Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session

Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session

  • 背景知识
  • 简介
  • 使用Session
    • session使用方式
    • session相关方法
  • Session相关类
    • `SessionManaer`类
    • `Manager`类
    • `Store`类
  • 维护session
    • `SessionServiceProvider`类
    • `StartSession`类

本篇从 Session |《Laravel 5.5 中文文档 5.5》| Laravel China 社区入手,结合laravel源码分析HTTP会话机制。


在php原生语言中,我们可以使用$_SESSION全局数组来操作session,并且默认情况下,PHP使用内置的文件来保存session在请求间的数据。并且,从PHP4开始,可以使用PHP: session_set_save_handler - Manual函数来设置自定义会话函数:

session_set_save_handler ( callable $open , callable $close , callable $read , callable $write , callable $destroy , callable $gc [, callable $create_sid [, callable $validate_sid [, callable $update_timestamp ]]] ) : bool


session_set_save_handler ( object $sessionhandler [, bool $register_shutdown = TRUE ] ) : bool

使用面向对象的方式需要我们自定义一个实现PHP: SessionHandlerInterface - Manual接口的类:

SessionHandlerInterface {
	/* 方法 */
	abstract public close ( void ) : bool
	abstract public destroy ( string $session_id ) : bool
	abstract public gc ( int $maxlifetime ) : int
	abstract public open ( string $save_path , string $session_name ) : bool
	abstract public read ( string $session_id ) : string
	abstract public write ( string $session_id , string $session_data ) : bool

一种更好的方法是继承PHP: SessionHandler - Manual类:

SessionHandler implements SessionHandlerInterface , SessionIdInterface {
	/* 方法 */
	public close ( void ) : bool
	public create_sid ( void ) : string
	public destroy ( string $session_id ) : bool
	public gc ( int $maxlifetime ) : int
	public open ( string $save_path , string $session_name ) : bool
	public read ( string $session_id ) : string
	public write ( string $session_id , string $session_data ) : bool



由于 HTTP 驱动的应用程序是无状态的,Session 提供了一种在多个请求之间存储有关用户的信息的方法。Laravel 通过同一个可读性强的 API 处理各种自带的 Session 后台驱动程序。支持诸如比较热门的 Memcached、Redis 和开箱即用的数据库等常见的后台驱动程序。

Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session_第1张图片

Session driver 的配置选项定义了每个请求存储 Session 数据的位置。Laravel 自带了几个不错且可开箱即用的驱动:

  • file - 将 Session 保存在 storage/framework/sessions 中。
  • cookie - Session 保存在安全加密的 Cookie 中。
  • database - Session 保存在关系型数据库中。
  • memcached / redis - Sessions 保存在其中一个快速且基于缓存的存储系统中。
  • array - Sessions 保存在 PHP 数组中,不会被持久化。
  • NullSessionHandler
    当配置session驱动为array时,会使用NullSessionHandler类来存储session。NullSessionHandler所有方法中只有一行代码:return true;。所以使用array作为session驱动,session中的数据不存持久化,只会在内存中保存,当php执行结束后,session中的数据会全部丢失。如果一些数据只需要在当前请求中使用,可以使用array驱动。
  • FileSessionHandler
    当配置session驱动为file时,会使用FileSessionHandler类来存储session。file驱动也被称为native驱动,PHP默认就是使用文件来保存session数据的。FileSessionHandler使用FileSystem来操作文件,openclose方法只是return truereadwrite方法执行session数据的加载和存储。read方法以sessionId为文件名创建session文件。destroy方法会删除指定sessionId的文件,gc方法会删除过期的session文件。`
  • CookieSessionHandler
    当配置session驱动为cookie时,会使用CookieSessionHandler类来存储session。CookieSessionHandler使用Cookie来把操作数据。openclose方法只是return trueread方法根据sessionIdRequest中的cookie中加载数据,write方法把session中的数据写入cookie中,destroy方法会删除指定sessionId的数据,gc方法直接return true,数据的过期清除由cookie处理。
  • CacheBasedSessionHandler
    当配置session驱动为memcached/redis/apc时,会使用CacheBasedSessionHandler类存储session。使用redis作为session驱动时,使用config/session.php中配置的connection设置连接;使用memcached/apc作为session驱动时,使用config/session.php中配置的store设置缓存的驱动(与config/cache.php中的stores对应)。CacheBasedSessionHandler使用laravel的Cache来存储数据(缓存系统 |《Laravel 5.5 中文文档 5.5》| Laravel China 社区)。openclose方法只是retun truereadwrite直接从cache中读取、保存数据;destory调用cacheforget方法清除数据;
    gc方法直接return true,清除过期数据由cache自动执行。
  • DatabaseSessionHandler



