, or view any previous transactions.



