
  • 网络拓扑

  • 虚拟化服务器

    1. 虚拟化管理服务器DELL R430
      CPU 2颗Xeon E5-2620 V3,共12核心,2*16GB内存,2*600G硬盘(Raid1)
    2. 虚拟化平台服务器DELL R920(节点1)
      CPU 4颗Xeon E5-4830 V2,共40核心,16*16GB内存,2*300G硬盘(Raid1)
      安装Vmware ESXi 5.5
    3. 虚拟化平台服务器DELL R920(节点2)
      CPU 4颗Xeon E5-4830 V2,共40核心,16*16GB内存,2*300G硬盘(Raid1)
      安装Vmware ESXi 5.5
  • 10Gb IP-SAN 交换机
    DELL Networking S4810 48个万兆网络端口,4个40GB网络端口

FTOS>enable //进入管理界面
FTOS>#config //进入配置视图
FOTS(conf)#interface ManagenmentEthernet 0/0 //配置管理接口
FOTS(conf-if-ma-0/0)#no shutdown //开启端口
FOTS(conf-if-ma-0/0)#ip address //配置管理IP
FOTS(conf-if-ma-0/0)#exit //退出接口
FOTS(conf)#username admin privilege 15 password 0 hbets2015 //管理用户和密码
FOTS(conf)#enable password level 15 0 hbets2015 //启用用户
FOTS(conf)#interface range tengigabitethrnet 0/0 - 7
FOTS(conf-if-range-te-0/0-7)#no shutdown
FOTS(conf-if-range-te-0/0-7)#spanning-tree rsetp edge-port
FOTS(conf-if-range-te-0/0-7)#mtu 12000
FOTS(conf)#interface vlan 10
FOTS(conf-if-vlan-10)#tagged tengigabitethrnet 0/0 - 7
FOTS#copy running-config startup-config
  • 10G IP-SAN存储PS6210
    DELL EqualLogic PS6210X 双控制器(32G缓存)
    1. 32G缓存双控制器10GbIP通道*4,2*700W电源,12*1.2TB 10KSAS硬盘(组件Raid6+1个热备 划分2个4.3Tb VD盘 )
    2. 配置EQL PS6210初始化
PS Series Storage Arrays 
Unauthorized Access Prohibited 
login: grpadmin 
Password:  grpadmin

It appears that the storage array has not been configured. 
Would you like to configure the array now ? (y/n) [n]y 

For help, enter a question mark (?) at a prompt. 
Do you want to proceed (yes | no ) [no]: yes 

Enter the network configuration for the array. 
Member name []: PS6210 
Network interface [eth0]: 
IP address for network interface []: 
Netmask []: 
Default gateway []: 

Enter the IP address and name of the group that the array will join. 
Group name []: eql-web 
Group IP address []: 

Searching to see if the group exists. This may take a few minutes. 
The group does not exist or currently cannot be reached. Make sure you have entered the correct group IP address and group name. 
Do you want to create a new group (yes | no) [yes]: 
Group Configuration 
Group Name:    eql-web 
Group IP address: 
Do you want to use the group settings shown above (yes | no) [yes]: 

Password for managing group membership: 
Retype password for verification: 
Password for the default group administration(grpadmin) account:

To access the Group Manager GUI, specify http://group_ip_address in a Web browser window. To access the CLI, use telnet or SSH to connect to the group IP address from a remote terminal, or attach a console terminal directly to a serial port on a group member's active control module.

See the Group Administration manual for more information. 
eql-web> member select PS6210 eth select 2 up 

This port is for group management only. Make sure it is connected to a dedicated 
management network. 
Do you want to enable the management interface? (y/n) [n]y 
eql-web>    member    select  PS6210   eth  select  2  ipaddress   netmask 

login: grpadmin 
1、在控制台打开浏览器(IE 或者火狐等)  在地址栏输入 PS6210   Group   IP : 
2、存储管理地址未接入内网时,用笔记本网口直连存储活动控制器的 MGMT 管理口,配置与存储管理网络相同网段的地址 ,即可访问控制台
1)windows 系统、IE 8 以上、JRE1.5 以上 
2)能访问PS6210 Group IP :存储MGMT 管理口地址)
  • 千兆三层交换机 WS-C3560G-48TS-E
    思科 Catalyst WS-C3560G-48TS-E 企业级交换机48个10/100/1000T+4SFP+IPB Image
sw1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
sw1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
sw1(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
sw1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
sw1(config-if)#no shutdown
Warning: Attempting to overwrite an NVRAM configuration previously written by a different version of the system image.
Overwrite the previous NVRAM configuration?[confirm]y
Building configuration...
sw2(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
sw2(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
sw2(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
sw2(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
sw2(config-if)#no shutdown
  • 机架式NAS
    DELL Storage NX400 Intel至强四核E5-2403/8G/3TB*4/双千兆网络端口, 预装Windows Storage Server 2012 ,默认开启2块SMB硬盘Share Share1
    • WINDOWS映射
    • Linux挂载
[root@localhost ~]# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2        14G  4.6G  8.4G  36% /
tmpfs           939M   76K  939M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1       194M   34M  151M  19% /boot
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /nas400-1
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /nas400-2
[root@localhost ~]# mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password=Stor@ge! //  /nas400-1
[root@localhost ~]# mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password= Stor@ge!// /nas400-2
 [root@localhost ~]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2              14G  4.6G  8.4G  36% /
tmpfs                 939M   76K  939M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             194M   34M  151M  19% /boot
//   400G   1G   390G  1% /nas400-1
//   500G   1G   38G  1% /nas400-2