Laravel 中处理 Session 数据有两种主要方法:全局辅助函数 session 和通过一个 Request 实例。

除了这两种方法还可以使用Session Facade。

  • session辅助方法
if (! function_exists('session')) {
     * Get / set the specified session value.
     * If an array is passed as the key, we will assume you want to set an array of values.
     * @param  array|string  $key
     * @param  mixed  $default
     * @return mixed|\Illuminate\Session\Store|\Illuminate\Session\SessionManager
    function session($key = null, $default = null)
        if (is_null($key)) {
            return app('session');

        if (is_array($key)) {
            return app('session')->put($key);

        return app('session')->get($key, $default);


  • 通过Request实例

namespace Illuminate\Http;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request as SymfonyRequest;

class Request extends SymfonyRequest implements Arrayable, ArrayAccess

     * Get the session associated with the request.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public function session()
        if (! $this->hasSession()) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Session store not set on request.');

        return $this->getSession();


 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier 
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation;

class Request

     * Gets the Session.
     * @return SessionInterface|null The session
    public function getSession()
        $session = $this->session;
        if (!$session instanceof SessionInterface && null !== $session) {
            $this->setSession($session = $session());

        if (null === $session) {
            @trigger_error(sprintf('Calling "%s()" when no session has been set is deprecated since Symfony 4.1 and will throw an exception in 5.0. Use "hasSession()" instead.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            // throw new \BadMethodCallException('Session has not been set');

        return $session;



  • Session Facade
    在Facades |《Laravel 5.5 中文文档 5.5》| Laravel China 社区Facade类参考表中可以找到Session Facade类及对应的底层类。
    Session Facade
    其实Facade也是使用类app('session')的方式,过程可以参考:laravel核心构架——DB Facade_php_szuaudi的博客-CSDN博客


session相关方法主要定义在Store类中:Illuminate\Session\Store | Laravel API


Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session_第2张图片



  • 获取配置
	 * Get the session configuration.
	 * @return array
	public function getSessionConfig()
	    return $this->app['config']['session'];
  • 创建array驱动的Session
     * Create an instance of the "array" session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createArrayDriver()
        return $this->buildSession(new NullSessionHandler);
  • 创建cookie驱动的Session
     * Create an instance of the "array" session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createArrayDriver()
        return $this->buildSession(new NullSessionHandler);
  • 创建file驱动的Session
     * Create an instance of the file session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createFileDriver()
        return $this->createNativeDriver();
     * Create an instance of the file session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createNativeDriver()
        $lifetime = $this->app['config']['session.lifetime'];

        return $this->buildSession(new FileSessionHandler(
            $this->app['files'], $this->app['config']['session.files'], $lifetime
  • 创建database驱动的Session
     * Create an instance of the database session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createDatabaseDriver()
        $table = $this->app['config']['session.table'];

        $lifetime = $this->app['config']['session.lifetime'];

        return $this->buildSession(new DatabaseSessionHandler(
            $this->getDatabaseConnection(), $table, $lifetime, $this->app

     * Get the database connection for the database driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connection
    protected function getDatabaseConnection()
        $connection = $this->app['config']['session.connection'];

        return $this->app['db']->connection($connection);
  • 创建apc/memcached/redis驱动的Session
     * Create an instance of the APC session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createApcDriver()
        return $this->createCacheBased('apc');

     * Create an instance of the Memcached session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createMemcachedDriver()
        return $this->createCacheBased('memcached');

