软件工程工程伦理案例分析_案例工具及其范围| 软件工程


A CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tool is a non-exclusive term used to indicate any form of automated support for software engineering. In an increasingly prohibitive sense, a CASE tool implies any tools used to automate some action related to software development. Many CASE tools are available to make software engineering development easy and efficient.

CASE(计算机辅助软件工程)工具是一个非排他性术语,用于指示对软件工程的任何形式的自动化支持。 在日益禁止的意义上,CASE工具意味着任何用于自动化与软件开发相关的操作的工具。 许多CASE工具可用来使软件工程开发变得容易和高效。

A portion of these CASE tools aid stage-related undertakings, for example, specification, structured analysis, design, testing, coding, feedback, etc. and others to non-stage exercises, for example, project management and configuration management.


为什么我们需要案例工具? (Why do we need Case Tools?)

The major objective of using case tools is to,


  1. Increase the efficiency and productivity


  2. To make software's cost-efficient


  3. To make Good Quality of software


案例环境 (Case Environment)

Individual CASE tools are valuable, the genuine intensity of a toolset can be acknowledged just when these sets of tools are incorporated into a typical system or condition. CASE tools are portrayed by the stage or phases of SDLC (software development life cycle) on which they center. Since various tools covering various stages share regular data, it is necessitated that they incorporate through a few focal repositories to have a predictable perspective on data related to the software development artifacts. This focal repository is generally an information word reference containing the meaning of all composite and basic information things. Through the focal repository, all the CASE tools in the CASE environment share normal data among themselves. Thus, a CASE situation office the automation of bit by bit techniques for programming advancement. A schematic portrayal of a CASE environment is mentioned below,

单独的CASE工具是有价值的,只有在将这些工具集合并到典型系统或条件中时,才能确认工具集的真正强度。 CASE工具以其为中心的SDLC(软件开发生命周期)的阶段来描述。 由于涵盖各个阶段的各种工具共享常规数据,因此有必要将它们通过几个焦点存储库合并以对与软件开发工件相关的数据具有可预测的观点。 该焦点库通常是一个信息词参考,其中包含所有复合信息和基本信息事物的含义。 通过焦点存储库,CASE环境中的所有CASE工具之间都可以共享常规数据。 因此, CASE情境处处实现了用于编程发展的点对点技术的自动化。 下面提到了CASE环境的示意图:

软件工程工程伦理案例分析_案例工具及其范围| 软件工程_第1张图片

Image source: https://www.careerride.com/page/case-tools-663.aspx


案例的好处 (Benefits of Case)

There are several benefits of using Case tools and working with the case environment,


  1. A key advantage emerging out of the utilization of a CASE environment is cost efficiency through all software advancement stages. Various studies complete to quantify the effect of CASE put the cast decrease between 30% to 40%.

    利用CASE环境产生的一个关键优势是在所有软件改进阶段的成本效率。 各种量化CASE效果的研究都完成了,使投放量减少了30%至40%。

  2. The utilization of CASE tools prompts extensive upgrades quality. This is mainly due to the realities that one can easily emphasize through the various periods of software development and the odds of human blunder are impressively decreased.

    CASE工具的使用提示了广泛的升级质量。 这主要是由于人们可以在软件开发的各个阶段轻松强调的现实,并且人为失误的几率大大降低了。

  3. CASE tools help produce high caliber and steady archives. Since the significant information identifying with a product item is kept up in a focal repository, excess in the put-away information is diminished and in this way, odds of conflicting documentation are decreased.

    CASE工具有助于生成高质量和稳定的档案。 由于标识产品的重要信息保留在焦点存储库中,因此减少了多余信息的存储量,从而减少了发生冲突的文档的几率。

  4. The presentation of a CASE environment affects the style of working of an organization and makes it situated towards the organized and methodical methodology.


  5. CASE tools have prompted progressive cost-efficiency in software maintenance endeavors. This emerges not just because of the huge estimation of a CASE environment in traceable errors and consistency checks, yet likewise, because of the deliberate data catch during the different periods of software development as a consequence of holding fast to a CASE environment.

    CASE工具已促使软件维护工作逐步实现成本效益。 出现这种情况,不仅是因为对CASE环境进行了可追溯的错误和一致性检查的巨大估计,而且还因为在软件开发的不同时期中有意捕获数据而导致了对CASE环境的快速掌握。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/case-tools-and-their-scopes-in-software-engineering.aspx

