


5 deep learning startups to follow in 2015

How to run the Caffe deep learning vision library on Nvidia’s Jetson mobile GPU board

Hacker’s Guide to Neural Networks

Google Turns to Deep Learning Classification to Fight Web Spam

Michael Jordan on deep learning

Scaling up Deep Learning – Yoshua Bengio

Deep Learning – important resources for learning and understanding

Where to Learn Deep Learning – Courses, Tutorials, Software

DEEP LEARNING-An MIT Press book in preparation

Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate



深度卷积神经网络CNNs的多GPU并行框架 及其在图像识别的应用

Distributed Neural Networks with GPUs in the AWS Cloud

Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting

Twitter acquires deep learning startup Madbits

How to build and run your first deep learning network

ICML 2014 Highlights 2: On Deep Learning and Language Modeling

Deep Learning, NLP, and Representations


Does Deep Learning Have Deep Flaws?

deeplearning4j – 分布式 deep learning 开源项目

Get off the deep learning bandwagon and get some perspective

对话机器学习大神Yoshua Bengio(下)

Implementation of Stanford’s UFLDL Tutorial in Python

Hacking neural networks

Phn2vec Embeddings

How Deep Learning will change our world. Melbourne Data Science, Jeremy Howard

Deep Learning From The Bottom Up

Where to Learn Deep Learning – Courses, Tutorials, Software

Yann LeCun’s answers from the Reddit AMA

A Primer on Deep Learning


对话Facebook人工智能实验室主任、深度学习专家Yann LeCun

ConvNetJS: Deep Learning in your browser

【数字智能三篇】之三: 一页纸说清楚“什么是深度学习?”

深度学习(Deep Learning) 学习资料

Nervana takes $600K to build hardware for deep learning

对话机器学习大神Yoshua Bengio(上)

Galaxy Zoo Challenge: code published

Deep learning these days

Deep learning made easy


A Simple Deep Network

Deep Learning业界现状

Neural Networks, Manifolds, and Topology

Deep Learning新星-Charlie Tang(Yichuan Tang)


Galaxy Zoo challenge第一名的解决之道-Deep Learning之CNN



Neural Networks Course By Hugo Larochelle




UFLDL-斯坦福大学Andrew Ng教授“Deep Learning”教程

Introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines


10 Breakthrough Technologies in 2013 (Deep Learning排第一)

NIPS2013两大热点:Deep Learning和分布式机器学习




deeplearning—-卷积神经网络 – I know you

DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification


Deep Learning经典论文列表(Reading List)

Deep Learning for NLP 文章列举

Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)

KDnuggets Exclusive: Interview with Yann LeCun, Deep Learning Expert, Director of Facebook AI Lab

Deep Learning实战之word2vec

深度学习让计算机学会思考 逐步朝人工智能靠近

深度学习: 推进人工智能的梦想


Shallow Learning and Deep Learning

Deep Learning(深度学习) 学习笔记(三)

Machine Learning与Deep Learning – 积翠如云_小林大悟

deep leaning(深度学习)介绍

Deep learning:五十一(CNN的反向求导及练习) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:五十(Deconvolution network简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十九(RNN-RBM简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十八(Contractive AutoEncoders简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十七(Stochastic Pooling简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十六(DropConnect简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十五(maxout简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep learning:四十四(Pylearn2中的Quick-start例子) – tornadomeet

deep learning学习环境Theano安装(win8+win7) – 梦之缘工作坊

[转]Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列

【Deep Learning学习笔记】A Unified Architecture for Natural Language Processing_ICML2008

Deep Learning 学习随记(三)Softmax regression – bzjia

【Deep Learning学习笔记】Dynamic Auto-Encoders for Semantic Indexing_Mirowski_NIPS2010

【Deep Learning学习笔记】Deep learning for nlp without magic_Bengio_ppt_acl2012

Deep Learning(Logistic Regression)学习之MNIST C++实现

【Deep Learning学习笔记】Learning meanings for sentences

转帖:Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(八) – CUG_信子

Deep Belief Network(DBN)的实现(c++)

Deep Learning源代码收集-持续更新…

Deep Learning 学习笔记(8):自编码器( Autoencoders ) – Pony_s

Deep Learning 学习笔记(7):神经网络的求解 与 反向传播算法(Back Propagation) – Pony_s

【Deep Learning学习笔记】Modeling Documents with a Deep Boltzmann Machine_Hinton_uai2013

