SAP-SD CLOSE SO仍然挂在 MD04 CO09的需求可用SDRQCR21清理


因不小心於SD訂單產生後, 修改了IMG設定-Define Schedule line Categories (取消了選取'Req./Assembly'之功能)雖然後來發現後已再改回, 但已影響了一部分已結案之訂單, 致於CO09與MD04顯示未結訂單時, 系統會一直將已結案之訂單顯示出來, 造成使用者很大的困擾.
經本人測試CO09與MD04應是從table-VBBE抓取出來的, 請問各位知道如何消除上述狀況 SD table-VBBE 之殘餘資料, 使用重新計算程式或可以直接用SQL刪除已結案訂單之VBBE殘餘資料? 謝謝!



This is not a good way, but it works...
Please consider related impact before you change records in standard tables.

Step 1 : Use 'SE16' to retrive your record
step 2 : Check(打勾) your records
Step 3 : input '/h' into command (so that you can enter the debug mode).
step 4 : click on the 'Display' button.
Step 5 : In the debug mode, click 'F7' (to return to upper program section)
Step 6 : Then you can see the parameter 'Code' on line 18. Double click it then you can see its value is 'SHOW'. Change its value to 'EDIT' (if you want to change its value) or 'DELE' (if you want to delete this record)
Step 7 : Click the pencil button to save your change.
Step 8 : then Click F8 to change or delete the record.




SAP 有提供一支程式 SDRQCR21 可以刪除這種不一致的狀況, 建議到 OSS 的網站上以 VBBE 查詢, 可以找到很多相關的資訊, 再看是否適用這支程式進行刪除?


