两阶段分布式事物_在软件设计阶段开发的事物| 软件工程


In the design phase, the design of the software is made which represents how the software would be like when completely developed and launched as a final product. As there are numerous components in software, the design of every component must be made, as the developer will refer to the design only while developing that particular component. The design of the software is made keeping in mind that it can be easily implemented through a programming language.

在设计阶段,进行软件的设计,该软件表示完全开发并作为最终产品发布时的软件外观。 由于软件中包含许多组件,因此必须进行每个组件的设计,因为开发人员仅在开发特定组件时才会参考该设计。 在设计软件时要牢记可以通过编程语言轻松实现。

In the design phase, we design the following things are for any software:


  1. Different modules:


    Every module that the software contains or may contain must be designed.


  2. Control Flow:


    Every module is related to some other module and each module is controlled by some other module. This control that takes place within the modules must be well defined in the software design.

    每个模块与另一个模块相关,每个模块由另一个模块控制。 必须在软件设计中很好地定义在模块内进行的控制。

  3. Data flow:


    A software consists of different activities, or pages or segments. Each activity transfers or receives some data from other activities. This data flow must also resemble the software design so that the developers can understand it and implement the data flow in the software according to it.

    一个软件由不同的活动,页面或段组成。 每个活动都从其他活动转移或接收一些数据。 此数据流还必须类似于软件设计,以便开发人员可以理解它并根据它在软件中实现数据流。

  4. Data structures:


    The data structure that the software will be using is represented in the design of the software. The data structure followed by each module is represented separately even after these modules may be following the same data structures.

    该软件将使用的数据结构在软件的设计中表示出来。 即使在每个模块遵循相同的数据结构之后,每个模块所遵循的数据结构也被分别表示。

  5. Algorithms (Flow charts):


    The algorithms are represented pictorially in the software design through flow charts.


  6. User Interfaces:


    The interfaces of the software at every phase are also defined in the software design. They are must to be defined in software design. They resemble how the software would appear to the user at each state.

    在软件设计中还定义了每个阶段的软件接口。 它们必须在软件设计中定义。 它们类似于软件在每种状态下对用户的显示方式。

  7. Interface among different modules:


    This defines how and in what manner the different modules of the software are related to each other. This may be in terms of data control, flow control or may be affected by the action of some other activity indirectly.

    这定义了软件的不同模块之间如何关联以及如何关联。 这可能是在数据控制,流量控制方面,也可能是间接受到其他活动的影响。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/things-developed-in-the-design-phase-of-the-software-software-engineering.aspx