Deep Learning and Shallow Learning

[开源推荐]Google开源基于Deep Learning的word2vec工具

Deep Learning小结

Deep Learning基础理论--Classification RBM – HarryJiang

[原]Deep Learning论文笔记之(八)Deep Learning最新综述

Deep learning:四十三(用Hessian Free方法训练Deep Network) – tornadomeet

Deep Learning论文笔记之(七)深度网络高层特征可视化

Deep Learning论文笔记之(六)Multi-Stage多级架构分析

Deep learning:四十二(Denoise Autoencoder简单理解) – tornadomeet

Deep Learning论文笔记之(五)CNN卷积神经网络代码理解

Deep Learning论文笔记之(四)CNN卷积神经网络推导和实现

Deep Learning论文笔记之(三)单层非监督学习网络分析 – Class Xman

[原]Deep Learning论文笔记之(三)单层非监督学习网络分析

Deep Learning论文笔记之(一)K-means特征学习

Deep learning:四十一(Dropout简单理解) – tornadomeet

【面向代码】学习 Deep Learning(三) Stacked Auto-Encoders(SAE)

【deep learning学习笔记】Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks

Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning(UFLDL) Exercise 总结

【deep learning学习笔记】Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Collaborative Filtering

【Deep Learning】一、AutoEncoder

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的SDA代码 — Sda.cpp — 模型训练与预测

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的SDA代码 — 准备工作

Deep Learning in NLP (一)词向量和语言模型

【面向代码】学习 Deep Learning(三)Convolution Neural Network(CNN)

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的DA代码 — dA.cpp — 模型测试

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的DA代码 — dA.cpp — 训练

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的DA代码 — 头文件

【deep learning学习笔记】Autoencoder

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的LR代码 — 模型测试

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的LR代码 — LogisticRegression.cpp

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的LR代码 — LogisticRegression.h

Deep learning:四十(龙星计划2013深度学习课程小总结) – tornadomeet

【deep learning学习笔记】读张春霞《受限波尔兹曼机简介》

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的RBM代码 — cpp文件 — 模型测试

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的RBM代码 — cpp文件 — 准备工作

【deep learning学习笔记】注释yusugomori的RBM代码 — 头文件

【deep learning学习笔记】最近读的几个ppt(四)

Deep Learning(5) – Loull

【deep learning学习笔记】最近读的几个ppt(三)

深度学习(Deep Learning)算法简介

【deep learning学习笔记】最近读的几个ppt(二)

量子学习及思考10-人脑更需要Deep Learning

【deep learning学习笔记】最近读的几个ppt(未完…)

[原]如何正确理解深度学习(Deep Learning)的概念

Deep learning:三十九(ICA模型练习)

Deep learning:三十八(Stacked CNN简单介绍)

Deep learning高质量交流群

Deep learning:三十七(Deep learning中的优化方法)

Deep learning:三十六(关于构建深度卷积SAE网络的一点困惑)

Deep learning:三十五(用NN实现数据降维练习)

Deep learning:三十四(用NN实现数据的降维)

Large Scale, Sparse Coding, Deep Learning, …

Deep learning:三十三(ICA模型)

Deep learning:三十二(基础知识_3)

Deep learning:三十一(数据预处理练习)

Deep learning:三十(关于数据预处理的相关技巧)

Deep learning:二十九(Sparse coding练习)

Deep learning:二十八(使用BP算法思想求解Sparse coding中矩阵范数导数)

Deep learning:二十七(Sparse coding中关于矩阵的范数求导)

Deep learning:二十六(Sparse coding简单理解)

Deep learning:二十五(Kmeans单层网络识别性能)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(八)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(七)

Deep learning:二十四(stacked autoencoder练习)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(五)

Deep learning:二十三(Convolution和Pooling练习)


Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(四)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(三)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(二)

Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列之(一)

Deep learning:二十二(linear decoder练习)

Deep Learning深度学习相关入门文章汇摘

supervised learning & semi-supervised learning & transfer learning & self-taught learning & deep learning

Deep learning:二十一(随机初始化在无监督特征学习中的作用)

Deep learning:二十(无监督特征学习中关于单层网络的分析)

Deep learning:十九(RBM简单理解)

Deep learning:十八(关于随机采样)

Deep learning:十七(Linear Decoders,Convolution和Pooling)

Deep learning:十六(deep networks)

Deep learning:十四(Softmax Regression练习)

Deep learning:十三(Softmax Regression)

Deep learning:十二(PCA和whitening在二自然图像中的练习)

Deep learning:十(PCA和whitening)

Deep learning:九(Sparse Autoencoder练习)

Deep learning:八(Sparse Autoencoder)


Deep learning:六(regularized logistic回归练习)

Deep learning:五(regularized线性回归练习)

Deep learning:四(logistic regression练习)

Deep learning:三(Multivariance Linear Regression练习)

Deep learning:二(linear regression练习)

Deep learning:一(基础知识_1)

Deep Learning开山祖师爷加入Google,科技帝国雏形初现

Deep Learning学习(开篇) – Jack King

A shallow understanding on deep learning


Deep learning的一些教程[rz]


Deep Learning for Efficient Discriminative Parsing

Deep Learning在自然语言理解中的应用

关于深度学习——Deep Learning

Spanner and Deep Learning


浅谈Deep Learning的基本思想和方法

关于深度学习(deep learning)

Deep Learning 自学

Deep Learning, Feature Learning的一个summer school的slides

机器学习——深度学习(Deep Learning)