     * Create an instance of the Redis session driver.
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createRedisDriver()
        $handler = $this->createCacheHandler('redis');


        return $this->buildSession($handler);

     * Create an instance of a cache driven driver.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function createCacheBased($driver)
        return $this->buildSession($this->createCacheHandler($driver));

     * Create the cache based session handler instance.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\CacheBasedSessionHandler
    protected function createCacheHandler($driver)
        $store = $this->app['config']->get('') ?: $driver;

        return new CacheBasedSessionHandler(
            clone $this->app['cache']->store($store),
  • 创建Session
     * Build the session instance.
     * @param  \SessionHandlerInterface  $handler
     * @return \Illuminate\Session\Store
    protected function buildSession($handler)
        if ($this->app['config']['session.encrypt']) {
            return $this->buildEncryptedSession($handler);

        return new Store($this->app['config']['session.cookie'], $handler);
  • 设置和获取默认驱动
     * Get the default session driver name.
     * @return string
    public function getDefaultDriver()
        return $this->app['config']['session.driver'];

     * Set the default session driver name.
     * @param  string  $name
     * @return void
    public function setDefaultDriver($name)
        $this->app['config']['session.driver'] = $name;




  • Manager中有一个重要的方法:__call
     * Dynamically call the default driver instance.
     * @param  string  $method
     * @param  array   $parameters
     * @return mixed
    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        return $this->driver()->$method(...$parameters);

     * Get a driver instance.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return mixed
    public function driver($driver = null)
        $driver = $driver ?: $this->getDefaultDriver();

        // If the given driver has not been created before, we will create the instances
        // here and cache it so we can return it next time very quickly. If there is
        // already a driver created by this name, we'll just return that instance.
        if (! isset($this->drivers[$driver])) {
            $this->drivers[$driver] = $this->createDriver($driver);

        return $this->drivers[$driver];

     * Create a new driver instance.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    protected function createDriver($driver)
        // We'll check to see if a creator method exists for the given driver. If not we
        // will check for a custom driver creator, which allows developers to create
        // drivers using their own customized driver creator Closure to create it.
        if (isset($this->customCreators[$driver])) {
            return $this->callCustomCreator($driver);
        } else {
            $method = 'create'.Str::studly($driver).'Driver';

            if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                return $this->$method();
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Driver [$driver] not supported.");


  • 自定义驱动
     * Register a custom driver creator Closure.
     * @param  string    $driver
     * @param  \Closure  $callback
     * @return $this
    public function extend($driver, Closure $callback)
        $this->customCreators[$driver] = $callback;

        return $this;

     * Call a custom driver creator.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return mixed
    protected function callCustomCreator($driver)
        return $this->buildSession(parent::callCustomCreator($driver));


     * Call a custom driver creator.
     * @param  string  $driver
     * @return mixed
    protected function callCustomCreator($driver)
        return $this->customCreators[$driver]($this->app);


Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session_第3张图片

  • 加载session
     * Start the session, reading the data from a handler.
     * @return bool
    public function start()

        if (! $this->has('_token')) {

        return $this->started = true;

     * Load the session data from the handler.
     * @return void
    protected function loadSession()
        $this->attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $this->readFromHandler());

     * Read the session data from the handler.
     * @return array
    protected function readFromHandler()
        if ($data = $this->handler->read($this->getId())) {
            $data = @unserialize($this->prepareForUnserialize($data));

            if ($data !== false && ! is_null($data) && is_array($data)) {
                return $data;

        return [];
  • 生成sessionId
     * Get a new, random session ID.
     * @return string
    protected function generateSessionId()
        return Str::random(40);
  • 重新生成sessionId
     * Generate a new session identifier.
     * @param  bool  $destroy
     * @return bool
    public function regenerate($destroy = false)
        return $this->migrate($destroy);

     * Generate a new session ID for the session.
     * @param  bool  $destroy
     * @return bool
    public function migrate($destroy = false)
        if ($destroy) {



        return true;
  • 获取session
     * Get an item from the session.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  mixed  $default
     * @return mixed
    public function get($key, $default = null)
        return Arr::get($this->attributes, $key, $default);

