
if, else, elseif

Page Contents

  • Synopsis
  • Description


<#if condition>
<#elseif condition2>
<#elseif condition3>


  • condition, condition2, ...etc.: Expression evaluates to a boolean value.


You can use if, elseif andelse directives to conditionally skip a section of the template. Thecondition-s must evaluate to a boolean value, or else an error will abort template processing. Theelseif-s and else-s must occur insideif (that is, between the if start-tag and end-tag). The if can contain any number ofelseif-s (including 0) and at the end optionally oneelse. Examples:

if with 0 elseif and noelse:

<#if x == 1>
  x is 1

if with 0 elseif andelse:

<#if x == 1>
  x is 1
  x is not 1

if with 2 elseif and noelse:

<#if x == 1>
  x is 1
<#elseif x == 2>
  x is 2
<#elseif x == 3>
  x is 3

if with 3 elseif andelse:

<#if x == 1>
  x is 1
<#elseif x == 2>
  x is 2
<#elseif x == 3>
  x is 3
<#elseif x == 4>
  x is 4
  x is not 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4

To see more about boolean expressions, see: Template Author's Guide/The Template/Expressions.

You can nest if directives (of course):

<#if x == 1>
  x is 1
  <#if y == 1>
    and y is 1 too
    but y is not
  x is not 1
  <#if y < 0>
    and y is less than 0


How to test if x is greater than 1? <#if x > 1> will bewrong, as FreeMarker will interpret the first > as the end of the tag. Thus, either write <#if (x > 1)> or<#if x > 1>.
