
Python Challenge

Python challenge 2 - String <--> ASCii & maketrans

Python challenge 3 - urllib & re

Python challenge 4

Python challenge 5

Python challenge 6 - pickle

Python challenge 7 - zipfile

Python challenge 8 - PIL

Python challenge 9 - bz2

Python challenge 10

Python challenge 11 - look and see sequence

Python challenge 12

Python challenge 13

Python challenge 14 - xmlrpclib & RPC protocol

Python Interview

Python interview - Global 

Python interview - mutable & immutable

Python Interview - __init__.py

Python interview - Iterators & Generators

Python interview - list comprehension & generator expression

Python interview - Split & Join

Python interview - range & xrange

Python interview - Constructor

Python interview - Decorator

Python interview - *args & **kwargs

Python interview - list & tuple & set & dictionary

Python interview - sort & sorted

Python interview - repr & str

Python interview - override & overload

Python interview - text to JSON & zip & with statement

Python interview - Marshal & JSON & Pickle

Python interview - ternary conditional operator 三目运算符

Python interview - Interpreter

Python interview - lambda

Python interview - reduce & map & filter

Python interview - Python垃圾处理机制

Python interview - sys & os


Ruby - Configuration

