
      * Returns the value mapped by {@code name} if it exists and is a {@code
      * JSONObject}. Returns null otherwise.
     public JSONObject optJSONObject(String name) {
         Object object = opt(name);
         return object instanceof JSONObject ? (JSONObject) object : null ;
      * Returns the value mapped by {@code name} if it exists and is a {@code
      * JSONObject}.
      * @throws JSONException if the mapping doesn't exist or is not a {@code
      * JSONObject}.
     public JSONObject getJSONObject(String name) throws JSONException {
         Object object = get(name);
         if (object instanceof JSONObject) {
             return (JSONObject) object;
         } else {
             throw JSON.typeMismatch(name, object, "JSONObject" );
json [{"CarId":1},{"CarSpeed",132}]
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray((String)msg.obj);
Object reqOb = jsonArray.optJSONObject(0);
Object resOb = jsonArray.optJSONObject(1);