     * Get the value of a given key and then forget it.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  string  $default
     * @return mixed
    public function pull($key, $default = null)
        return Arr::pull($this->attributes, $key, $default);
  • 保存session
     * Push a value onto a session array.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  mixed   $value
     * @return void
    public function push($key, $value)
        $array = $this->get($key, []);

        $array[] = $value;

        $this->put($key, $array);

     * Flash a key / value pair to the session.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  mixed   $value
     * @return void
    public function flash(string $key, $value = true)
        $this->put($key, $value);

        $this->push('', $key);


     * Flash a key / value pair to the session for immediate use.
     * @param  string $key
     * @param  mixed $value
     * @return void
    public function now($key, $value)
        $this->put($key, $value);

        $this->push('_flash.old', $key);

     * Reflash all of the session flash data.
     * @return void
    public function reflash()
        $this->mergeNewFlashes($this->get('_flash.old', []));

        $this->put('_flash.old', []);

     * Reflash a subset of the current flash data.
     * @param  array|mixed  $keys
     * @return void
    public function keep($keys = null)
        $this->mergeNewFlashes($keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : func_get_args());

  • 清除session
     * Remove an item from the session, returning its value.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @return mixed
    public function remove($key)
        return Arr::pull($this->attributes, $key);

     * Remove one or many items from the session.
     * @param  string|array  $keys
     * @return void
    public function forget($keys)
        Arr::forget($this->attributes, $keys);

     * Remove all of the items from the session.
     * @return void
    public function flush()
        $this->attributes = [];
  • 保存session
     * Save the session data to storage.
     * @return bool
    public function save()

        $this->handler->write($this->getId(), $this->prepareForStorage(

        $this->started = false;


     * Determine if the session handler needs a request.
     * @return bool
    public function handlerNeedsRequest()
        return $this->handler instanceof CookieSessionHandler;

     * Set the request on the handler instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return void
    public function setRequestOnHandler($request)
        if ($this->handlerNeedsRequest()) {





class SessionServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()



     * Register the session manager instance.
     * @return void
    protected function registerSessionManager()
        $this->app->singleton('session', function ($app) {
            return new SessionManager($app);

     * Register the session driver instance.
     * @return void
    protected function registerSessionDriver()
        $this->app->singleton('', function ($app) {
            // First, we will create the session manager which is responsible for the
            // creation of the various session drivers when they are needed by the
            // application instance, and will resolve them on a lazy load basis.
            return $app->make('session')->driver();



Laravel 的 HTTP 会话机制——Session_第4张图片

  • handle方法
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $this->sessionHandled = true;

        // If a session driver has been configured, we will need to start the session here
        // so that the data is ready for an application. Note that the Laravel sessions
        // do not make use of PHP "native" sessions in any way since they are crappy.
        if ($this->sessionConfigured()) {
                $session = $this->startSession($request)


        $response = $next($request);

        // Again, if the session has been configured we will need to close out the session
        // so that the attributes may be persisted to some storage medium. We will also
        // add the session identifier cookie to the application response headers now.
        if ($this->sessionConfigured()) {
            $this->storeCurrentUrl($request, $session);

            $this->addCookieToResponse($response, $session);

        return $response;

     * Start the session for the given request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Session
    protected function startSession(Request $request)
        return tap($this->getSession($request), function ($session) use ($request) {


     * Remove the garbage from the session if necessary.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Session  $session
     * @return void
    protected function collectGarbage(Session $session)
        $config = $this->manager->getSessionConfig();

        // Here we will see if this request hits the garbage collection lottery by hitting
        // the odds needed to perform garbage collection on any given request. If we do
        // hit it, we'll call this handler to let it delete all the expired sessions.
        if ($this->configHitsLottery($config)) {


  • terminate方法
     * Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response  $response
     * @return void
    public function terminate($request, $response)
        if ($this->sessionHandled && $this->sessionConfigured() && ! $this->usingCookieSessions()) {

